Thursday, August 9, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian Allegedly Hired a Spy to Catch Cheating Boyfriend

Call it women’s intuition.

Call it learning from the recent plight of her sister.

Or just call it having a lot of money to burn so why not use it as a means to cover all relationship bases.

Whatever basis you want to ascribe to it, the alleged fact of the matter is that Kourtney Kardashian had such an inkling that Younes Bendjima was cheating on her that she took a drastic step to learn the truth.

According to Radar Online, the veteran reality star hired a private investigator to follow Bendjima around and to catch him in the act.

Which is exactly what happened, according to Kourtney at least.

Photos leaked this past weekend of Bendjima hangout out on a yacht with a woman named Jordan Ozuna.

Both Younes and Jordan have said they are just friends and that the former has been nothing but loyal to Kourtney, but it doesn’t sound as if any members of the Kardashian family are convinced.

Just consider the shade Kim and Khloe both hurled in the direction of Bendjima this week, shortly after news of his split from Kourtney went viral.

According to a friend, per Radar, “Kourtney feels like an idiot for wasting two years of her life on [Bendjima].”

This same source says that Kardashian “knew” for awhile that the hunky model was “running around on her, but he kept denying it.”

Hence the need for Kourtney to hire a professional spy in order to find out once and for all whether Younes was pulling a Tristan Thompson on her or not.

The star apparently started to think Bendjima was being disloyal to her back in April when he was spotted out with an unnamed mystery woman.

This is when the relationship started to turn sour, and the spiral was only exacerbated last month when Bendjima dared to call Kourtney out for sharing a racy photo online.

The 25-year old trying to claim ownership of Kourtney’s body in this manner was shameful enough, but it only proved to be even more disgusting after he then rubbed his own body all over another woman.

“She is done now,” writes Radar, adding of the break-up fallout:

“He tried to contact her and explain that him and Jordan are just friends, but she was not having any of it.

“He has even tried to reach out to her sisters, but they already blocked him.”

Not only have they blocked her, an insider says, but…

“Kourtney and her family are going to make sure that Younes is blacklisted from everything and that he does not get any work as a model again.”

Seriously, you do NOT want to cross the Kardashians, people.

Now, though, of course, everyone is wondering whether Kourtney’s naked body will once again cross paths with Scott Disick’s naked body.

That is, will the exes get back together?

No, resport Us Weekly.

“Nothing with Scott is rumored or even remotely on the horizon at all, so while people will inevitably try to spin it and say he’ll try and get back with her, they aren’t going to,” an insider tells this tabloid, concluding:

“He and Sofia [Richie] are happy where they are now and they’re simply doing their own thing, and Scott and Kourtney are coparenting their kids as they have been with great success.”

The two share Mason, 8, Penelope, 6, and Reign, 3.

“Scott will always love and be there for Kourtney and is just happy that they are on good terms for the sake of their kids,” adds this source.
