Thursday, May 24, 2018

Amy Roloff: Blindsided by Matt Roloff Rebound Romance!

For the record, Amy Roloff and Matt Roloff got divorced back in the spring of 2016.

Both have moved on to long-lasting, happy relationships and neither has anything especially negative to say about the other in public.

So why are we often writing about tension between the exes? Why does a new report chronicle Amy’s reaction to Matt’s post-marriage romance?

Because the latest run of Little People, Big World episodes have focused on this exact issue, that’s why.

On Tuesday night, for example, Amy and Matt clashed over the business aspect of their relationship, with Matt’s girlfriend having to get involved because she actually manages the family farm.

(Her name is Caryn Chandler and she knew Amy very well before jumping into bed with Matt. Awkward, right?!?!?)

Even though Amy is very happy with boyfriend Chris Marek, she’s acknowledged here and there that it’s weird for Matt to have moved on with Caryn.

“Of course that’s hurtful,” Amy said on air last year, while Chandler said just this past week:

“I don’t want to invade anyone’s space, and the moment Amy doesn’t want me coming around anymore, I won’t.”

Accoring to a new Radar Online report, meanwhile, the reason this situation is so full of tension is because Amy was taken by complete surprise when Matt started dating Caryn.

The romance began pretty shortly after she and Matt filed for divorce.

But feelings may have been developed before then.

“Their bond definitely happened over the years,” an insider said of Matt and Caryn, who recently quit working for the family after 10 years.

So why was Amy so taken aback when the pair started dating?

Explains this Radar source:

Caryn became this person that Matt felt understood how important the farm was to him, because she was there helping him run the day to day operations.

“But it’s not fair to Amy, she was there raising his kids and running the house, and doing the other half of the duties.”

On the whole, it’s difficult to debate that Matt and Amy have handled their break-up as well as possible.

They continue to work side by side on the farm and also on their TLC reality show, all while dating other people AND living on the same property.

How many people could pull this off, remain sane and remain mostly scandal-free?

It was nearly two years ago exactly when the reality stars released the following statement, confirming their divorce:

After 27 years of marriage, it is with great sadness that we have come to the difficult decision to file for divorce.

We are proud of what we have accomplished together, including raising four wonderful children who have grown to become remarkable adults and building our strong and ongoing successful business.

Matt and Amy no longer share a bed. But they get along mostly well and share two precious grandkids!

This statement was released in June 2016, but the pair had been living apart since early 2014.

“Last year, it was long and tough,” Matt said by way of explanation on the couple’s reality show around this time, adding:

“Amy and I had a lot of tensions, so right around Thanksgiving, I thought I would move over to the [guest] house for a little bit…Amy and I stuck it out for years when maybe we shouldn’t have.

“I never quite felt at home in my own home, so something needed to change.”

As documented below, Matt is finally thinking of leaving this guest house and finding his own place.

With Chandler as his wife? Possibly!
