Friday, July 13, 2018

Big Brother Recap: Did Swaggy C Survive Eviction Night?

Kaitlyn Herman decided to blow up her alliance in favor of making one of the biggest moves in Big Brother history, but did it all come together? 

We picked up at the top of the hour with Swaggy blindsided to be put on the block by someone he thought was close to him in the game. 

It turns out, every single comment you make in the game can be manipulated to benefit someone else, and that’s what happened here. 

Swaggy has been open with some houseguests about his plans, and he did claim that Kaitlyn was the lowest person on the totem pole in the alliance. 

It presented the perfect opportunity for Tyler to turn Kaitlyn against her allies, and it worked. Bayliegh went up to the HOH room to comfort a teary-eyed Kaitlyn. 

Bayliegh admitted to the audience that she knew she would need to take a new approach to deal with the news about Swaggy. 

She opened up to Kaitlyn and said that Swaggy was not immediately targeting her and that there were other targets who could be taken out instead. 

Meanwhile, Swaggy, Rockstar, Faysal, and Scottie chatted in the Have Not room, and Swaggy was adamant there was still time to change the tide. 

He said that the key to surviving the week would be to get through to both Tyler and Kaitlyn. Yes, Swaggy’s side of the house recognized that Tyler was the one in Kaitlyn’s ear. 

Swaggy even had a chat with Sam and opened up about his troubled childhood and how he created the Swaggy persona. It was almost believable … until he hit up the Diary Room to say that he was acting. 

Heck, it even made Sam question whether she should use her power on him. By the time the eviction rolled around, the house was well and truly divided. 

  • Bayleigh votes to evict: Winston

  • Brett votes to evict: Swaggy 

  • Kaycee votes to evict: Swaggy 

  • Tyler votes to evict: Swaggy

  • Angie votes to evict: Winston 

  • Haleigh votes to evict: Winston

  • Faysal votes to evict: Winston

  • Scottie votes to evict: Swaggy 

  • JC votes to evict: Swaggy

  • Angela votes to evict: Swaggy

  • Rachel votes to evict: Swaggy

  • Sam votes to evict: Swaggy

Swaggy has been evicted!

Swaggy left the house but refused to hug Haleigh on the way out the door. He later found out that Haleigh was not the one to vote him out. 


In any case, it was all down to the HOH competition to see who would have the power for another week. 

It played out as follows:

  • Round 1: Kaycee eliminated 

  • Round 2: Tyler, Angela, Bayleigh, Winston, JC, Brett, Haleigh eliminated 

  • Round 3: Sam eliminated Round 4: All safe. 

  • Round 5: Angie eliminated 

  • Round 6: Faysal eliminated

  • Round 7: Both safe – Scottie & Rachel remain Tie-breaker: Scottie wins!

The final round was tense because Rachel kept getting a little too excited at the prospect of winning the competition. But when she turned her board around to Julie, it was muddled with different numbers. 

With Scottie being loyal to Tyler for taking him off the block, it remains to be seen whether FOUTE will continue to lose ground. 

What are your thoughts on the latest twists and turns?

Hit the comments below. 
