Showing posts with label Coco. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coco. Show all posts

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Coco Twerks in Lingerie With Her Baby, World Goes WTF??

If there"s two things Coco enjoys, it"s a) showing off her baby Chanel and b) posing in a thong.

And, as only Coco could, she"s discovered a way to combine her two loves into one.

In a new photo shoot, Coco rocks a red-mesh-thong-teddy thing with stilettos and attempts a solo squat-twerk before disappearing backstage.

When she reappears, she"s still in the getup, but is now pushing her infant daughter Chanel in a stroller.

Coco proceeds to dance in a jokingly sexy manner around Chanel, who somehow remains unfazed throughout the ordeal.

If it sounds totally bizarre, it"s because it is – but it"s also oddly hilarious, and Coco seems to be in on the joke as she makes pseudo-sultry faces during her routine.

(At least we think they"re pseudo.) 

Since Chanel"s birth four months ago, the proud mama has deluged Instagram with pics of the baby girl, who seems to be a natural in front of the camera.

But that hasn"t stopped Coco from being Coco, because she still treats fans to a whole lotta boobs and butt as well.

Some critics have slammed the new mother for continuing to post revealing photos alongside pics of her baby, but Coco is having none of it.

"I keep reading these stupid articles & ppl commenting that when u become a mother u have to stop dressing sexy.. oh please!" she tweeted.

"Me dressing the way I want to will not interfere with me raising my child."

We are looking forward to more adventures with Coco and Chanel, and can hardly wait to see baby"s first twerk.


Coco twerks in lingerie with her baby world goes wtf

Monday, April 4, 2016

Coco & Chanel: Bikini Twinsies!

Coco Austin isn’t a regular mom.  She’s a cool mom.

So, it comes as no surprise to learn that she bought her infant daughter, Chanel a bikini for the family’s trip to Arizona.

“My partner in crime,” Austin wrote  “#bikinigirls @babychanelnicole 1st bikini.”

Chanel’s two piece was more modestly designed than her mother’s, which consister of little more than string and small patches of fabric. 

You do you, Coco.

Chanel’s mobile skills are remarkable, as she was able to post (yet again) to her own Instagram account, which has over 275,000 followers.

“Imma water baby… #myfirstbikini,” she wrote.

Austin and her husband, Ice-T recently appeared on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, who himself has two young daughters.

“She’s a little model. I’ve got the camera in her face at all times,” Coco said of Chanel.

“She poses. She, like, moves her eyes and looks at the camera.  She’s going to be awesome in five years.”

Coco doesn’t, however, want her daughter to go into mom’s line of work.

“I want [Chanel] to become like a doctor or scientist. I don’t want her to be who mom is,” Austin wrote on her E! blog.

“I’m going to try and push her away from the modeling. It’s going to be hard because I’m probably going to have a camera in her face and she’s going to learn how to model but at the same I don’t want her to focus on that as a career.

“I want her to do something that I couldn’t do.”

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Coco Austin: I Will Keep Dressing Up My Baby! You Can Suck It!

Coco Austin has taken yet another stand against her critics.

The outspoken mother gave birth to her first child, a girl named Chanel, back in November.

She immediately set up an Instagram account for the tyke and has since shared numerous photos of little Chanel, typically dressed up in very attire not typically seen on a baby.

With critics coming at her left and right, Coco has already taken on her haters by insisting she takes care of her baby… and now she’s at it again.

Via a new blog entry for E!, Austin explains why her young child her her own social media account:

“It’s more for people who want to keep an eye on her while not overloading our pages with photos of her.”

The Ice & Coco co-host added that Chanel possess an incredible shoe collection and wardrobe, yet she is often under fire for referring to Chanel as  “real-life doll” and dressing her up in stylish outfits such as the one above.

“Of course I know she’s a real human being. Don’t you know I know that?” Austin wrote.

“Should I just dress her up in a normal T-shirt? Is that better?

“Why can’t I just have my moment of dressing my daughter up? Why is that such a negative thing? Does she look like she’s really mad in these pictures? She actually looks very happy dressed up.”

Coco, who manages to waist train AND care for her baby, was also shamed for bragging about her mere 13-pound weight gain while pregnant.

“I’m damned if I do, damned if I don’t,” she blogged here. “No matter what I post on Chanel, people are going to find something negative about it. It amazes me.”

In the end, Coco does make a pretty good point:

“If you’re really not liking the way I do things, get off my page.”

It’s true.

While we also find it a big strange to publicize photos of your child in this kind of manner… whatever, right?

No one is forcing anyone to look at these photos and if the girl is happy and healthy, isn’t that all that matters?

Friday, February 5, 2016

Coco Flaunts Boobs, Waist Trains AND Takes Care of Baby!

Say what you will about Coco Austin, the woman is a master multitasker.

In the latest photo she posted to Instagram, she is wearing a waist trainer, holding her infant baby and taking a selfie.


“Real life candid pic.. Training and watching my baby simultaneously.. The Coco way. Loving motherhood @waistedbykeke #ad,” she captioned the photo.

So to all the new mothers out there who think you can’t care for your child and wear a garment at the same time, Coco proves you wrong.

Like most women who enjoying putting their tremendous breasts on display (if that’s not Coco, I don’t know what is), Coco has come under fire since having baby Chanel back in November.

Fans have criticized her for continuing to wear skimpy clothing, because some folks think moms aren’t supposed to look sexy.

But the buxom blonde had some choice words for her haters.

“I keep reading these stupid articles & ppl commenting that when u become a mother u have to stop dressing sexy.. oh please!” she tweeted, adding: “Me dressing the way I want to will not interfere with me raising my child.”

And who knows, by keeping her boobies out, maybe she’s just trying to whet the kid’s appetite. 

Monday, January 4, 2016

Coco Austin Stands Up for Scantily-Clad Mothers Everywhere

Coco Austin is back to showing off her body.

And telling off her critics.

The relatively new mother of one enjoyed a night out with husband Ice-T on New Year’s Eve, with the rapper/Law & Order: SVU star sharing the above romantic photo and including with it a caption that reads:

“It’s New Years Eve & Coco and my 15th Anniversary. Happy 2016!!! Keep it Gangsta.”

But online critics apparently decided to keep up their questioning of Austin as a parent instead, taking to social media and letting the busty blonde have it for her scantily-clad outfit choice.

“I keep reading these stupid articles & ppl commenting that when u become a mother u have to stop dressing sexy.. oh please!” Coco Tweeted on Sunday, adding:

“Me dressing the way I want to will not interfere with me raising my child.”

Coco can apparently now relate to Kim Kardashian, who received harsh rebuke for setting a bad example after posing naked for Paper Magazine shortly after becoming a mother.

But this isn’t the first time Coco has been under fire since welcoming daughter Chanel into the world in November.

Because she has been posing non-stop on Instagram with the baby, even doing so topless at one point, some folks out there believe Coco is exploiting her child for attention and fame.

What does Austin have to say to those haters?

“I don’t have nannies or babysitters,” she wrote last month. “I’ve been 100% hands on w/ Chanel. I also clean my own house & do my own laundry #100%wife.”

Here is a look at the photos that have stirred up such controversy:

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Coco Austin SLAMS Critics on Twitter: I Take Care of My Baby!!

It’s hardly been three weeks since Coco Austin gave birth to daughter Chanel Nicole, and the controversy has already begun.  And now that Coco is posting pictures of her baby and post-baby body, the hate mail is rolling in.

Coco’s social media followers have been criticizing her, claiming that she isn’t caring for her new baby.  Her critics even claimed that by posting pictures of little Chanel on social media Coco is exploiting her daughter for fame.

However, the new mama isn’t taking sh*t from anyone.  And Coco took to Twitter in an effort to set the record straight:  “Some comments really frustrate me at times…some assume since u have money and live in a ‘celebrity world’ that you don’t do s—t!.”

She continued, “Let me add, I don’t have nannies or babysitters. I’ve been 100% hands on w/ Chanel. I also clean my own house & do my own laundry #100%wife.”

The talk show host and former reality star also explained that she isn’t only the Coco fans know from television. “I’m totally serious when I say I love being a wife. I like the role I play…I can be crazy Coco at times but I have a good heart,” she wrote.

In recent post on her E! News pregnancy blog, Coco disclosed a few details about her relationship with rapper and actor Ice-T.

She explained that she and her husband were supportive and close to each other as they awaited the arrival of their baby. The 36-year-old mom also said that they approached the pregnancy as a team, attending appointments and viewing the ultrasound together.

Between the pregnancy and the arrival of their baby, it appears that Coco and Ice-T are close than ever.  And they are still making it a priority to spend quality time together.

According to Coco, haters are gonna hate, but her life is good!

“I’m proud that I’m finally a mama,” she replied to one follower who criticized her for “exploiting” her newborn. “Does she not look happy?”

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Coco Post-Baby: Pics of the New Mom & Her Bounce-Back Body

It"s been ten days since Coco welcomed her first child.

That length of time is important, because as Mrs. Ice T"s Instagram pics show, she"s in possession of some sort of sort of weight loss/muscle toning secret that will make her a bajillionaire if/when she decides to share it with the rest of humanity.

Coco"s post-baby body must be seen to be believed, but we suppose we shouldn"t have expected anything less from the 36-year-old fitness guru.

Coco"s baby bump was nearly non-existent just days before she gave birth, and just a week after welcoming little Chanel, it"s hard to believe she was ever pregnant.

Check out the gallery below and be amazed. Oh, and the baby"s cute, too:

1. Coco: Post-Baby Body Photo

Coco post baby body photo

Coco shows off her post-baby body. She’s 36 weeks pregnant on the left. The pic on the right was taken one week after she gave birth.

2. Coco: Topless Baby Photo

Coco topless baby photo

Coco knows that if there’s one thing the Internet loves more than baby photos it’s nudity. So she’s decided to combine the two in an effort to go viral!

3. Coco: Boobs and Baby

Coco boobs and baby

Coco posted a photo of herself and her new daughter just four days after giving birth. Her post-baby body is not to be believed.

4. Coco: 36 Weeks Pregnant

Coco 36 weeks pregnant

Coco at 36 weeks. Yeah, we wouldn’t even know she was pregnant if she didn’t say so.

5. Coco and Ice T’s Baby

Coco and ice ts baby

6. Coco Austin Shows Off Daughter Chanel

Coco austin shows off daughter chanel

Coco Austin showed a picture of her three-day-old daughter, Chanel after breast-feeding.

View Slideshow

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Coco Shows Off HUGE Boobs, Tiny Baby in New Photo

It’s only been one week since Coco and Ice T welcomed their first child, but the kid is already a social media superstar.

While some celebs attempt to keep their kids out of the spotlight, Ice and Coco have been reveling in their offspring’s celebrity status. They shared the first photo of Chanel the same day she was born, and today they blessed us with this Insta-gem:

Of course, the real focal point of this pic isn’t the baby, but Coco’s ginormous boobs post-baby body.

The photo is astonishing by itself, but it’s the caption that makes this truly remarkable:

“Fresh out of the hospital,” Coco wrote. “I can’t believe I became a mommy to a beautiful baby girl 4 days ago.I’m feeling Fab! I’m a complete woman!!”

That’s Coco four days after giving birth?! We’d be impressed if she posted a pic like this four months after giving birth.

Of course, we probably shouldn’t be surprised, as Coco remained devoted to her intense fitness regimen and sported the world’s tiniest baby bump throughout her pregnancy. 

That Ice T is a lucky man.

At 57, he’s got a beautiful wife, an adorable new daughter, and probably another 30 or 40 seasons of Law & Order: SVU ahead of him.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Ice T and Coco Welcome First Child Together!

It’s a girl for Ice T and Coco!

The couple announced moments ago that they welcomed daughter Chanel Nicole at 11:47 this morning. 

In a statement issued to People magazine Ice and Coco revealed that the baby (who arrived about a week ahead of schedule) weighs in at 5 lbs, 7 oz, and that both mother and daughter are resting comfortably.

Clearly unable to contain their joy, Ice and Coco have both taken to Twitter to gush about their new bundle of joy:

“Surprise!!! Look who came early!! Welcome the new arrival of Chanel Nicole,” Coco tweeted. “A beautiful healthy 5.7 pound baby girl.”

Moments later, her husband added: “Ladies and Gentlemen! Please allow me to introduce to the World…Baby Chanel 5.7 pounds. Love is Love.”

Coco announced her pregnancy back in July, to the surprise of many fans.

It’s her first child, and the third for Ice T. The couple has been married since 2001, and it was widely believed that the 57-year-old rapper was through with making babies.

Since the announcement, Coco has shared every detail of her “amazing” first pregnancy.

Just weeks ago, Coco’s tiny baby bump made tabloid headlines, as fans were shocked by how little the model’s appearance had changed in her most recent Instagram photos.

Thankfully, it seems that tiny bump contained a perfectly healthy baby girl. Congrats to T and Coco!