Showing posts with label Diversity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diversity. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

"Racist Rant" Lawyer Aaron Schlossberg Apologizes, Says He Loves Diversity

Aaron Schlossberg — the attorney who threatened to call ICE on Fresh Kitchen employees who were speaking Spanish — says ya got him all wrong, America … he actually LOVES diversity and immigrants! One week after he became public enemy #1,…


Monday, September 25, 2017

"American Idol", ABC and Producers in Tug of War Over Racial Diversity for Third Judge

The folks who are bringing you “American Idol” again are in conflict over racial composition of the judge’s panel  … TMZ has learned.   Now that Katy Perry is in place and Luke Bryan is just days from signing, ABC and Fremantle, which…


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

L.A. Rams Rookies Crash "Friends" Set, Diversity Ensues!

You’re looking at the most black people ever on the set of “Friends” … courtesy of the L.A. Rams! The Rams’ rookie class hit up the Warner Bros. Studios in Burbank, CA on Monday for a spectacular VIP tour of the backlot … which included Central…


Monday, February 27, 2017

Rachel Lindsay Won"t Fill Diversity Quotas for "Bachelorette" But ... (360 VIDEO)

Rachel Lindsay doesn’t care what kind of men step in for her season of “The Bachelorette” — black, white, it’s all good … but she does want to see a mix. We got Rachel at Floyd Mayweather’s weekend birthday bash inside the J.W.…


Rachel Lindsay Won"t Fill Diversity Quotas for "Bachelorette" But ... (360 VIDEO)

Rachel Lindsay doesn’t care what kind of men step in for her season of “The Bachelorette” — black, white, it’s all good … but she does want to see a mix. We got Rachel at Floyd Mayweather’s weekend birthday bash inside the J.W.…


Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Matt Damon -- I"m All About Diversity ... My Show Took Me Out of Context


breaking news


Matt Damon is apologizing for his comments about diversity in Hollywood, and he’s blaming “Project Greenlight“ – the show HE produces — for editing down his comments and making him seem insensitive.

Damon says, “I believe deeply that there need to be more diverse filmmakers making movies. I want every young person watching “Project Greenlight” to believe that filmmaking is a viable form of creative expression for them too.” 

He also says the comment he made to Effie Brown — that films need diverse actors, and not necessarily directors and producers — were taken out of context.

“My comments were part of a much broader conversation about diversity in Hollywood and the fundamental nature of “Project Greenlight” which did not make the show. I am sorry that they offended some people, but, at the very least, I am happy that they started a conversation about diversity in Hollywood.”

It’s just a little odd, since Matt is an executive producer of ‘Greenlight.’ You’d think he’d have a say in how he gets edited.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Matt Damon -- Who Needs Racial Diversity Behind the Camera? (VIDEO)


Matt Damon says diversity is a good thing to see on the big screen, but it’s not really necessary in movie board rooms … and that has some black filmmakers really pissed off.

On Sunday’s episode of “Project Greenlight” — the show where he and Ben Affleck help guide would-be movie makers into making flicks — Matt and black filmmaker Effie Brown were discussing a script in which a black prostitute was featured. 

Effie said it was important to have diversity among the filmmakers so the character could be accurately and sensitively portrayed. Matt scoffed, saying diversity should only go so far.

He’s getting hammered on Twitter, with some saying his white privilege was showing.