Showing posts with label Claire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Claire. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Claire Wineland Dies; Beloved YouTube Star Was 21

Claire Wineland, famous YouTuber and inspiration to countless others living with cystic fibrosis, has passed away at 21 years old.

Last week, she underwent a lung transplant. The transplant itself was successful.

A post from her foundation explains what happened, and Claire’s own final Instagram post from the day she died tells you exactly who she was as a person.

The Claire’s Place Foundation Facebook page broke the difficult, heartbreaking news.

“Last night at 6:00pm,” the page begins. “Claire Wineland our inspirational founder passed away.”

“She was not in any pain,” the post confirms. “And the medical staff said it was the most peaceful passing they had ever witnessed.”

“She was surrounded by love and with her mother Melissa Yeager and father John Wineland;” the post continues. “They saw her into this world for her first breath and were with her for her last.”

“She suffered a massive stroke on August 26th after a successful double lung transplant,” the post shares. “The stroke was caused by a blood clot.”

The post reveals: “After a week of intensive care and various life saving procedures, it became clear that it was Claire’s time to go.”

“Yesterday, Claire’s family and a few very close friends came to say their final farewells and offer their support to the family,” the Facebook post offers.

The post continues: “In Claire fashion, she is an organ donor.”

Some families have a hard time grappling with organ donation. Fortunately, Claire’s did not.

“Claire’s remarkable family were so happy for the other families that were now getting the calls that the organ they had long been waiting for was now available for transplant,” the post explains.

Claire Wineland Hospital Selfie

After all, the post reminds Claire’s fans and followers, “they had been on the receiving end of that call just one short week ago.”

“We know Claire was loved all over the world,” the post continues.

The post affirms: “Your prayers, support, and encouraging words have been a huge source of strength for her and her family.”

“Thank you from the bottom of our hearts,” the post expresses. “For your massive amazing out pouring of love.”

Claire was a thoughtful, intelligent, and friendly person. She shared some final words of her own.

On August 26, the same day that she passed away, Claire took to Instagram to make a post before going into surgery.

“So grateful for everything this month,” Claire wrote. “I’m grateful for all the people who donated to help me get through transplant.”

“I’m grateful for the doctors that’ll be scooping out these lungs and giving me some more life to work with,” she wrote. “I’m grateful for the chance to keep being a person.”

“I’m grateful for my own head and for all the weird things in it,” Claire said. “I’m just really overwhelmingly grateful for all of this.”

Claire concluded what would be her final Instagram post: “There is no passionate rant to be had here I am just happy and thought I would let you all know.”

This is so tragic. It’s one thing to know, intellectually, that Claire was only 21. Somehow, her age becomes much more real when you realize that she was born in 1997.

Claire was intelligent and creative and well-read.

If you really want to hurt your own feelings — and maybe you feel that you owe it to her — check out her YouTube or even just her Instagram.

She will never again get to share her thoughts and experiences with her countless fans, or with her loved ones.

Rest in peace, Claire. Our hearts go out to her family and friends at this time.


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The Crown Controversy: Wait... Claire Foy Earned HOW MUCH?!?

The Crown may be the most critically-beloved show on all of Netflix.

But the drama is being roasted left and right at the moment for a reason that has nothing to do with what you see on screen…

And everything to do with something that happened off screen.

During a panel discussion about the series at the INTV Conference in Jerusalem on Tuesday, producers acknowledged a discrepancy between the salaries of its two stars, Claire Foy and Matt Smith.

The former portrayed Queen Elizabeth, while the latter takes on the role of her husband, Prince Philip.

Asked directly whether Foy was paid the same as Smith, producer Suzanne Mackie surprised those in attendance by answering in the negative.

No salary figures were discussed, but Mackie admitted Smith earned more for his two seasons of work than Foy.

“Going forward,” she then noted. “No one gets paid more than the Queen.”

This change, however, will not benefit Foy, earned earned an Emmy Award for her work on Season 1.

Due to a time jump for Season 3, Olivia Colman will step in as the Queen.

(Helena Bonham-Carter will play Princess Margaret and Netflix has not yet confirmed which actor will portray Prince Philip.)

In light of the ongoing #MeToo movement and the important conversation surrounding how women are treated in Hollywood, this salary difference has become a source of disgust and debate on social media.

Yes, Smith was a better known star when the series started shooting, having established himself for multiple seasons as the titular character on Dr. Who.

But Foy played THE QUEEN HERSELF on a show about… THE QUEEN.

Moreover, Foy simply appeared on screen a significant amount of time more than Smith over the show’s first two seasons.

Earlier this year, it was disclosed that Michelle Williams was paid a fraction of what her All The Money In The World co-star Mark Wahlberg earned for reshooting sections of the film.

As in: Williams was paid $ 80 per day and Wahlberg was paid $ 1.5 million total.

Once word of this discrepancy leaked out, Wahlberg agreed to donate that entire sum to charity.

The third season of The Crown, which begins filming in July, will move into the Camilla Parker Bowles years; it will also introduce a young Princess Diana.

“Those are going to be extraordinary, those episodes,” said Mackie.

But will fans keep tuning in, now that viewer favorite Foy is no longer a part of the cast?

And will this scandal have any long-term affect on the success of the series?

Mackie didn’t address these concerns or questions, instead joking around a bit when considering where else The Crown may go.

Like into very modern times, perhaps?

“I want to see an episode where [Donald Trump] comes to Buckingham Palace,” the producer said.

As for Meghan Markle?

“She can play herself.”

We’d be down with that. But Markle better get paid more than Trump for her appearance!


Monday, March 5, 2018

Claire Holt Shares Heartbreaking Miscarriage Story

Claire Holt has shared a message on Instagram that no woman ever wants to share.

But it’s one the actress deemed too important to keep to herself.

In a heartbreaking caption, the former Vampire Diaries and Originals star tells followers that she recently suffered a miscarriage.

“I took this photo 10 days ago, as I waited for surgery after my sweet little baby lost its heartbeat,” Holt says to open her post, which is included alongside a picture of herself in a hospital gown and bed.

She then adds of Matt Kaplan and the basis for the selfie:

“I sent it to my fiancé in the waiting room to show him that I was ok. I wasn’t. I’ve never felt more broken in my life.”

Why did Holt decide to make this personal pain into a public statement?

“I debated sharing this so soon and I’m still frightened about making such a private struggle public, but I’m doing it anyway because it’s important,” she explains, prior to delving into a lot more detail.

Out of respect for what Holt went through, we’re just going to post the rest of her caption word-for-word, letting her powerful words speak for themselves…

(Editor’s note: D&C stands for “dilation and curettage procedure.”)

After my D & C, I spent hours on the internet searching for women who had been through it.

I was desperate to find someone, anyone, who could relate to what I was feeling. Someone to tell me that the depression and hopelessness were normal. That it wasn’t my fault. That I wasn’t broken forever.

I found a community of women who shared my exact experience. Who were open and vulnerable about miscarriage, something that isn’t often or openly discussed.

It breaks my heart to think that losing a baby feels like something we have to keep to ourselves. Why is it any different than the death of a loved one? How is it any less meaningful?

Here is what I have learned as I begin to crawl out of the dark hole: support is everything. I could not have survived this without the unconditional love of my partner.

Despite his pain, he was my rock and my safety net. I will never know how to thank him. I also found that opening up to people is crucial.

As soon as I told my story, almost everyone I spoke to told me theirs – their own, their wife’s, their sister’s. So many people go through it and understand the breadth of pain, yet so few people talk about it.

Finally, I want to share a blog post that resonated with every part of me.

You can find the link in my bio, @leandramcohen of @manrepeller articulates the emotional rollercoaster with an eloquence that I could never possess.

To anyone out there who has been through a miscarriage, I understand you. I share every bit of your pain and you are not alone. Please be kind to yourself and I hope that you will be comfortable sharing your story too.

The link Holt is referring to takes on to THIS POST.

It’s most definitely worth reading if you’ve been through anything like Holt has, or even if you just know someone who has suffered this kind of tragedy.

It’s devastating.

We send our thought to Claire Holt and to all the other women who have suffered a miscarriage.

At least Holt can take solace in knowing she isn’t alone.


Friday, February 23, 2018

Claire Foy Separates From Husband and Divorce Looms

“The Crown” star Claire Foy has separated from her husband, actor Stephen Campbell Moore. Foy said in a statement that this was by no means a recent event … “We have separated and have been for some time.”Although the statement says nothing…


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Friday, May 6, 2016

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Selena Gomez for Marie Claire Magazine - June 2016

Selena Gomez for Marie Claire Magazine – June 2016

Selena Gomez for Marie Claire Magazine - June 2016

Selena Gomez for Marie Claire Magazine – June 2016