Monday, August 13, 2018

Jenelle Evans FINALLY Signs on for New Season of Teen Mom 2!

Great news for Jenelle Evans fans!

And also for those of us who are fans of watching Jenelle be one of the hottest messes in the history of reality television!

After months of negotiations, Jenelle has finally signed her contract for the new season of Teen Mom 2 — yep, she"s going to be back with Kailyn, Leah, Chelsea, and Briana for all the drama that the next season will surely bring!

But how did it happen?

How did MTV keep her to agree to sign?

Oh, just wait till you hear …

1. Dude

Jenelle evans dude shirt

Jenelle’s Teen Mom 2 gig has been up in the air for the better part of this year — ever since she shared that insensitive photo of herself with the assault rifle immediately after the Parkland school shooting back in February.

2. Going Downhill

Jenelle evans and david eason on july 4

A few days after that, David went on his infamous homophobic rant, and he was pretty much immediately fired by MTV.

3. Ugh

Jenelle evans kissy face with david eason

Jenelle never directly supported his statements, but she continued on with her “stand by your man” nonsense, and she certainly never said anything against his backward views.

4. So Long?

Jenelle evans david eason on instagram

At the time, there were lots of rumors that MTV was strongly considering firing Jenelle as well.

5. Way to Drag It Out

Your jenelle evans selfie

This went on FOREVER. Seriously, for so long.

6. Well, Jenelle …

Jenelle evans eye roll

At one point, she claimed to be starting her own show on YouTube, and she threatened to quit several times.

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