Showing posts with label Disappeared. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Disappeared. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Faith Evans Isn"t Surprised Tupac Murder Weapon Mysteriously Disappeared

Faith Evans has low, LOW expectations when it comes to cops solving Tupac or Notorious B.I.G.’s murders — so she’s not shocked cops found, then lost, Pac’s murder weapon. We got the R&B singer at LAX, where we broke the…


Friday, November 3, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar: Here"s Why I Disappeared From Social Media

Back in August, we learned that Joy-Anna Duggar is pregnant with her first child.

Many fans assumed that like her older sisters, Joy-Anna would be offering regular updates on her pregnancy in the form of baby bump selfies and lengthy Instagram posts.

Thus far, however, that hasn’t happened.

Joy-Anna has been silent on social media for over a month now, and many fans are taking her silence as confirmation of a popular theory.

Many Duggar obsessives believe that Joy-Anna got pregnant before her wedding and is currently engaged in an effort to hide that fact from the public.

The Duggars are vehemently opposed to premarital sex, to the point that they oppose just about all forms of physical contact between non-married couples.

So if the rumors about Joy-Anna’s “shotgun wedding” are true, the Duggars would once again be exposed as hypocrites.

Joy-Anna’s parents, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, are incredibly meticulous when it comes to managing their public image, so if Joy and Austin Forsyth did violate the “rules of courtship,” we’ll almost certainly never find out about it.

Given the circumstances, it’s not hard to see why fans were suspicious of Joy’s sudden social media hiatus.

Many speculated that she’s hiding a baby bump that would away her actual date of conception.

Only one photo of Joy has surfaced in the past month–a closeup of her face that Austin posted on her birthday and that only added fuel to the fires of speculation.

Perhaps bowing to pressure to address the rumors, Joy kind of emerged from hiding today and refuted claims that she’s several months further along than she claims.

“I’m sorry I haven’t really been that active,” Joy wrote on her family’s website today.

“My life has become busy lately, but I shall try and post more often.”

Fans were quick to point out that Joy still hasn’t been seen by anyone outside of her family in several months.

One insider tells Radar Online that Joy is telling the truth when she says she’s simply been preoccupied with other matters.

“They’re working on their house,” the source says.

“It’s getting close.”

Yes, Joy and Austin are building a house together.

Whish sounds like the sort of thing that would inspire a slew of Instagram posts from most 20-year-olds.

Just sayin’.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Kellyanne Conway Says She Hasn"t Disappeared, You"re Just Not Lookin" (VIDEO)

Kellyanne Conway is amused … she hasn’t pulled a Richard Simmons vanishing act — not even close. We got the Counselor to the Prez Monday at Reagan National Airport and she made it clear … ‘SNL’ got it all wrong, because she’s been around the…


Kellyanne Conway Says She Hasn"t Disappeared, You"re Just Not Lookin" (VIDEO)

Kellyanne Conway is amused … she hasn’t pulled a Richard Simmons vanishing act — not even close. We got the Counselor to the Prez Monday at Reagan National Airport and she made it clear … ‘SNL’ got it all wrong, because she’s been around the…
