Showing posts with label Amelia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amelia. Show all posts

Friday, October 13, 2017

Grey"s Anatomy Season 14 Episode 4 Recap: Did Amelia Survive?

Who is Amelia Shepherd?

That was the big question on Grey’s Anatomy Season 14 Episode 4 when the character underwent surgery to remove the tumor that has been taking up residence in her brain for the last few years. 

If you watch Grey’s Anatomy online, you will already know that Amelia has been all over the place since she started appearing on the show. 

Leaving her husband and job behind in Los Angeles, she appeared in Grey Sloan Memorial and immediately ruffled feathers. He mood was ever-changing, and people questioned whether she was crazy. 

With her erratic behavior, you would think the brain tumor storyline had been on the cards since her entrance. She underwent the surgery to have the tumor removed. 

The show did a great job to show off what was going on in Amelia’s mind as she struggled to communicate with her friends and family in the aftermath of the operation. 

Eventually, she came around and was her same irrational self. She struggled to come to terms with losing the tumor and felt like something was missing from her head. 

In the end, DeLuca said that it was because she grew up for so long with the tumor undetected, and she realized what was going on. 

She told Owen she knew he was dumping her. For that reason, she would be moving back in with her sisters. Owen gave her the whole in sickness and health schtick, and she decided to give their relationship one last try. 

Meanwhile, Nathan brought Megan’s son into the U.S., and it resulted in one of the most beautiful scenes of the entire series. It made sense because Megan was trying to flee the hospital at the top of the hour. 

Meredith also reiterated to Megan that Nathan and she were not going to happen and that she should try and make a go of things with him because they could be a family. 

On top of that, he went across the world to bring her sick son into the U.S. for her. If that’s not love, then I don’t know what is. 

Then there were the new interns. All of them were wrecks, and they should not be working in the hospital, but Bailey and Webber had to pick some of them. 

Will the hospital be able to remain a good one with the six new idiots in training? That will be an exciting watch. 

Also, Jo found herself in a tricky situation when Meredith’s surgery was making it into the press and Jo had to say she did not want to be part of the article in case her psycho husband showed up to kill her. 

That’s a wrap, you guys! What did you think of all the drama?

Sound off below!


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Amelia Earhart Mystery NOT Solved, Bloggers Claim Photo Predates Crash by 2 Years

The alleged Amelia Earhart photo featured in a new documentary about her disappearance does NOT solve the mystery … because the pic was taken before she crashed, according to history buffs. “Amelia Earhart: The Lost Evidence” claimed to have a…


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Amelia Earhart: Photo May Prove Pilot Survived Final Flight

If you’re like most Americans, the story of Amelia Earhart is one that you’re familiar with, but never devoted much serious thought to.

It’s a narrative that’s first introduced to most of us in grade school:

Earhart was an aviation pioneer and the first woman to make a solo flight across the Atlantic, but her life was cut tragically short during a failed attempt to fly around the globe. 

The circumstances surrounding Earhart’s disappearance remain mysterious, but it’s been widely assumed that she died in a crash after running out of fuel.

Now, 80 years after the famed pilot’s disappearance, a controversial photo is raising questions about the accuracy of that assumption.

The image – part of a new documentary produced by the History Channel and former FBI assistant director Shawn Henry – is being presented as evidence that Earhart did not die in a crash or as a castaway.

Instead, Henry claims, Earhart was held captive by the Japanese after crash landing her plane on a remote island in the South Pacific.

The photo, he says, shows Earhart surrounded by her captors.

Amelia Earhart

“This absolutely changes history,” Henry tells People magazine.

“I think we proved beyond a reasonable doubt that she survived her flight and was held prisoner by the Japanese on the island of Saipan, where she eventually died.”

Henry notes that the Japanese likely did not realize they were imprisoning a famous pilot, and they “may have believed” that Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, were American spies.

The theory that Earhart died in captivity has been espoused by numerous Earhart buffs over the years, but Henry claims this is the first photographic evidence that supports that notion.

The image has been analyzed by a digital forensic who confirmed that it hasn’t been retouched, as well as a facial recognition expert who says it’s “likely” that the seated woman in the photo is Earhart.

Earhart Newspaper

But there are some skeptics who insist that even if Earhart is the woman in the photo, the image proves nothing about her disappearance.

Ric Gillespie, owner of an organization dedicated to solving the Earhart mystery, says Earhart would not have had enough fuel to reach the Marshall Islands, where the photo was taken.

He also points out that her alleged captors in the image are not carrying guns, and do not appear to be behaving in any sort of menacing fashion.

Amelia Earhart: The Lost Evidence premieres on the History Channel on Sunday, July 9.


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

New Amelia Earhart Documentary is Bogus, Expert Claims

Amelia Earhart indeed survived her plane crash, but an upcoming documentary claiming to have photo evidence is crazy … so claims a man who has made the mystery his lifelong mission. Ric Gillespie, owner of TIGHAR — an organization long involved…


Amelia Earhart Survived Crash, Claims New Documentary with Photo Evidence

Amelia Earhart survived what everyone thought was a fatal flight and ended up a prisoner of war … this according to a new documentary. As everyone knows, almost 80 years ago to the day, Earhart took off in her Lockheed Electra from New Guinea and…


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Amelia Earhart -- Survived Plane Crash ... Died as a Castaway

Amelia Earhart did NOT die in a plane crash — she died as a castaway on an island after her plane crashed … this according to a pretty shocking new revelation. New evidence on a skeleton found in 1940 of a castaway on the the island of…
