Showing posts with label FrontRunner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FrontRunner. Show all posts

Monday, May 14, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Yoga Mom is Now Frontrunner to Walk Daughter Down the Aisle

Meghan Markle’s mom may have to make a quick transformation — both in apparel and location — because she’s now the leading candidate to walk her daughter down the aisle. Doria Ragland was going about her business in L.A. Monday, just 5 days before…


Meghan Markle"s Yoga Mom is Now Frontrunner to Walk Daughter Down the Aisle

Meghan Markle’s mom may have to make a quick transformation — both in apparel and location — because she’s now the leading candidate to walk her daughter down the aisle. Doria Ragland was going about her business in L.A. Monday, just 5 days before…


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Dean Unglert: Bachelorette Frontrunner a Favorite to Be The Next Bachelor!

With boy band good looks, dazzling blue eyes, and the body of an Olympic swimmer, Dean Unglert was an obvious favorite on The Bachelorette.

It’s no surprise that he made it to the final four of Rachel Lindsay’s season before his hometown heartbreak so close to the end.

It’s also no surprise that Unglert didn’t stop being a fan favorite when Rachel sent him packing earlier this month.

People genuinely like him because he’s charming and lovable.

So much so, in fact, that The Bachelorette‘s Men Tell All special reportedly made it clear that Dean is a top choice to be the next Bachelor.

No, this isn’t another case of Dean Unglert adorably revealing the winner of Rachel’s season in an interview.

Obviously, there’s more of The Bachelorette to come before we officially know who won Rachel Lindsay’s heart and hand and became her fiance.

(But, if you’re following The Bachelorette spoilers, you already know.)

Yesterday, we talked about how Dean was talking about how Peter Kraus would make a fantastic Bachelor for The Bachelor‘s 22nd season.

And Dean is right — Peter Kraus is ludicrously good-looking, and honestly we think that Rachel Lindsay should choose him.

Dean might be a little biased, though — he and Peter were practically joined at the hip all season long.

They’re besties.

Life & Style reports that a source from the Men Tell All taping reported on what’s been going on.

And it was clear from audience reactions and the way that people were treated that Dean Unglert is the favorite to be the Bachelor.

“Dean ended up receiving the most applause from the audience.”

Well, of course he did.

We want to clap just when we see pictures of him.

“It was obvious he was the crowd’s favorite. Many of the girls were fawning over him. He would make a great Bachelor.”

Okay, so, clearly that source has an opinion.

(Don’t we all?)

So, to a degree, we’re going to have to wait for Men Tell All to air.

But we wouldn’t be surprised if they described things exactly how they happened.

Additionally, Dean was apparently “the only one” allowed to sit next to Rachel Lindsay.

“Their chemistry seemed pretty natural. It wasn’t awkward to look at them together.”

Well, we knew that from The Bachelorette, but we’re glad that it’s still the case.

“They were kind of just talking how exes talk: ‘I’ve got some questions and I’m wondering what the reasons were behind your actions,’ and that was it.”

That’s super healthy, right?

We will admit that the traits that make Dean so desirable don’t necessarily make him an ideal candidate for The Bachelor.

Sure, he’s very handsome — he’s 26 years old, 6-foot-2, and has a perfect body with just enough quirky tattoos to make him not look like just another model.

(And he is, in fact, a startup recruiter, with is cutting edge and lucrative-sounding while also vague)

But some have suggested that he’s too young to star on The Bachelor.

They’re wrong, but they argue that The Bachelor needs to be someone who’s at least a few years older.

We don’t think so. Sometimes shows need a young, fresh face.

And Dean is just so popular and well-liked, you know?

But we should be clear that just because Rachel Lindsay and audience members like Dean doesn’t mean that showrunners are going to pick him.

(Though we can bet that they’re paying attention.)

We won’t know who gets to star on The Bachelor for a while, but Dean would be an inspired choice.

In the mean time, though, you won’t have to rely on social media to follow Dean.

We can all watch Dean Unglert and his radiant charm on Bachelor in Paradise, which premieres on August 14th.

For that matter, (spoiler alert:) we can watch Peter Kraus on Bachelor in Paradise, too.

That hasn’t been announced, but Peter was spotted down there during Bachelor in Paradise‘s big dramatic shut-down this summer.

Dean and Peter will be great on that show, especially with their established dynamic.

And either one of them would make a fantastic star for The Bachelor.


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Raven Gates: The Bachelor Front-Runner in 2017?!

She may be overshadowed by Corinne Olympios, but Raven Gates is a serious Bachelor contender (as The Bachelor spoilers predicted).

A big reason for that? From the moment she stepped out of the limo at the iconic mansion, she hasn’t been afraid to speak her mind.

Even when it comes to calling out Nick Viall over Corinne.

The 25-year-old boutique owner from Hoxie, Arkansas, has definitely caught Nick’s eye, and her bluntness is something Viall admires.

Even if she criticizes him for enabling Corinne Olympios‘ sexual antics and dramatics, Nick can’t help but admire her honest sincerity.

Asked by Glamour why she tried out for the show, Raven said “my parents have been married for 30 years, so I have really high expectations.”

Someone doesn’t watch The Bachelor online apparently.

While you might think looking for love on TV is looking for love in all the wrong places – or with the right people – Gates begs to differ.

“Somebody that’s going on national television is really ready for love and has their stuff together when they are looking for a wife,” she says.

“When I first applied, I came out of a terrible breakup and didn’t think I’d date again, but … I still want to be a wife and a mother. 

“So I’m crazy to go on an adventure on national television, but I’m really that desperate for love! [Laughs.] I’m excited, though!”

“I think I’m a little bit crazy, but it’s going to be awesome!”

What made her want to embark on this crazy journey?

“I was sad and broken-hearted and all alone in my bedroom, and I thought, I’m going to put myself out there. So I applied,” she said.

“I didn’t know the Bachelor was going to be Nick, but I was excited when I found out it was going to be him,” Raven says of the star.

Gates says she wanted to go into this with an open mind:

“What’s funny is that my best friend is obsessed with him.”

“When I found out it was Nick, I was like, ‘Please don’t tell me anything about him, ’cause I want it to be super organic when I meet him."”

“I mean, as organic as it can be! [Laughs.]” 

Raven says that when it comes to love, she values “Loyalty, loyalty, and loyalty. In past relationships I’ve never found a true loyal person.”

“I probably wouldn’t settle for someone who didn’t love their mother or [who] treated a waitress or someone that was serving them badly.”

Luckily, Nick Viall loves his mom, and treats all the women he meets very well these days … if you know what we’re talking about here.

(If you don’t, see below gallery.)

As for her Bachelor franchise #couplegoals?

“Carly and Evan [from Bachelor in Paradise], 100 percent! I cried. OK, first of all, I laughed at the one episode,” Raven tells the magazine.

“Me and my mother were watching it together … I was dying laughing because Carly was so icked out by him, but she loves him.”

“She’s falling in love with him! I feel like I might be the same way with that, I’m not sure. But I’m really digging it! And then I cried.”

“When they got engaged, it was so genuine, so heartfelt. They’re my favorite, favorite couple! If they walked in the door, I might fan-girl!”

“And I’m not a fan girl, you know, if I saw a celebrity” on a regular day, she says, but with Evan Bass and Carly Waddell, “I would fan-girl.”

Wouldn’t we all over CarlVan, though?
