Showing posts with label Fill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fill. Show all posts

Monday, February 27, 2017

Rachel Lindsay Won"t Fill Diversity Quotas for "Bachelorette" But ... (360 VIDEO)

Rachel Lindsay doesn’t care what kind of men step in for her season of “The Bachelorette” — black, white, it’s all good … but she does want to see a mix. We got Rachel at Floyd Mayweather’s weekend birthday bash inside the J.W.…


Rachel Lindsay Won"t Fill Diversity Quotas for "Bachelorette" But ... (360 VIDEO)

Rachel Lindsay doesn’t care what kind of men step in for her season of “The Bachelorette” — black, white, it’s all good … but she does want to see a mix. We got Rachel at Floyd Mayweather’s weekend birthday bash inside the J.W.…


Friday, October 28, 2016

Jim Bob Duggar Makes Daughters" Boyfriends Fill Out 50-PAGE Questionnaire?!

There’s patriarchy, and then there’s whatever the hell the Duggars have going on.

If you watch Counting On online, you know that Jim Bob and Michelle have a tried and true method for ensuring that their kids don’t engage in any pre-marital … well, anything!

Jim Bob in particular guards his daughters like expensive pieces of property because he somehow got the impression that the Bible wants him to.

We think it was in the book of Douche-ronomy. #BibleBurn

The Duggars believe it’s their sacred duty to populate the Earth with as many Duggars as possible.

An odd mission, considering they can’t even keep the kids they have from molesting people, but they seem to take it pretty seriously.

In fact, they’ve devised a clever system to ensure that their offspring are so sexually frustrated by the time they get married that they immediately begin copulating like it’s going out of style as soon as they get hitched.

It’s called “courting,” and it may be the only aspect of their lives in which the Duggars believe in equality, as it sounds like the process is equally hellish for both participants.

At this point, the Duggars are almost as famous for their courtship methods as they are for their scandals and their fertility, and new information about this odd custom seems to emerge every few months or so.

If you watched last week’s episode of Counting On, you may have picked up on a seriously WTF detail of the Duggars’ courtship process.

It seems Jim Bob makes his daughters’ potential suitors fill out a 50-page questionnaire before they commence with the courtship process!

This disturbing nugget of information was revealed during the Counting On after show (because every freakin’ show has an after-show in the world of #PeakTV), when JB casually mentioned the document while being interviewed by producer Scott Enlow.

“I’m sorry, wait a second Jim Bob made you guys fill out questionnaires?” Enlow asked, prompting an eruption of nervous laughter from daughter Jessa Duggar.

“I think that questionnaire is pretty thorough,” she interjected.

“He is not kidding,” Jill Duggar confirmed.

“Everybody did the 30-page questionnaire,” Jill added, noting that it had expanded to 50 pages in recent years.

Apparently, the questionnaire primarily focused on the respondents’ religious beliefs.

Jeremy Vuolo, who recently got engaged to Jinger Duggar, stated:

“The major question, where I spent most of my time was ”tell me about how you became a Christian, how you came to the Lord."”

Yeah, we’re pretty sure Jesus was big on judging other people and grilling them about their religious beliefs.

Or maybe not.

What do we know?

We’ve never had to take a 50-page test about religion before.


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Kris Jenner Enlists GIANT Bodyguard To Help With Paris Fashion Week Security! Fill In The Blank!


Kris Jenner sent a very clear message when she arrived in Paris for Fashion Week — don’t bother messing with her. Why, you may ask??

The Momager hired a massive bodyguard to protect her and daughter Kendall Jenner as the two make their appearances at the highly-publicized event.

Related: Gigi Hadid’s Body Love Message Supported By Tyra Banks & Kris Jenner

Okay, we understand that the reality TV star is only 5’6″ BUT the new security guard looks easily three heads taller than her. Though we can only imagine the new help is a perfectly sweet man, he certainly looks intimidating.

He could easily be a retired NFL player or you know… Hercules reincarnated! LOLz!

When hiring the mammoth-sized man, she was probably thinking, “___________________!!”

[Image via Splash News.]

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Victoria Beckham Caught With A Wet Crotch While Leaving Her Party! Fill In The Blank!


Victoria Beckham was spotted leaving her flagship store’s anniversary party in London on Tuesday, but with a noticeable wet spot on the front of her jeans!

Seems like she had a good time!

We’re guessing she probably just spilled a drink on herself, though she could have easily picked up another pair of pants in her own store, right?

Anyway, the former Spice Girl must have been thinking, “_____________”, as she clutched onto David!

Oh to have been able to be at that party!

[Image via WENN.]