Showing posts with label Enlists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Enlists. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Kylie Jenner Enlists Kourtney Kardashian and Caitlyn Jenner for Amateur Porn on Snapchat!

If Kylie Jenner’s lip kit venture fizzles out, she may find her calling as an amateur porn director.

In a series of videos posted to her Snapchat account, Kylie enlists sister Kourtney Kardashian and her BFF Harry to tell the sordid tale of a booty call gone wrong.

Honestly, you guys, this is the most hilarious thing you’ll see all week.

We selected a handful of the best snaps that tell the story, each of which is about three seconds long so you won’t spend all day watching.

First, we see Kylie on the phone accusing her sister of having a thing for her friend Harry.

Kourtney denies any feelings for the lad, saying that the two of them just happen to be staying in the same hotel.

Cut to Kourt running down the hall, heading to Harry’s room and cackling about how she lied to Kylie.

In an Oscar-worthy performance, Harry answers the door, visibly nervous about Kourtney’s arrival and asks her to come back in an hour.

But an insatiable Kourtney pushes her way through, only to pull out a Meryl Streep-caliber performance herself.

Why is Kourt so shocked?? We-hell, it appears that Harry’s been hiding a VERY big secret.

Perhaps Harry is the first man Caitlyn has been with since she declared on her show that she was through dating women?

Sadly for us, the story ends there, but we’d like to think this is where the bow-chica-wow-wow music is queued. 

Kudos to all of the actors and to budding auteur Kylie Jenner for having a bit of fun with us all.

And if this “film” proves anything, it’s that they really aren’t acting on Keeping Up With the Kardashians

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Kris Jenner Enlists GIANT Bodyguard To Help With Paris Fashion Week Security! Fill In The Blank!


Kris Jenner sent a very clear message when she arrived in Paris for Fashion Week — don’t bother messing with her. Why, you may ask??

The Momager hired a massive bodyguard to protect her and daughter Kendall Jenner as the two make their appearances at the highly-publicized event.

Related: Gigi Hadid’s Body Love Message Supported By Tyra Banks & Kris Jenner

Okay, we understand that the reality TV star is only 5’6″ BUT the new security guard looks easily three heads taller than her. Though we can only imagine the new help is a perfectly sweet man, he certainly looks intimidating.

He could easily be a retired NFL player or you know… Hercules reincarnated! LOLz!

When hiring the mammoth-sized man, she was probably thinking, “___________________!!”

[Image via Splash News.]