Wednesday, May 2, 2018

David Eason Goes OFF on Kailyn Lowry, Barbara Evans In Epic Rant!

Of all the losers, users and abusers who have gained fame from the Teen Mon franchise, it"s possible that none is so repugnant as David Eason.

Eason was fired from Teen Mom 2 back in February after he launched a homophobic tirade against the fans who dared to suggest that he shouldn"t be singing the praises of assault weapons just hours after the world learned of the Parkland, Florida school shooting.

Now, it looks as though his wife, Jenelle Evans, will be following in his footsteps, as she"s likely to be canned after a road rage incident that ended in her threatening to kill the other driver.

But David isn"t concerned about the fact that his wife is clearly out of her gourd – no he"s much to busy taking shots at Jenelle"s mother and co-stars on social media.

See what we mean in the gallery below:

1. Idle Hands

Jenelle evans boyfriend david eason

David has a lot of time on his hands these days. He’s 100% unemployed after being unceremoniously booted by Teen Mom 2 producers following some truly horrendous comments on social media.

2. Keeping Busy

Jenelle evans david eason on instagram

David COULD keep busy by seeking employment or taking a larger role in his children’s lives. But instead, it seems he’s decided to focus his attention on stirring up further drama on social media.

3. No Lesson Learned

Jenelle evans david eason and ensley jolie

You might think that David would mostly steer clear of online trash talk after it cost him his job, but as evidenced by – well, pretty much everything in his life – this is not a man who devotes much thought to his actions.

4. Shots at Kail

Jenelle evans and kailyn lowry

Evans has long had beef with her TM2 co-star Kailyn Lowry, and it seems Kail wound up directly in David’s crosshairs over the weekend.

5. Crass as Ever

Jenelle eason david eason

“So I guess Kailyn Lowry got her keyboard so greasy from cheetos that her finger slipped and said some tough guy sh-t about me and my wife,” David wrote, no doubt thinking he was being very clever.

6. A Low Blow

David eason bartending

“Apparently her plastic surgeon filled her head with the same sh!t he filled her ass with #nocommonsense,” he added.

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