Showing posts with label Cook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cook. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Rome Police Cook Pasta for Elderly Couple: Find Out Why!

The police in Rome really love helping people. 

They also excel at making sure the local community get a good meal.

Sometimes, watching the news can be a depressing thing. 

There’s just so much news that makes us question what the heck is wrong with the world. 

For Jole and Michele, watching the news got a little bit too much. 

Jole questioned why everything on the news was so negative. 

There were reports of crying and shouting coming from the apartment, so the police were called. 

When they went to the residence, they expected some sort of disturbance. 

They were shocked to find the elderly couple pretty upset. 

The couple even pointed out to the officers that they very rarely get visitors. 

Officers then noticed that there was a lack of anything in the apartment that could help make a meal for the couple. 

They officers took it upon themselves to make the couple a nice dinner after getting them checked over by an ambulance crew. 

The meal sounds pretty great. 

Police Make Elderly Couple Meal

It was Spaghetti, butter and parmesan. 

Who doesn’t LOVE pasta?

It’s acts of kindness like this that show us there is still some good in the world. 

The Rome Police took to Facebook to address what happened. 

“There is not a crime. Jole and Michele are not victims of scams and no thief entered the house — there is no one to save,” the police force wrote on Facebook.

“This time, for the boys, there is a more daunting task — two lonely souls who need reassuring. They understand that just a little human warmth will restore tranquility to Jole and Michele.”

Monday, July 11, 2016

Kim Kardashian Shares Saint West Photo, Pretends to Cook

Kim Kardashian had herself a very busy weekend at home.

She shared a new Saint West photo with social media followers… she had friends over for dinner… and she pretended to cook.

She also found time to respond in depth to a recent string of police shootings.

We can’t make fun of Kim in any way for that post, nor can we mock her for giving us yet another peek at Saint West.

Kardashian and husband Kanye West welcomed this child into the world on December 5.

However, to their credit, they did not sell the first Saint West photos to the highest tabloid bidder or anything of that nature.

They’ve actually kept the infant pretty far off the celebrity gossip radar over the first several months of his life.

On Sunday, however, Kimye had a few close friends over for a home-cooked feast dubbed “#SoulFoodSundays, and Kardashian documented the festivities with a number of Snapchat postings.

The first included a close-up of Kim and her son:

Another included a picture of Saint’s feet and those of another small human being, likely one of Kourtney Kardashian’s children.

“Cousin love,” Kardashian wrote as a caption to it.

Then there was actually footage of Kevin Hart at the event.

We didn’t even know he was friends with Kim and Kanye, but is anyone really surprised? Kevin Hart is everywhere.

“I didn’t know you had chicken over here!” Hart says in the video, explaining that he assumed the meal would consider of tuna casserole and caviar.

Instead, there was fried chicken, collard greens, biscuits and macaroni

That’s quite the spread, huh?!?

“For all the skeptics out there,” Kim said in a Snapchat video, addressing those who dont think she actually cooks.

And it’s true. We were skeptical.

We thought Kardashian and West gave their kitchen staff weekends off. Turns out, we were wrong.

Thanks for pointing that out to us, Kim.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Kaley Cuoco: Already MOVING IN With Karl Cook?!

Back in late March, a guy named Karl Cook started popping up on Kaley Cuoco’s Instagram page.

At first, we thought it was Kaley’s idea of an April Fools’ prank.

Like, “Hey, I’m dating a dude who’s basically a male version of me, right down to the blonde hair, love of horses, and damn near identical names.”

(Cuoco means “Cook” in Italian.)

It wouldn’t be the world’s most hysterical practical joke, but this is a girl whose idea of a good gag is making fans think she cut her hair shorter than usual.

She’s not exactly this generation’s greatest prank master, is what we’re saying.

Anyway, we no know that Kaley and Karl are really dating.

In fact, “dating” doesn’t really do this relationship justice.

These two are moving at such a breakneck speed that it’s like they’re involved in some sort of Duggar-style pre-marriage courtship arrangement.

Insiders tell Star magazine that they’re concerned with the foolish way that Kaley and Karl are rushing into this thing, and they were shocked to learn that Kaley has asked Karl to move in with her.

“No one can believe it,” a source tells the tabloid. “They’ve only been dating for a couple of months.” 

If you’ve followed Kaley’s love life at all, you know that this is her M.O. and she’s been burned by it in the past, most notably and she married Ryan Sweeting after just a few months of dating.

The actress wound up filing for divorce after less than two years.

“Sure, Karl’s a decent guy and nothing at all like Ryan, but this is crazy,” says Kaley’s anonymous friend. “Did she learn nothing?”

On the plus side, Karl comes from money, so he’s probably not after Kaley’s loot.

Even so, here’s hoping her second prenup is even more iron-clad than the first.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Kaley Cuoco Kisses Karl Cook, Flips Ex-Husband the Bird

As previously documented, Kaley Cuoco really stuck it to Ryan Sweeting in their divorce papers.

Just a few months after signing a deal with The Big Bang Theory that made her one of the richest stars on television, Cuoco arranged it so her ex-husband would not see a dime of that upcoming payout.

Harsh… but maybe fair?

We don’t know what actually went down between Cuoco and Sweeting.

After two years of marriage, the couple split in September, with Cuoco immediately scrubbing all references to Sweeting from her social media accounts.

That’s never a good sign.

Fast forward just a few months and Cuoco isn’t just dating Karl Cook… she’s fawning all over Karl Cook every chance she gets!

Check it, here she is nuzzling up to Cook, writing how “this is what happy looks like.”

And here’s a rumor that Cuoco and Cook may even get married soon.

A lot of it is speculation at this point, but there’s nothing to speculate over regarding the picture below:

It features Cuoco kissing Cook on the lips, that much is certain.

And it also features Cuoco raising her middle finger, clearly flipping someone The Bird.

Why do we believe that person is Sweeting?

For starters… who else would it be?!?

Also, Cuoco captioned the image with a single word: Finally.

As in… finally I found true love? As in… finally I’m happy and eff you to the dude who made me unhappy before and maybe even cheated on me?

Crazier assumptions have been made, right?

It’s too bad, Cuoco and Sweeting really did seem happy there for awhile.

But as long as we can watch The Big Bang Theory online and see Cuoco’s gorgeous face whenever we want, we’ll be happy. And that’s all that matters in the end.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Kaley Cuoco: Already Planning WEDDING With Karl Cook?!

It’s only been a few weeks since we first learned that Kaley Cuoco is dating Karl Cook.

At first, we literally thought it was a prank. 

After all, Kaley was rumored to be in a relationship with Paul Blackthorne, and there was just something strange about her and Karl being together.

For starters, they look like brother and sister.

Add to that the fact that they have remarkably similar names (Cuoco means “cook” in Italian.), and it’s not hard to see why some fans may have thought that the KCs were pulling off their idea of an April Fools’ joke.

But now we know that Kaley and Karl are definitely together.

The couple recently made it official on social media, and it looks as though they’re moving at breakneck speed, as is Kaley’s M.O.

According to Star magazine Karley (Hey, not all couple names can be gems.) was recently spotted flipping through bridal magazines at an LA eatery.

“They flipped through them all, cover to cover, and commented on which dresses looked the best,” says one onlooker.

“She went on and on about how much she loves Karl and confessed that she was hoping for a proposal – and soon.”

As you may recall, Kaley married Ryan Sweeting after dating for just a few months, and – well, saying “it didn’t work out” would be putting it mildly.

But if this story is true (and this is Star magazine we’re talking about, so who knows?) Kaley is fully on board with making the same mistake twice.

In case you were wondering, Karl is a professional equestrian, so no, Kaley has not learned her lesson about at least finding a dude with his own money.

Sigh. Good luck with this one, girl.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Kaley Cuoco Is SO "Happy" With New BF Karl Cook!

Celebrities have a funny way of announcing relationships these days.

They never really come right out and say it, they just tease us with a bunch of Instagram pics until we get the hint.

Kaley Cuoco has been doing this song and dance with us since last month, when she posted a first pic of herself with a new man licking her face. In the caption, she included a single pink heart and arrow emoji.

The man turned out to be Karl Cook, a professional equestrian rider whose love of horses Kaley shares.

Then a second photo of Karl kissing Kaley’s head seemed to confirm the relationship a week later.

But could the photo she posted yesterday be the smoking gun?

In this pic above, a very smiley Kaley nuzzles Karl’s face, and the two appear positively smitten.

“That’s what happy looks like,” Kaley wrote in the caption, including a pink heart emoji.


They certainly do seem happy, which is great news since Kaley suffered a painful split from husband Ryan Sweeting just last year.

Since then, The Big Bang Theory actress has been linked romantically to Paul Blackthorn, Sam Hunt and even her co-star and former beau Johnny Galecki.

However, Kaley never Instagrammed any of these gents the way she has been with Karl.

Could this be the real deal?

We’re happy for Kaley, but we hope she takes it slow this time.

With any luck, she’s learned from her last marriage that getting engaged after three months of dating is just way too soon.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Kaley Cuoco & Karl Cook: Definitely Dating!

Earlier this week, we reported that Kaley Cuoco appears to be dating a younger man by the name of Karl Cook.

At first, we were a little skeptical that the whole thing might be some sort of elaborate April Fools’ joke.

Not only does Kaley loves pranks, but there are a few suspicious things about Karl – such as the fact that he seems to be a perfect male doppelganger of Ms. Cuoco.

They’re both blonde equestrian riders with the same initials, and Kaley has used Cook as an alias in the past, as it’s the English translation of her Italian last name.

But now it seems that if these two are just punking us, they’re seriously, seriously committed to the bit.

Not only did Kaley post the above photo yesterday, seemingly offering fans an unofficial confirmation that she and Karl are an item, a quick search through pics from the actress’ latest public appearances reveals that the two of them have been hanging out for at least a month.

Kaley and Karl were spotted taking in a tennis match together back in early March, and they seemed awfully friendly even then. 

Little is known about Karl, other than the fact that he’s a 25-year-old horse trainer.

The KCs have not yet announced any plans to start a sunshine band.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Kaley Cuoco: Dating Karl Cook, or Pranking Her Fans?

Yesterday, we reported that Kaley Cuoco and Karl Cook are dating.

Kaley posted a photo of Karl licking her face on Instagram, which is usually a pretty good indication that two people are romantically involved, but in this case, there was reason to be suspicious right off the bat.

You see, it’s April Fools Day on Friday, and Kaley’s love of pranks is well documented.

Add to that the fact that Karl’s name is strikingly similar to Kaley’s (Cuoco means “cook” in Spanish), and it’s not hard to see why Kaley’s new relationship raised some eyebrows.

But the Internet did some sleuthing, and now it seems that despite his name, Karl is:

  1. Not made-up, and

  2. Not a prominent revolutionary socialist.

We hate to dash your hopes about a spinoff entitled The Big Class Theory, but it’s just not gonna happen.

Anyway, Kaley and Karl were spotted at a tennis match back on March 12 (above), weeks before they started going semi-public with their relationship.

In other words, if this is some sort of lame prank, these two are seriously committed to it.

So yeah, it looks like you’re gonna have to give up your dreams of Kaley and Johnny Gelecki getting back together.

That romance is restricted to the world of television…for now.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Karl Cook: Is Kaley Cuoco Dating a Younger Man?!

It’s been seven months since Kaley Cuoco filed for divorce from Ryan Sweeting, and the Big Bang Theory star has wasted no time in jumping back into the singles scene.

First we heard that Kaley was dating Paul Blackthorne. Then she was allegedly hooking up with Sam Hunt. After that, of course, came the requisite round of rumors that Cuoco and Johnny Galecki were back together. Now there’s this guy:

Kaley posted that photo to Instagram over the weekend, and as though the fact that the guy is licking her face isn’t a clear enough message, she also captioned the pic with nothing but a heart-pierced-with-arrow Emoji.

The amateur sleuths of the Internet did some digging and found out that the guy is a 25-year-old named Karl Cook, which seems…suspect.

In addition to the fact that Kaley and Karl have the same initials, her last name is Italian for “cook.”

Her Instagram handle, Norman Cook, is the name of one of her dogs coupled with the English translation of her surname.

In other words, if Kaley were coming up with an alias for some random dude friend, say for the sake of setting up an April Fools prank, “Cook” would likely be high on her list. It’s her “Art Vandelay.”

We’re not saying for certain that the relationship is bogus, but we’re guessing Kaley and Karl have made us all their marks.

Karl Cook: Is Kaley Cuoco Dating a Younger Man?!

It’s been seven months since Kaley Cuoco filed for divorce from Ryan Sweeting, and the Big Bang Theory star has wasted no time in jumping back into the singles scene.

First we heard that Kaley was dating Paul Blackthorne. Then she was allegedly hooking up with Sam Hunt. After that, of course, came the requisite round of rumors that Cuoco and Johnny Galecki were back together. Now there’s this guy:

Kaley posted that photo to Instagram over the weekend, and as though the fact that the guy is licking her face isn’t a clear enough message, she also captioned the pic with nothing but a heart-pierced-with-arrow Emoji.

The amateur sleuths of the Internet did some digging and found out that the guy is a 25-year-old named Karl Cook, which seems…suspect.

In addition to the fact that Kaley and Karl have the same initials, her last name is Italian for “cook.”

Her Instagram handle, Norman Cook, is the name of one of her dogs coupled with the English translation of her surname.

In other words, if Kaley were coming up with an alias for some random dude friend, say for the sake of setting up an April Fools prank, “Cook” would likely be high on her list. It’s her “Art Vandelay.”

We’re not saying for certain that the relationship is bogus, but we’re guessing Kaley and Karl have made us all their marks.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Jessa Duggar Reveals Secret Shame: I Don"t Know How to Cook!

Tonight, the Duggar family returns to television with the long-awaited series premiere of Jill & Jessa: Counting On.

During the show"s three-episode trial run back in December, the Duggars took on a more serious tone than their fans are accustomed to, with one memorable scene featuring Anna Duggar opening up for the first time about her husband"s sex scandals.

If you like your Duggars a bit more lighthearted than that, you"re luck.

Based on what we"ve seen so far, it looks as though the first full season of Counting On will be very different in tone.

For one thing, we already know that Josh will not appear on the new show

In addition our first glimpses of the series feature the Duggars struggling with problems such as how to build a a giant tree house and how to cook multiple turkeys at once.

Not the kind of material that will have you reaching for the tissues, unless you"re the sort to get teary-eyed over the fact that Jessa Duggar doesn"t know how to cook.

Yes, in the segment below, Jessa reveals that despite the Duggars" very conservative views on gender roles (Pretty much every woman in the family is a stay-at-home mom.), Mrs. Seewald does not know her way around the kitchen.

Watch Jessa attempt to overcome her fear of Butterballs in the clip below to whet your appetite for tonight"s big premiere.


Jessa duggar reveals secret shame i dont know how to cook