Showing posts with label Brock. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brock. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Brock Turner Juror Lambasts Judge: Shame on Him!

A juror who found Brock Turner guilty on three felony counts of sexual assault has spoken out.

And he has some very harsh things to say.

Back in March, Turner – a 20-year old former swimmer at Stanford University – was convicted for sexually assaulting an unconscious woman near a dumpster in January of 2015.

Prosecutors in the case recommended Turner be sentenced to six years in state prison.

Instead, Judge Aaron Persky sentenced Turner to six months in county prison.

A number of responses to this sentencing have gone viral.

FIRST, the victim herself read a powerful statement in court, addressing Turner and detailing what her life has been like since his rape.

You can listen to it here:

SECOND, Turner’s father penned a letter to the judge in which he blew off his son’s sexual assault, referring to it as “20 minutes of action” that should not land his son behind bars.

Here. Read the full statement below:

Brocks Dad

THIRD, Turner’s mother also released a letter in which he pleaded with Persky not to sentence his child to any time in jail because it would be akin to a “death sentence.”

She argued that Turner’s privileged status would make him a target in prison.

FOURTH, Turner himself wrote a letter that chalked up his actions to “binge drinking and promiscuity.”

FIFTH, Vice President Joe Biden released a statement that addressed the victim and essentially apologized for the Hell she has gone through in this ordeal.

So that brings us here. To a juror who wished to remain anonymous and who published his own letter in The Palo Alto Weekly.

“After the guilty verdict I expected that this case would serve as a very strong deterrent to on-campus assaults, but with the ridiculously lenient sentence that Brock Turner received, I am afraid that it makes a mockery of the whole trial and the ability of the justice system to protect victims of assault and rape,” he wrote to Persky.

“Clearly there are few to no consequences for a rapist even if they are caught in the act of assaulting a defenseless, unconscious person.”

The added said he was “absolutely shocked and appalled” by the verdict,; he doesn’t believe that the punishment fits the crime

“It seems to me that you really did not accept the jury’s findings,” the letter reads:

“We were unanimous in our finding of the defendant’s guilt and our verdicts were marginalized based on your own personal opinion. This was my first experience as a juror, and frankly I am disappointed.”

As of this writing, Turner remains in protective custody at a Santa Clara County jail.

Persky, meanwhile, remains on the bench… although a recall petition against him was launched on on June 6.

It has already received more than one million supporters.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Joe Biden Sends Letter to Brock Turner Rape Victim

Joe Biden has a few things to say when it comes to the Brock Turner rape case.

And those things are all directed at the woman this former Stanford University student assaulted last year.

As previously reported in detail, Turner was convicted in March on three felony counts of sexual assault.

But the case went viral last week after the judge sentenced Turner to a mere six months in county jail, despite guidelines permitting a punishment as harsh as 14 years in state prison.

Prosecutors had argued for six years.

The Internet has been in a collective outrage over the judge’s decision, spurred on by the victim’s moving statement.

She stood up in court after the sentencing was announced and read a letter that outlined the effects this rape has had on her over the past 18 months.

It’s well worth your time to listen to read aloud by a CNN anchor below:

Turner himself has also issued a revolting statement, almost painting himself as a victim of the “binge drinking” culture in college.

But now the Vice President of the United States has stepped in to address the true victim in this situation.

“I do not know your name – but your words are forever seared on my soul. Words that should be required reading for men and women of all ages,” Biden’s letter reads.

It goes on:

I am in awe of your courage for speaking out – for so clearly naming the wrongs that were done to you and so passionately asserting your equal claim to human dignity.

And I am filled with furious anger. Both that this happened to you and that our culture is still so broken that you were ever put in the position of defending your own worth.

It’s true.

The judge who handed out such a lenient sentence to Turner said he feared anything worse would have a negative “impact” on the young man. Yes, he really said this about a rapist.

“The statistics on college sexual assault haven’t gone down in the past two decades. It’s obscene, and it’s a failure that lies at all our feet,” Biden adds.

“And you were failed by anyone who dared to question this one clear and simple truth: Sex without consent is rape. Period. It is a crime.”

Yes it is. Thank you for saying all of this, Mr. Vice President.

In related news, while it also does not make up for such a light prison term, USA Swimming has banned Brock Turner for life.

Says the organization in a statement:

“USA Swimming strictly prohibits and has zero tolerance for sexual misconduct, with firm Code of Conduct policies in place, and severe penalties, including a permanent ban of membership, for those who violate our Code of Conduct.”

Brock Turner: A History of Drug and Alcohol Use, Revealed

Let us be clear:

It should not matter whether Brock Turner was an alcoholic on the night he committed rape in January 2015 or if it had never had a drink prior to that night.

Turner was found guilty on three counts of sexual assault after he stuck his fingers and other objects in the vagina of an unconscious woman who was passed out on the street near a dumpster.

Those are the only facts that matter.

HOWEVER, in arguing for a lenient sentence from the judge in this controversial case, Turner claimed he was new to the partying scene as a Stanford freshman and blamed his actions on that night on binge drinking.

“Coming from a small town in Ohio, I had never really experienced celebrating or partying that involved alcohol,” Turner wrote to the judge.

It turns out he was lying.

In prosecutor Alaleh Kiancerci’s sentencing memo (obtained by The San Jose Mercury News), it appears clear that Turner had a history of both alcohol and drug use.

The main pieces of evidence here are text messages and videos found on Turner’s cellphone.

And they point to someone who engaged in plenty of extracurricular activities as a high school student.

The memo notes that there was “video depicting the defendant smoking from a bong and drinking out of a bottle of liquor immediately after taking a ‘bong hit.”

It also says that Turner once “sent a message to [a friend] that stated, ‘Do you think I could buy some wax so we could do some dabs?’”

Dabs, the memo explains, “are a highly concentrated potent form of marijuana that is a THC [tetrahydrocannabinol] concentrated mass.”

There were also text messages making a mention to “doing acid or trying to find a ‘hookup’ to purchase acid both in high school and while at Stanford.””

On December 24, 2014, for example, Turner was sent a text message that read:

“I’ve got a hankerin for a good acid trip when we get back.”

Turner wrote back:

“I’m down for sure.”

The there was July 25, 2014, when Turner then bragged to a pal about doing acid and “candy flipping.”

According to the document, candy flipping is when a person ingests both LSD and MDMA together.

This case has gone viral because Turner could have been sentenced to 14 years in state prison, but a judge said he worried about the “impact” such a punishment would have and only sentenced Turner to six months in county jail.

The victim responded with a moving statement and Turner’s father responded with a despicable statement:

Brocks Dad

There have been calls for Aaron Persky to be recalled from the bench in light of his sentencing and the reasoning behind it.

In the end, however, this all comes back to the victim and her powerful words in court. She is all that should matter here.

“I remain anonymous, to protect my identity. But it is also a statement that all of these people are fighting for someone they don’t know,” she told Turner in front of the judge.

“That’s the beauty of it.

“I don’t need labels, categories, to prove I am worthy of respect, to prove that I should be listened to. I am coming out to you as simply a woman wanting to be heard. Yes, there is plenty more I’d like to tell you about me. For now, I am every woman.”

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Brock Turner Case Sparks Response from Girls Cast

The cast of Girls has a lot to say about sexual assault, airing their feelings in a new video. 

The footage below includes Lena Dunham, Allison Williams, Jemima Kirke and Zosia Mamet.

It was created following the Stanford rape case that has dominated social media in recent weeks. 

As a quick refresher: Brock Turner was given just a six month sentence for sexually assaulting a drunk woman outside a party last January.

She was unconscious and the incident only came to an end because Turner got caught in the act.

Turner"s father then blamed it on "binge drinking" and called it "20 minutes of action." 

"We may star on Girls together, but that doesn"t mean we always agree," says Kirke early on. 

The video also features the stars making several jibes at each other. 

But it turned serious from there, given the subject matter.

They read out concering facts about from the CDC about sexual assault. 

After that, they showed that even though they have differences, they can still be a strong force. 

"Don"t avoid the hard conversation," pleads Allison. 

They want the world to know that victims can be strong and that people shouldn"t avoid listening to the ordeal. 

"Just being there makes it better," continues Dunham. 

Dunham even commented about it being the first time that four white women are accurately representing something.

She does have a point. A funny one. 

The video is very powerful and you should totally watch it. 

Girls recently concluded Season 5 on HBO, and the final season kicks off early next year. 

The video has gone viral already with the cast receiving a lot of praise for taking a stand. 

Click play!

Girls cast speak out against sexual assault

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Brock Turner Blames Sexual Assault on "Binge Drinking and Sexual Promiscuity"

A statement Brock Turner submitted in court last week has been made public.

Turner is the 20-year old former Stanford University student who was convicted on three felony counts of sexual assault and whose case has gone viral over the past several days.

The case has been making news because Judge Aaron Persky only sentenced Turner to six months in county jail, a punishment deemed far too lenient by endless critics on the Internet.

Following the surprising sentencing, Turner’s unnamed victim stood in court and read a moving statement, detailing how profoundly Turner’s actions have affected her life.

The ex-swimmer was convicted of digitally raping his unconscious victim near a dumpster outside a party early last year.

Watch the following video in order to hear the victim’s full statement:

Turner’s father also released a controversial statement of his own after the verdict was reached, explaining why his son should not spend a single day behind bars.

Now, The Guardian has published Turner’s own official statement.

This is part of what he wrote to the judge last week:

The night of January 17th changed my life and the lives of everyone involved forever.

I can never go back to being the person I was before that day. I am no longer a swimmer, a student, a resident of California, or the product of the work that I put in to accomplish the goals that I set out in the first 19 years of my life.

I’ve lost two jobs solely based on the reporting of my case. I wish I never was good at swimming or had the opportunity to attend Stanford, so maybe the newspapers wouldn’t want to write stories about me.


Turner doesn’t seem to understand that newspapers have written stories about him BECAUSE HE RAPED SOMEONE and got off with scarcely any punishment at all.

Not because he was very good at swimming.

In the lengthy letter, Turner mentioned the victim’s suffering. He continued:

I can never forgive myself for imposing trauma and pain on [redacted]. It debilitates me to think that my actions have caused her emotional and physical stress that is completely unwarranted and unfair.

During the day, I shake uncontrollably from the amount I torment myself by thinking about what has happened.

Turner went on to say that he should not spend time in jail because he can make a positive impact as a free man instead.

I know I can impact and change people’s attitudes towards the culture surrounded by binge drinking and sexual promiscuity that protrudes through what people think is at the core of being a college student.

I want to demolish the assumption that drinking and partying are what make up a college lifestyle. I made a mistake, I drank too much, and my decisions hurt someone.

There are times here when Turner seems contrite. Because he probably is in many ways.

But there are also far too many times when he blames his actions on drinking and still fails to grasp the concept that he sexually violated an unconscious woman.

This is not our opinion. This is a verdict handed down by a court.

The idea that he thinks he has something to teach others about “binge drinking and promiscuity” and nothing more is appalling.

Brock Turner Blames Sexual Assault on "Binge Drinking and Sexual Promiscuity"

A statement Brock Turner submitted in court last week has been made public.

Turner is the 20-year old former Stanford University student who was convicted on three felony counts of sexual assault and whose case has gone viral over the past several days.

The case has been making news because Judge Aaron Persky only sentenced Turner to six months in county jail, a punishment deemed far too lenient by endless critics on the Internet.

Following the surprising sentencing, Turner’s unnamed victim stood in court and read a moving statement, detailing how profoundly Turner’s actions have affected her life.

The ex-swimmer was convicted of digitally raping his unconscious victim near a dumpster outside a party early last year.

Watch the following video in order to hear the victim’s full statement:

Turner’s father also released a controversial statement of his own after the verdict was reached, explaining why his son should not spend a single day behind bars.

Now, The Guardian has published Turner’s own official statement.

This is part of what he wrote to the judge last week:

The night of January 17th changed my life and the lives of everyone involved forever.

I can never go back to being the person I was before that day. I am no longer a swimmer, a student, a resident of California, or the product of the work that I put in to accomplish the goals that I set out in the first 19 years of my life.

I’ve lost two jobs solely based on the reporting of my case. I wish I never was good at swimming or had the opportunity to attend Stanford, so maybe the newspapers wouldn’t want to write stories about me.


Turner doesn’t seem to understand that newspapers have written stories about him BECAUSE HE RAPED SOMEONE and got off with scarcely any punishment at all.

Not because he was very good at swimming.

In the lengthy letter, Turner mentioned the victim’s suffering. He continued:

I can never forgive myself for imposing trauma and pain on [redacted]. It debilitates me to think that my actions have caused her emotional and physical stress that is completely unwarranted and unfair.

During the day, I shake uncontrollably from the amount I torment myself by thinking about what has happened.

Turner went on to say that he should not spend time in jail because he can make a positive impact as a free man instead.

I know I can impact and change people’s attitudes towards the culture surrounded by binge drinking and sexual promiscuity that protrudes through what people think is at the core of being a college student.

I want to demolish the assumption that drinking and partying are what make up a college lifestyle. I made a mistake, I drank too much, and my decisions hurt someone.

There are times here when Turner seems contrite. Because he probably is in many ways.

But there are also far too many times when he blames his actions on drinking and still fails to grasp the concept that he sexually violated an unconscious woman.

This is not our opinion. This is a verdict handed down by a court.

The idea that he thinks he has something to teach others about “binge drinking and promiscuity” and nothing more is appalling.

Mike Golic GOES OFF on Brock Turner Sentencing

Mike Golic just said what everyone has been thinking when it comes to Brock Turner.

On his podcast yesterday, the former professional football player and current ESPN radio host took a few minutes to address the sexual assault case that has been sweeping the nation.

For those unaware:

Turner was convicted last week on three felony counts of sexual assault.

A jury found him guilty of digitally raping an unconscious woman outside of a party in January 2015, an incident that only ended because Turner ran away after he was caught near a dumpster by two Stanford graduate students.

The case has gone viral because Judge Aaron Persky only sentenced Turner to six months in country jail.

In a statement explaining why, Persky said he feared any harsher punishment would have a negative “impact” on Turner, a former top swimmer at Stanford.

In response, Turner’s victim read a letter in court that detailed the horrific ways in which Turner’s assault has changed her life in the past 18 months.

Turner’s father also released a grotesque statement that downplayed his son’s heinous actions and argued that Turner did not deserve any jail time.

On air on Tuesday, Golic went through the convictions that, according sentencing guidelines, could have landed predators such as Turner in state jail for 14 years. They were:

  • Intent to commit rape.

  • Penetration of an unconscious person.

  • Penetration of an unconscious person with a foreign object.

“You read that and you’re disgusted,” Golic said. “Convicted – he was convicted of that.”

Despite prosecutors recommending six years in state prison, Judge Persky (who was also a Stanford athlete) decided to give Turner just six months behind (county) bars because he felt “a prison sentence would have a severe of impact on him, and I don’t think he’ll be a danger to others.”

“Oh do ya?” Golic screamed.

When it came to Turner’s father, meanwhile, and his statement that his son hasn’t been eating or sleeping well since the assault, Golic really went off. 

“Sorry Brock that you don’t sleep well after assaulting this woman,” he said. “How is she doing? What about this woman?”

In conclusion, the ESPN personality said what any sane person has been thinking for days:

“Does Brock’s father or this judge understand that a woman was assaulted in this? At all?.

“It blows my mind, some of the things that go on.”

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Brock Turner Mug Shot: Finally Released

The Santa Clara Sheriff’s Department has finally released the mug shot of Brock Turner, the ex-Stanford University student who was convicted on three felony counts of sexual assault last week.

The mug shot was taken back when Turner was arrested in January of 2015.

It’s unclear why it took so long for authorities to make the mug shot public, but many news organizations had been clamoring for it ever since the Turner verdict and sentencing went viral.

Following a long trial, Turner was found guilty of sexual assault due to an incident that took place outside of a party early last year.

The former collegiate swimmer was caught in the act while digitally raping a 22-year old victim near a dumper, fleeing the scene when two students on bicycles drove by.

One of them sprinted after Turner and tackled him.

Despite the defense attorney’s claims that Turner had consent from his nearly-unconscious victim to perform various sexual acts on her, a jury found Turner guilty of sexual assault last Thursday.

A judge then had the option of sentencing Turner to 14 years in state prison… yet chose six months in county jail instead.

Turner may be released early for good behavior and was also sentenced to three years of probation; he will have to register as a sex offender for his assault on this unconscious woman.

After the sentencing was announced, the victim read a moving letter in court, addressing her assailant and all the damage his unspeakable act inflicted on her.

You can actually listen to a CNN anchor read the full statement on her program in the following video:

The case has stirred up controversy online, with many Internet users aghast over the light punishment.

They are also aghast over the response of Turner’s father, who released a statement of his own in which he argued for no jail time for his son, stating that this was an incident of “binge drinking and promiscuity.”

As opposed to rape.

Here is a look at Mr. Turner’s message. It states that his son ought to avoid harsh punishment for “20 minutes of action.”

Brocks Dad

A movement us now underway to recall Judge Aaron Persky, who also attended Stanford and who critics believe went far too easy on Turner, who was once an Olympic hopeful.

In its recall petition, writes that “Judge Persky failed to see that the fact that Brock Turner is a white male star athlete at a prestigious university does not entitle him to leniency.

“He also failed to send the message that sexual assault is against the law regardless of social class, race, gender or other factors.”

At our press time, over 228,000 people had signed this petition.

Brock Turner Mug Shot: Finally Released

The Santa Clara Sheriff’s Department has finally released the mug shot of Brock Turner, the ex-Stanford University student who was convicted on three felony counts of sexual assault last week.

The mug shot was taken back when Turner was arrested in January of 2015.

It’s unclear why it took so long for authorities to make the mug shot public, but many news organizations had been clamoring for it ever since the Turner verdict and sentencing went viral.

Following a long trial, Turner was found guilty of sexual assault due to an incident that took place outside of a party early last year.

The former collegiate swimmer was caught in the act while digitally raping a 22-year old victim near a dumper, fleeing the scene when two students on bicycles drove by.

One of them sprinted after Turner and tackled him.

Despite the defense attorney’s claims that Turner had consent from his nearly-unconscious victim to perform various sexual acts on her, a jury found Turner guilty of sexual assault last Thursday.

A judge then had the option of sentencing Turner to 14 years in state prison… yet chose six months in county jail instead.

Turner may be released early for good behavior and was also sentenced to three years of probation; he will have to register as a sex offender for his assault on this unconscious woman.

After the sentencing was announced, the victim read a moving letter in court, addressing her assailant and all the damage his unspeakable act inflicted on her.

You can actually listen to a CNN anchor read the full statement on her program in the following video:

The case has stirred up controversy online, with many Internet users aghast over the light punishment.

They are also aghast over the response of Turner’s father, who released a statement of his own in which he argued for no jail time for his son, stating that this was an incident of “binge drinking and promiscuity.”

As opposed to rape.

Here is a look at Mr. Turner’s message. It states that his son ought to avoid harsh punishment for “20 minutes of action.”

Brocks Dad

A movement us now underway to recall Judge Aaron Persky, who also attended Stanford and who critics believe went far too easy on Turner, who was once an Olympic hopeful.

In its recall petition, writes that “Judge Persky failed to see that the fact that Brock Turner is a white male star athlete at a prestigious university does not entitle him to leniency.

“He also failed to send the message that sexual assault is against the law regardless of social class, race, gender or other factors.”

At our press time, over 228,000 people had signed this petition.