Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Karl Cook: Is Kaley Cuoco Dating a Younger Man?!

It’s been seven months since Kaley Cuoco filed for divorce from Ryan Sweeting, and the Big Bang Theory star has wasted no time in jumping back into the singles scene.

First we heard that Kaley was dating Paul Blackthorne. Then she was allegedly hooking up with Sam Hunt. After that, of course, came the requisite round of rumors that Cuoco and Johnny Galecki were back together. Now there’s this guy:

Kaley posted that photo to Instagram over the weekend, and as though the fact that the guy is licking her face isn’t a clear enough message, she also captioned the pic with nothing but a heart-pierced-with-arrow Emoji.

The amateur sleuths of the Internet did some digging and found out that the guy is a 25-year-old named Karl Cook, which seems…suspect.

In addition to the fact that Kaley and Karl have the same initials, her last name is Italian for “cook.”

Her Instagram handle, Norman Cook, is the name of one of her dogs coupled with the English translation of her surname.

In other words, if Kaley were coming up with an alias for some random dude friend, say for the sake of setting up an April Fools prank, “Cook” would likely be high on her list. It’s her “Art Vandelay.”

We’re not saying for certain that the relationship is bogus, but we’re guessing Kaley and Karl have made us all their marks.