Showing posts with label Followed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Followed. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Kylie Jenner: Having Travis Scott Followed by Private Detectives?!

It may be that Kylie Jenner is jealous of Ariana Grande’s engagement and impatient for Travis Scott to put a ring on it, but … that doesn’t mean that all is well for these two.

In fact, a very disturbing report claims that Kylie is terrified that Travis is going to cheat on her while touring in Europe.

That’s not the disturbing part, though. What’s alarming is that she is allegedly having him tailed by private detectives to watch his every move.

It sounds like Kylie Jenner isn’t as peacefully content in her relationship as it appears.

“She’s having Travis followed,” a source informs RadarOnline.

This alleged private detective is supposed to be keeping tabs on her boyfriend and baby daddy at all times.

The insider says that Kylie is taking this extraordinary step “because she’s not 100 percent certain he won’t cheat if given the chance.”

Well, Travis is a rapper by trade. Like any performer, his entire career is basically one huge opportunity to cheat.

(Not an excuse! Just an opportunity)

But when Travis is touring in Europe? He’s likely to be surrounded by temptation at all times.

Admittedly, this whole situation reminds us of some sort of noir film.

It is all too easy to imagine a black-and-white scene of Kylie Jenner walking into some private eye’s office with a subtle veil descending from the brim of her hat.

But the insider claims that this is no joke — that Kylie is genuinely concerned that Travis is going to give in to temptation.

“She’s freaking,” the source explains. “Because he’ll be on the road and out of her sight.”

Sometimes, absence makes the heart grow fonder.

But in light of how Kylie’s sister Khloe was humiliated by Tristan Thompson’s cheating scandal, maybe Kylie isn’t willing to be made to look foolish.

(Well, she doesn’t want to look more foolish than she does by dating a guy who did this at one of his shows, anyway)

The insider explains that Kylie is paying a hefty price (literally) for keeping Travis under surveillance.

“It’s really for peace of mind,” the source explains. “But the private eye doesn’t come cheap.”

Of course. Private investigators cost money — especially when it potentially involves a lot of travel and following someone who has their own private security.

The source explains: “It’s costing her thousands of dollars because she wants him tailed 24/7.”

That’s much more expensive than just finding out if someone’s spouse really goes out with coworkers on Wednesdays, or whatever.

The source then shares something that’s alarming — more so than Kylie’s suspicions.

(Though, to be clear, this entire situation sounds unsettling and unhealthy)

“Even when Travis is around,” the insider says.

“She can’t resist peeking at his phone and checking to see who’s called him. And,” they add. “Reading his emails.”

That intrusive behavior is disturbing and toxic.

A lot of girlfriends and boyfriends feel entitled to look through their significant other’s texts and emails.

If people want to opt for that level of transparency, that’s fine. But otherwise, it’s a gross invasion of privacy.

Of course, you might say that having Travis followed isn’t much better.

Honestly? We would love for this report to turn out to be wrong. Perhaps someone misunderstood a joke. (Hey, it happens!)

First of all, we hope that Kylie is not a toxic person who invades her boyfriend’s privacy without a second thought.

Second of all, we hope that Travis is not an absolute idiot, and that Kylie knows that he isn’t one.

Kylie is hot, she’s the mother of his child, and she’s due to be worth about a billion dollars by the time that she’s old enough to rent a car.

If they decide to break up at one point, that would be one thing.

But cheating?

Travis would basically be throwing away a life of absolute, unparalleled luxury — which he will never make as a rapper, no shade — just to get his dick wet.

There are some people who would straight up have their penises removed for a billion dollars. Travis, we’re sure, can exercise wisdom and self-control.

Plus, you know, he presumably loves Kylie.


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Lauren Burnham: What? Arie Just Followed His Heart!

Arie Luyendyk Jr. may be the only person in America with a lower approval rating than Donald Trump right now.

The embattled Bachelor, however, does have something going for him that the President does not:

The love and support of a beautiful woman by his side.

Indeed, Arie proposed on television for the second time in two nights on Tuesday, getting down on one knee and asking Lauren Burnham to be his wife.

He did this on ABC’s After the Rose special…

… about 24 hours after millions of viewers witnessed him previously proposing to Becca Kufrin, only to them dump her in front of network cameras a short while later because he still wasn’t over Lauren.

(We also learned last night that Arie made sure Lauren wanted him back prior to having this talk with Becca on national TV. He’s a real class act.)

“I made some bad decisions, but the best decision was running back to you. I can’t imagine a life without you,” Arie said Tuesday during proposal number-two.

While down on one knee in front of Lauren, he added:

“You have shown me a love that is patient, a love that is kind, and I truly believe you are my soulmate.

“I’m ready to face this life with you and all that comes with it … the good and the bad. I love you so much.

“I want to do this in front of everyone because I want to show you that I should have done this a long time ago.”

How sweet, right?

Or how nauseating, depending on how you look at it.

Lauren, of course, looks at it in a very positive manner, as she explains in the latest issue of People Magazine.

“I totally respect his decision to follow his heart,” Burnham tells the publication as part of an extensive cover story, adding:

“I don’t blame him for it, and I think it’s made us stronger in the end.”

No one really blames Arie for following his heart; the main criticism stems from the way in which he and ABC fooled Becca into thinking she was spending a romantic weekend with her then-fiance…

… only to film Arie’s heartbreaking ambush.

But Becca is now The Bachelorette.

So maybe everyone made out just fine in the end?

As for how Arie even approached Lauren and let her know he was still thinking of her?

“He texted me on New Year’s Eve, ‘I think this is maybe crossing the line, but I’d like to talk,’” she says, admitting:

“I did have some reservations [at the time]. I was just afraid he would change his mind again.”

But the two had a lengthy conversation and Burnham was convinced the reality star was sure.

“I was just like, ‘We need to do it, you need to take the risk if this means a lot to you and you need to follow your heart. If not, then we don’t need to talk anymore."”

Fast forward a couple months and Lauren has a 3.65 carat diamond ring on her finger.

She’s also certain she’s found the man of her dreams to talk to forever, make love to forever and maybe even start a family with someday.

“It makes things easier for me knowing that he was able to be with Becca outside of this experience and he still knew that wasn’t what he wanted,” Lauren concludes to People.

“It gives me confidence in our relationship knowing that he truly wants to be with me and he took this huge risk to make it happen.”


Monday, November 6, 2017

Texas Church Mass Shooting: Local Citizen Shot Back, Followed Shooter

Texas officials just held a press conference about the deadliest mass shooting in the state, and revealed that a local resident fired back at the shooter who killed 26 people at a small town church … and then gave chase before the gunman was…


Monday, July 31, 2017

TMZ Live: Kate Beckinsale: Followed Cross-Country By Crazed Fan!

ON TODAY’S SHOW Chris Jericho: Heated NYC Altercation Mariah Carey: Bodyguard Beats Up ‘Reporter’ Tomi Lahren: I Won Chelsea Handler Debate! Amber Rose: I Did’t Trash Philly Women!


Sunday, July 30, 2017

Kate Beckinsale"s "Overzealous Fan" Allegedly Followed Her Across the Country, Threatened to Stab Her

Kate Beckinsale has been dealing with a man who has allegedly followed across the country over the past year, and even threatened to stab her once prior to being busted at Tampa Bay Comic Con. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … 45-year-old Terry…


Thursday, January 5, 2017

U.S. Army Honor Guard Soldiers Followed "Man Down" Protocol

Members of the U.S. Army Honor Guard did NOT leave their fellow soldier hanging after he fainted and face-planted at President Obama’s farewell ceremony … they were just following procedure. Maj. Russell Fox tells TMZ … the Honor Guard soldiers…


Friday, July 1, 2016

Katy Perry: Most Followed Person On Twitter Ever!

Katy Perry is officially the most followed person on Twitter. 

This comes as no surprise considering the star has such a huge following on all of the social media platforms she uses. 

The star has managed 90 million followers on the social media platform. 

Twitter took notice of Perry’s milestone with a nice tweet for the singer. 

“It’s party time, @katyperry! With 90 million on the guest list, we’re gonna need a really big dance floor.” 

Katy Perry Twitter

It was nice of them to take notice and all.

90 million is a huge number, so anyone would be very happy to be recognized for that. 

It’s doubtful that there will ever be a party THAT big, but at least Twitter thinks it’s possible!

Perry rose to fame with her controversial hit single “I Kissed A Girl.”

She became a worldwide sensation shortly after the song dropped and has enjoyed a successful career since. 

It would be great to see Taylor Swift’s reaction when she finds out the news. 

What do you think of this milestone?

Did she deserve it?

Hit the comments!