Friday, April 1, 2016

Kaley Cuoco & Karl Cook: Definitely Dating!

Earlier this week, we reported that Kaley Cuoco appears to be dating a younger man by the name of Karl Cook.

At first, we were a little skeptical that the whole thing might be some sort of elaborate April Fools’ joke.

Not only does Kaley loves pranks, but there are a few suspicious things about Karl – such as the fact that he seems to be a perfect male doppelganger of Ms. Cuoco.

They’re both blonde equestrian riders with the same initials, and Kaley has used Cook as an alias in the past, as it’s the English translation of her Italian last name.

But now it seems that if these two are just punking us, they’re seriously, seriously committed to the bit.

Not only did Kaley post the above photo yesterday, seemingly offering fans an unofficial confirmation that she and Karl are an item, a quick search through pics from the actress’ latest public appearances reveals that the two of them have been hanging out for at least a month.

Kaley and Karl were spotted taking in a tennis match together back in early March, and they seemed awfully friendly even then. 

Little is known about Karl, other than the fact that he’s a 25-year-old horse trainer.

The KCs have not yet announced any plans to start a sunshine band.