Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Kailyn Lowry FIRES Teen Mom 2 Producer: He Set Me Up to Get My Ass Kicked!

If you"re a longtime Teen Mom 2 viewer, then you"re probably familiar with JC Cueva.

Cueva has been embedded in Delaware as Kailyn Lowry"s producer since 2016.

Unfortunately, it seems his days as head of the show"s Kailyn unit has come to an end, and it was none other than Kail herself who kicked Cueva to the curb.

Yes, according to The Ashley"s Reality Roundup, Lowry fired Cueva after accusing him of being more concerned with his job than with her safety.

It all played out during last night"s drama-packed Teen Mom 2 reunion, and the situation highlights just how upset Kail was over what went down.

1. Angry Kail

Kail pic teen mom 2

If you watched Monday’s reunion special, you know that it was quite a stressful night for Ms. Lowry.

2. Multiple Confrontations

Kail on teen mom 2

Kail nearly came to blows with Briana DeJesus on more than one occasion. Both times, security guards prevented the ladies from actually pummeling each other.

3. In Harm’s Way

Kailyn lowry glasses

Though she escaped the evening without any injuries (though she did get her hair pulled by Britanny DeJesus) Kail apparently felt that producers didn’t do enough to keep her safe.

4. Pre-Show Drama

Jc cueva

According to The Ashley, Kail was already less than thrilled with Cueva as “JC had some drama with one of Kail’s friends” during a previous taping session.

5. JC Ya Later

Jc cueva photo

Little is known about that incident, but it reportedly made Kail “uncomfortable” working with Cueva.

6. Lashing Out

Kail has no sh ts to give

The situation came to a head after the second of Kail and Bri’s two on-set confrontations, as Lowry felt that Cueva intentionally put her in harm’s way.

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