Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Kate Gosselin Baits Fans, Leaves Collin Out of Early Birthday Pic

Last year, Kate Gosselin wasn’t shy about the fact that five of her sextuplets celebrated their birthday without Collin.

Kate has been beyond vague about his “treatment program” for alleged “special needs” that has kept him away from his siblings for years.

Now, as her children turn 14, Collin is nowhere to be found. But Kate seems to be trying to hide that fact.

In the captions of this photo, Kate writes:

“Rainy day ice cream. … #HowAreMyBabiesTurning14?”

Kate and John’s sextuplets will turn 14 on Thursday, May 10.

“#LoveThemAll (even the ones who refused to be in the pic)”

Despite a caption that many saw as almost begging for questions about Collin Gosselin, some commenters glossed over his absence from the photo to fawn over kate.

Others just ignored all of that to make simple, positive posts.

“WOW! 14 already?! They have grown so quickly.”

A number of Kate’s harshest critics noticed Collin’s absence and spoke up.

“This lady is evil all she cares about is herself, fame and having everything her way.”

That is a common characterization of Kate.

“She did it again, wanted to get people attention and got it.”

This comment seems to refer to her highlighting Collin’s absence, which people see as a (successful) strategy for getting a lot of Instagram interactions.

“FREE COLLIN!!!!!!!!!”

Some fear the worst for the poor boy.

“Collin could be away in some dungeon for all [fans] know.”

Others expressed disgust with Kate for shipping him off.

“Sick that she as a parent wouldn’t want to learn how to deal with any issues. I did. Rather have my children where they feel loved and part of the family no matter what. Families do that.”

Others would at least like an explanation.

“She could let the public know how he is doing. The saddest thing to me is that the dad to my knowledge has no contact with Collin. I don’t understand why he cannot take legal action to get to see his son.”

Others were more charitable in their view of Kate and even spoke in her defense.

“Poor Collin.. I know he’s getting help and she’s doing what she needs to do to be a good mom. I just feel bad he can’t celebrate his birthdays with his siblings.”

One person thinks that Kate is right to be so cryptic about Collin.

“When Kate (and Collin) are ready to let fans of Kate Plus 8 know more about their situation, they’ll do so. Not before, not for the sake of your curiosity or even your concern.”

Fans with comments like this should probably remember that Collin likely won’t be free to speak his mind. That’s for another four years.

When fans say that, they should remember that four years isn’t an inconvenience — that is a massive chunk of a teenager’s life.

The Kate apologists continued to post, and some got very defensive.

“She posted a pic of her children who I believe she loves greatly. I don’t believe he was ‘kicked out’ and all I am saying is stop asking where Colin is every time she posts something.”

That person doesn’t think that people should even ask? About the whereabouts and well-being of a minor?

Other fans were weirded out by that assertion.

“I think it’s should be ok to ask where Colin is people who has watched the show from the beginning, [they] are just curious.”


“I find it sad how some of Kate’s fans are telling other Kate fans to stop talking about Collin. It’s been 3 years since he’s been gone and nothing from Kate. Now before you bring up the privacy argument,simply telling fans that hes home is not exposing details about anything.”

Many feel that such a level of privacy — where someone can just disappear for years without explanation — goes out the window when you use your children as props to become reality stars.

Other commenters decided to try to steer away from the Collin discussion, writing:

“I’m sure Kate is referring to the twins not wanting to be in the picture.”


What may be our favorite comment was this one:

“Shouldn’t be Kate +7.”

It’s hard to tell if this person is saying that Collin should be there, or if they mean shouldn’t it, suggesting that the show’s name should be changed for accuracy.
