Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Jill Duggar: Will She Leave Derick Dillard Because of His Political Views?

Like all of the women in her family, Jill Duggar was taught from a young age that there’s no higher calling than being a wife and mother.

However, Jill was also taught that her number one duty is to God, and now it seems that the 27-year-old may feel that her two greatest loyalties are in direct conflict with one another.

If you follow the Duggar clan closely, then by now, you’ve likely heard that Jill’s husband, Derick Dillard, was fired from the family’s reality show, Counting On, after launching a transphobic tirade on social media.

Shortly thereafter, Jill quit the show as a gesture of solidarity, but that doesn’t mean she shares all of Derick’s controversial views.

In fact, in recent weeks, Jill has begun distancing herself from Derick’s views in a number of subtle ways.

It all started when a handful of fans called Jill out for hypocrisy on Instagram.

In response to a post about Jill’s prayers for her children, several users commented that she should pray for her husband to be less bigoted and more tolerant.

Seemingly referring to Derick’s controversial comments, Jill replied:

“I have never said those actions were ok.”

Shortly thereafter, Jill took another stand against her husband’s views, this time in more subtle fashion.

Just one day after Derick expressed his enthusiasm for a border wall between the US and Mexico, Jill made it clear that she’s no fan of President Trump’s pet project.

Jill posted several photos of her Latina goddaughter and referred to herself as a “proud madrina” (Spanish for “godmother”) in a post that many interpreted as a sign that she doesn’t share her husband’s views on immigration.

Again, it wasn’t an out-and-out rebuttal of Derick’s views, but it was still a surprising display of independence from a woman who was raised to believe wives should be subservient to their husbands at all times.

And remarkably, Jill’s mini-rebellion didn’t end there.

Jill Duggar Meme

Last week, Jill posted the above meme on her Instagram page.

She captioned the image:

“This has so many applications to our lives! Let your voice be heard.”

On its own, the post seems to have little application to Jill’s marriage, but once again, fans noticed that the timing of the post may speak volumes.

The meme appeared on Jill’s page not long after Derick made comments about TV personality Nate Berkus that many considered homophobic.

Yes, even diehard Duggar fans were disgusted by Derick’s remarks about Berkus and his family.

So was this Jill’s way of saying that she’s standing up to the forces of evil?

If so, it’s a bit ironic that she’s choosing to make her voice heard in such low-key fashion, but fans haven’t given up hope.

Many believe Jill is planning to publicly speak out against Derick’s views.

Some even believe she’ll eventually leave her divisive husband.

That seems unlikely, given the Duggar family’s dim view of divorce, but it’s not hard to see why fans are beginning to believe that Jill is less submissive than her sisters when it comes to her marriage.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.
