Friday, May 20, 2016

Farrah Abraham & Simon Saran: Back Together For Some Reason

We were under the impression that just about everyone is sick of Farrah Abraham at this point, but it seems there’s at least one person who still isn’t fed up with the Backdoor Teen Mom.

Yes, Farrah and Simon Saran confirmed that they’re back together at a red carpet event last night.

We can only assume Farrah has potentially life-ruining dirt on Simon because why else would anyone do this?!

The couple made it official at something called So Sexy, which was apparently a West Hollywood party hosted by OK! magazine.

We assume Farrah was invited, but it doesn’t really matter.

If you do something as tacky as throwing a party called So Sexy, Farrah will just materialize like Beetlejuice.

We’re joking, but Ms. Abraham has crashed parties in the past, and we’re sure she’ll do it again.

We first reported that Farrah and Simon are back together last month after he accompanied her to the MTV Movie Awards

At the time, however, Farrah played coy and pretended that she and Simon were just friends (we assume she meant to add “with benefits.”)

Attendees at last night’s event say Farrah and Simon definitely weren’t pretending to be platonic.’

In fact, they reportedly piled on the PDA every chance they got.

It’s an interesting development, as the relationship between Farrah and Simon reportedly did not end on good terms.

You may remember this memorable scene in which Farrah tried to force Simon to bond with her daughter:

Not surprisingly, Saran and Abraham called it quits soon after that footage was filmed.

So why would Simon go down this road again?

Frankly, we have no idea.

We know she knows what she’s doing in the bedroom, but if he misses that, he can always just put on Farrah’s sex tape and bust out one of those plastic molds of her vagina she’s so proud of.

Watch Teen Mom online to remind yourself why dating Farrah Abraham is always a bad idea.