Friday, May 20, 2016

Kaley Cuoco Kisses Karl Cook, Flips Ex-Husband the Bird

As previously documented, Kaley Cuoco really stuck it to Ryan Sweeting in their divorce papers.

Just a few months after signing a deal with The Big Bang Theory that made her one of the richest stars on television, Cuoco arranged it so her ex-husband would not see a dime of that upcoming payout.

Harsh… but maybe fair?

We don’t know what actually went down between Cuoco and Sweeting.

After two years of marriage, the couple split in September, with Cuoco immediately scrubbing all references to Sweeting from her social media accounts.

That’s never a good sign.

Fast forward just a few months and Cuoco isn’t just dating Karl Cook… she’s fawning all over Karl Cook every chance she gets!

Check it, here she is nuzzling up to Cook, writing how “this is what happy looks like.”

And here’s a rumor that Cuoco and Cook may even get married soon.

A lot of it is speculation at this point, but there’s nothing to speculate over regarding the picture below:

It features Cuoco kissing Cook on the lips, that much is certain.

And it also features Cuoco raising her middle finger, clearly flipping someone The Bird.

Why do we believe that person is Sweeting?

For starters… who else would it be?!?

Also, Cuoco captioned the image with a single word: Finally.

As in… finally I found true love? As in… finally I’m happy and eff you to the dude who made me unhappy before and maybe even cheated on me?

Crazier assumptions have been made, right?

It’s too bad, Cuoco and Sweeting really did seem happy there for awhile.

But as long as we can watch The Big Bang Theory online and see Cuoco’s gorgeous face whenever we want, we’ll be happy. And that’s all that matters in the end.