Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Alex Rodriguez vs. Michael Strahan: Unexpected Feud Alert!

What does the most-hated man in the New York sports world have in common with one of its most-beloved figures?

Well, as it turns out, they’re both on TV, and they both can’t stand each other!

A-Rod and Michael Strahan

Yes, according to Radar Online, Michael Strahan and Alex Rodriguez are locked in a heated competition for airtime.

“Alex Rodriguez is everywhere!” an insider tells the site.

“Michael is feeling overshadowed — even though he’s six-foot-five!”

Yes, it seems Strahan is concerned about the possibility of Rodriguez edging him out as the TV world’s most in-demand former athlete.

Apparently, Michael was okay with Alex calling baseball games but now feels the disgraced ex-Yankee is trampling on his turf.

Sources claim Strahan was not happy when Rodriguez landed a spot on ABC’s Shark Tank and was seriously pissed off when the boyfriend of Jennifer Lopez was hired by Good Morning America.

Strahan, of course, has been a regular on GMA since 2016, and it seems he feels the show simply isn’t big enough for two retired jocks.

“Michael was irate,” a source spilled.

“He immediately felt threatened that Alex is being groomed to replace him.”

Part of the problem, it seems, is that Strahan and Rodriguez have remarkably similar personalities:

“They both have massive egos,” the insider says.

“Michael is seething that all anybody talks about is A-Rod.”

In addition, Strahan reportedly doesn’t believe the scandal-plagued Rodriguez deserves a second shot at stardom.

“Michael can’t believe the image renovation Alex has gotten on TV,” the source claims.

“He used to be hated. Now Michael is telling pals Alex is set to replace him!”

Frankly, we have a hard time believing this story.

Not because of how chill Strahan seems on TV.

Any seasoned media vet can fake a persona, and the man obviously has a competitive streak inside him, so it’s not hard to imagine him clashing with a younger up-and-comer.

No, the reason we’re not buying that Strahan feels threatened is that dude is on TV more than Big Bang Theory reruns.

We literally have no idea how the hell he sleeps.

The man is up at 5 am for Good Morning America; he films random crap like $ 100,000 Pyramid in the afternoons, and all football season he has to pretend to laugh at Terry Bradshaw’s jokes while doing Fox’s NFL pre-game show.

Besides, even if Strahan and A-Rod are really in direct competition with one another, at least they can both take comfort in the fact that they’re not Joe Buck.

Truly, there’s no worse fate than that.
