Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Floribama Shore Season 2 Episode 5 Recap: More Than a Boo Thang

The Floribama Shore cast sure knows how to bring the drama, and that’s likely why the show is achieving its highest ratings yet. 

Floribama Shore Season 2 Episode 5‘s primary focus was Codi Butts and his desperate attempts to get close to Candace Rice. 

In a drunken moment, Codi proved how thirsty he was by saying that he wanted to take Candace out on a date and that he spent the whole of the previous summer getting close to Aimee to make Candace jealous. 

Yes, he went there, and Candace was oddly happy to know it. Let’s face it: They’re a mismatched couple. They are very different from one another, but that did not stop Codi. 

Candace ultimately decided to give Codi a chance. Codi was a little too excited and made his way to the gym. The only issue was that he thought he was going to get an instant six-pack. 

Candace woke up in the morning and was worried about what a date with Codi would mean for her relationship with Gator, or whatever the heck his name is. 

The man was not impressed, telling Candace that if she disrespected him in that manner, he would do the same. Candace shut all the dating chat down, and Codi was mad, but he was trying to act like everything was okay. 

Codi told Kirk he was going to find a nice “black chick” to make Candace realize what she was missing. That night, he went to the bar and kissed several women as Candace egged him on to do so. 

But things changed, and she got mad about it. She grabbed Nilsa and Aimee, and they headed home. In the “thot mobile,” Candace aired her thoughts on Codi, and confirmed to Aimee that he said he just used her last summer. 

That was enough to upset Aimee. Back at the house, Codi denied it, but thanks to the power of editing, we got to watch him say it again. 

Candace was not impressed and flipped the eff out, and Codi ultimately tried to imply he never did anything wrong. 

Meanwhile, Logan, Kortni’s loser boyfriend flew off the handle when she failed to call him after a night out. You could tell she was so over the relationship but was continuing with it for the cameras. 

She allowed Logan to show up at the house, and she laid down the law with him. He obliged and left moments before Jeremiah returned home. 

Yes, we totally wanted Jeremiah to walk in because it would have surely kicked off yet another big argument. 

Also, Kirk, Codi, and Jeremiah started the job at Shore Dogs, and all three were blindsided to learn that they would be cleaning toilets, making food and serving customers. 

The girls were against it when they were told about it and said they would not be going. Yes, this is going to cause even more fights!

What are your thoughts on all the latest developments? 

Hit the comments below. 

Floribama Shore continues Mondays on MTV!
