Showing posts with label Ending. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ending. Show all posts

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Teen Mom 2: Did Kailyn Lowry Just Confirm Series Is Ending?!

It seems like Teen Mom 2 could really be coming to a conclusion on MTV. 

The TV show that made Kailyn Lowry, Leah Messer, Jenelle Evans and Chelsea Houska is heading into Season 8, but Kailyn has now added her two cents about what will become of the show. She seems to think it’s ending.

Kailyn’s new book, “Hustle and Heart” is scheduled to be released on November 22. 

In preparation for the book being released, the publisher has released excerpts from it to promote it. 

One of the excerpts seem to all but confirm Teen Mom 2 is ending. 

Check out an excerpt from the book below:

When we set long-term goals, we have no way of knowing how those goals will fit into our lives years down the line. When I had a child at age seventeen, I made it my mission to defy everyone’s expectations and rise above the statistics and stigmas that are stacked against me. Since 2010 I’ve been on TV, and my struggles have been my identity.

Now, especially with the show coming to an end, it’s time for my accomplishments to stand out. I want to show everyone that even though I grew up like white trash and got knocked up at seventeen, I can get a Bachelor’s degree and raise children who blow people away with their manners, wit and intelligence.

Now, the book definitely does state that the show is coming to an end.

That would suggest the show is concluding pretty damn soon. 

The crazy thing about all of it is that MTV has yet to release any sort of information regarding the show ending. 

Ratings for the show are way higher than most shows on the network, so it’s difficult to imagine MTV wanting to get rid of it. 

However, it’s pretty odd that Kailyn would be throwing around words stating that the series is ending in her latest tell-all book. 

It’s not like the other cast members have been saying the same. 

With that in mind, there is a lot of story left to tell for the ladies. 

Chelsea Houska is very much pregnant right now with her first child to Cole DeBoer and she’s also pretty married. 

Leah Messer is still trying to turn her life around, but if they show that on the next season of the show, it would kind of make future seasons pointless. 

Finally, Jenelle Evans continues to be Jenelle Evans and has only further proven that she’s deranged in recent months. 

Maybe the producers realized how crazy she was when she took her kid to the beach during a hurricane.

Yes, no one is forgetting that any time soon. 

Leah and Jenelle have taken issue in the way the MTV series is edited in the past.

Might they have finally plucked up the courage to quit the show that’s probably making them a lot of money?

We’ll not know until anyone confirms it, but we’re taking Kailyn’s book excerpt with a pinch of salt. 

Would she really have fabricated that little detail to sell more copies of her book?

What do you think about all of this?

Is it time for the show to end?


Friday, February 12, 2016

Katy Perry: Ending Feud with Taylor Swift... Because of Kanye?

This year has already seen its grand share of celebrity feuds, but could one longtime war between two pop divas actually be ending?

Katy Perry and Taylor Swift have allegedly been at odds for more than a year now, but it sounds as though an olive branch may have been extended… by Katy.

According to HollywoodLife, Katy was disgusted when she heard about Kanye West’s misogynistic diss on Taylor in his new song “Famous,” which debuted last night at his Yeezy Season 3 fashion show and album release party.

In the track, Kanye raps about how he might still have sex with Taylor, because he “made that bitch famous.”

A slew of celebs expressed disdain for Kanye and support for Taylor, including Ruby Rose, Gigi Hadid and Jaime King.

And now it seems as though Taylor’s one-time foe is now on her team, too.

“Katy feels what Kanye did was really low class,” a source told the site.

Katy “feels bad that Taylor has to deal with the nonsense that he brought to things, especially on such an important weekend,” added the source, referring to the Grammy Awards which will take place Monday night.

So, there’s that.

But there’s also this: According to The New York Times, Katy invited Taylor to a Grammy party she’s hosting this weekend in downtown Los Angeles.  

Billed as “An Evening to Celebrate the Creators,” the event will be a black-tie dinner for her fellow musicians.

Still no word on whether Taylor accepted, but it would certainly be lovely to see these two bury the hatchet.

Maybe Taylor will even open up a new position on her illustrious squad.

Or not, but ya know, baby steps.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Drew Barrymore: Longest Relationship Ending After Three Years?!

Why wait for the seven year itch when you can divorce at three?

Maybe that is what Drew Barrymore and Will Kopelman thought when they decided it is time to call it quits.

According to Ok! Magazine, the couple has decided to divorce.

“They’ve been having trouble for a while now,” the insider told the magazine. “They tried living apart, but it didn’t help — and now they’ve decided to split.”

This was Drew’s third marriage. She married Welsh bar owner Jeremy Thomas in 1994.  They split after 19 days.  In 2001, Drew and Tom Green wed, but divorced only five months later.  

And though her third try at marital bliss lasted longer than her first two, sources say the relationship was doomed for divorce.

Drew and Will got married in Montecito, California, in June 2012.  The couple had been dating for just over a year when they found out Drew was pregnant with their first child.

“It was a whirlwind,” claimed the insider. “They wanted to see it through because they were expecting.”

On top of their whirlwind relationship, Drew couldn’t decide if she wanted to settle down or living the celebrity life. One source stated, “Will didn’t see that side of her until they were married.”

Now that they are headed for splitsville, they have to deal with custody of their 3-year-old daughter, Olive, and one-year-old son, Frankie.

Like most celebrity break-ups, money will be an issue.  Kopelman’s is reportedly worth $ 10 million, while Barrymore is estimated to be worth $ 140 million.

Will Kopelman try to take Drew to the cleaners???

Monday, October 12, 2015

Taylor Swift DUMPS Calvin Harris Over His Love of "Happy Ending" Massages?!

Last month, Calvin Harris was spotted leaving a Thai massage parlor known for providing its clients with “happy endings.”

Taylor Swift was busy welcoming various celebrities on stage as part of her seemingly never-ending 1989 Tour, and it seemed that she wasn’t bothered by her boyfriend’s fondness for rub-and-tug establishments.

Now, however, Radar Online is reporting that Taylor quietly dumped Calvin over the weekend after realizing that there was more than just massages going on inside that parlor.

No stranger to cheaters, Taylor reportedly had her suspicions from the start, but Calvin was able to convince her that his $ 40-a-pop (tee-hee) sessions were no more unseemly than a visit to the chiropractors.

“When the photos got posted on Radar, said to him, ‘What the f–k?” says one insider. “He lied to her. He gave some bullish-t excuse that his masseuse was sick and he needed his shoulder worked on.”

As more facts came to light, Taylor reportedly realized that Calvin was just the latest in her string of philanderering boyfriends, and she firmly gave him the boot.

Sources say Harris has been desperately trying to fix the situation, but Taylor has remained firm in her insistence that it’s over.

“He wanted to fly in to see her [on tour] and repair things, but her assistant called gave her a firm ‘no,"” says one insider. “Instead he went to Vegas with his bros.”

That’s one way to get over being dumped.

Of course, we all know how Taylor handles breakups. Get ready to hear a multi-platinum song about what a piece of sh-t you are, Calvin!

Taylor Swift DUMPS Calvin Harris Over His Love of "Happy Ending" Massages?!

Last month, Calvin Harris was spotted leaving a Thai massage parlor known for providing its clients with “happy endings.”

Taylor Swift was busy welcoming various celebrities on stage as part of her seemingly never-ending 1989 Tour, and it seemed that she wasn’t bothered by her boyfriend’s fondness for rub-and-tug establishments.

Now, however, Radar Online is reporting that Taylor quietly dumped Calvin over the weekend after realizing that there was more than just massages going on inside that parlor.

No stranger to cheaters, Taylor reportedly had her suspicions from the start, but Calvin was able to convince her that his $ 40-a-pop (tee-hee) sessions were no more unseemly than a visit to the chiropractors.

“When the photos got posted on Radar, said to him, ‘What the f–k?” says one insider. “He lied to her. He gave some bullish-t excuse that his masseuse was sick and he needed his shoulder worked on.”

As more facts came to light, Taylor reportedly realized that Calvin was just the latest in her string of philanderering boyfriends, and she firmly gave him the boot.

Sources say Harris has been desperately trying to fix the situation, but Taylor has remained firm in her insistence that it’s over.

“He wanted to fly in to see her [on tour] and repair things, but her assistant called gave her a firm ‘no,"” says one insider. “Instead he went to Vegas with his bros.”

That’s one way to get over being dumped.

Of course, we all know how Taylor handles breakups. Get ready to hear a multi-platinum song about what a piece of sh-t you are, Calvin!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Calvin Harris: Taylor Swift"s Boyfriend Accused of Receiving "Happy Ending" at Thai Massage Parlor

Taylor Swift may have sang about a “Love Story,” but we don’t think this is the sort of happy ending she had in mind.

Radar Online has photos of Calvin Harris leaving a Thai massage parlor in LA with a rather satisfied look on his face.

Taylor, of course, is currently thousands of miles away, touring the Midwest on her 1989 tour.

It’s worth noting that the rub-and-tug Harris sleepily moseyed out of today is the first result that comes up in a Google search for “best Thai massage happy ending.”

However, in Calvin’s defense, many of the business’ Yelp reviews come from pissed-off men who did not, uh…find the release that they were looking for.

If it turns out Calvin was receiving a full frontal massage, it’ll be the latest in a long line of strikes against a dude who once seemed to be Taylor’s perfect match.

Last month, Calvin went off on Zayn Malik in what he probably thought was a chivalrous defense of Taylor’s virtue, but came off more as bizarre temper tantrum.

Shortly thereafter, Calvin attacked Avril Lavigne on social media, again because of some perceived slight against Swift.

His publicist denies the feud, it’s interesting that Swift brought Lavigne on stage just a few days later to show the world that there’s no bad blood. 

Calvin Harris: Appropriately tall and blonde Prince Charming, or pervy unenthusiastic hand-job aficionado? You be the judge.