Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Awful Sister: I Will Never Shut Up!

Forget those earlier rumors about Meghan Markle being a bridezilla.

Based on a few anonymous quotes, it just sounds like the former actress is a perfectionist who wants her wedding to go as smoothly as possible.

But sister-of-the-bride-zilla? This made-up term doesn’t adequately begin to describe bitter, disrespectful and all-around awful Samantha Grant.

Grant (who is sometimes referred to as Samantha Markle) has been making the media rounds for months now, exploiting the fame of her half-sibling by using every platform she can find to disparage Prince Harry’s fiancee.

She’s actually writing a book about her sister (which labels Meghan as a “Pushy Princess”), despite the fact that Samantha is 17 years her senior and the two barely know each other.

Of late, Samantha has been in the news more than ever because the father she shares with Meghan has made headlines for two reasons:

  1. He will not be attending the Royal Wedding due to a recent heart attack and upcoming heart procedure.

  2. He was recently busted for a pay-for-pose scheme in which he would pay paparazzo to snap flattering photos of him.

Samantha has been defending her father in numerous interview, even getting into a heated debate with Piers Morgan after she blamed the media for how he’s been treated.

Watch it unfold here:

Elsewhere, Samantha has not shut up about how she and a few other family members are NOT invited to the wedding.

And she made it clear while talking to TMZ yesterday that she doesn’t plan on shutting up, either.

“If it’s about my life or my fathers’s, there’s something in this country known as freedom of speech,” Samantha told this celebrity gossip outlet, adding in defiance:

“She doesn’t have a copyright on that and she’s not going to tell me that I can’t speak about my own life or my father’s where it’s a matter of public self-defense.”

It’s worth noting, of course, that Markle has not come out and told Samantha to be quiet.

We’re sure she’s thought it because Samantha is dragging her all over the place.

However, Kensington Place simply released the following statement in light of Thomas Markle backing out of the festivities:

This is a deeply personal moment for Ms. Markle in the days before her wedding. She and Prince Harry ask again for understanding and respect to be extended to Mr. Markle in this difficult situation.

But whatever, people!

Samantha Grant won’t be silenced, okay?!?

“The media is disparaging us. I’m not going to take it,” she added to TMZ, going on about her relative:

“She’s not qualified to suggest that I don’t under any law in this country. This is not Great Britain. I am a United States citizen. That’s all there is to it.”

Samantha sounds totally sane and reasonable, huh?

According to this terrible person, Markle is “way out of her league to tell me that I can’t speak. I’m not saying anything about her but if I’m talking about my life or my father’s, she has to respect it.”

Except that Samantha has said A LOT about Meghan.

She has said her sister isn’t actually a humanitarian and that she’s a phony and that she has no class.

She has said these sort of things many, many times in public.

But whatever.

Markle continues to take the high road and she’ll at least have the last laugh, that’s for certain/

In what way?

In the way she gets to have sex with Prince Harry for the rest of her life. Woo-hoo!

Game, set, match… Meghan Markle.
