Showing posts with label Humps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Humps. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Kylie Jenner Dry Humps Travis Scott on New GQ Cover

We can now check off another first for Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott.

Back in February, of course, the stars welcomed their first child, a daughter actually named Stormi Webster.

Then, in May, the stars finally made their red carpet debut, posing for curious photographers at the MET Gala in New York City.

Now, the rapper and the self-made billionaire are featured on their first magazine cover, opening way up about their romanceto GQ… while playing right into their public personas.

Scott is the quiet and serious one.

Kylie is the provocative and playful one.

The cover image above depicts each exactly in these lights, doesn’t it?

As for details about their relationship, Scott starts by making it clear that he doesn’t believe talk that anyone who dates a member of this family will have his career derailed.

Kardashian curse, Kardashian schmurse, basically.

“I don’t even be looking at motherf-cers,” he tells the magazine, adding as only he can:

“I don’t be looking at sh-t. Kylie actually likes me for me. Man, hell nah. Nervous for what? I’m on my own island. So hey, come over there to Astroworld.

“I’m not into all the other sh-t. I don’t get involved. I’m over here. Kylie is different.”

We think this was Scott’s way of saying he doesn’t pay attention to social media chatter or celebrity gossip.

Kylie, meanwhile, just thinks that past Kardashian or Jenner lovers haven’t been able to “handle” the attention of dating her or one of her sisters.

But Scott? Well…

“I don’t think he’s really cool with it, but he deals with it, because we love each other and we have a family,” she explains.

“For sure, I know he doesn’t like the attention. That’s why we just go the extra mile to keep our relationship super private, or like, if he has events or something, I won’t come.

“Because I want him to do his own thing. I want him to be him. I don’t want it to be Kylie and Trav.

“If people don’t ever see us together, that’s okay with me, because we just do our thing.”

Critics have interpreted Kylie and Travis rarely going out together as a sign that their relationship is bogus.

Some people think they are pretending to be a couple still because it would look bad if they split so soon after a baby was born.

Kylie, however, scoffs at this notion. And she doesn’t let it bother her, either.

“I know these stories aren’t going to matter, so don’t even let them affect you, you know?

“There’s a lot of people who love us, but there’s also a huge handful of people who don’t like us.”

This is a fact.

Scott and Jenner met at Coachella last year and have been together since April of 2017.

They don’t really go on “dates,” Kylie says.

They also don’t see each other as often as they’d like to because Scott resides in Houston and Stormi is too young to travel a lot.

When they do hang out, though, they try to make the most of their time together. A recent case in point?

“The most romantic thing he’s done for me is, on my birthday, he woke me up out of bed at like six in the morning,” Kylie says, elaborating in precious detail:

“He was like, ‘We gotta go,’ and I’m just like half asleep, like, ‘What do you mean? What do you mean?’

“And he just starts pulling me, and the sun was just coming up, and he had flowers all the way down his house and violin players everywhere.

“The rager can have a sweet side.”


Thursday, December 21, 2017

Ashley Graham Bustin" Her Humps in Morocco

The desert is usually hot, but Ashley Graham made it extra hot modeling a bunch of bikinis in the sand in Morocco. Graham shared several behind-the-scenes pics from her photo shoot Thursday in Taghazout. How behind? There’s even a photo of her…


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Kevin Hart Humps Poker Table After After Big Win (VIDEO)

Sex and trash talk.  That summed up Kevin Hart’s poker experience in Vegas — after he trashed a bunch of poker pros and then banged the table after winning a big hand. It was HILARIOUS!! Kev was playing in PokerGO’s Super High Roller…


Monday, March 13, 2017

Dude Humps "Fearless Girl" Statue, is Biggest Douche Alive

A photo of a man pretending to hump the new “Fearless Girl” statue on Wall Street is going viral because he"s just that big of a douche.

Architectural designer Alexis Kaloyanides snapped the pic on March 9, the day after International Women’s Day, and posted it to Facebook.

“Almost as if out of central casting," she described it.

"Some Wall Street finance broseph appeared and started humping the statue while his gross date rape-y friends laughed and cheered him on."

"He pretended to have sex with the image of a little girl."

"Douchebags like this are why we need feminism.”

Two days earlier, the bronze statue of a young girl meant to signify the power of women in leadership roles was installed in Manhattan.

Right in front of the famous Wall Street bull, she became an instant inspiration … that this loser rubbed up against in a sexual manner.

Kaloyanides, 34, was out with co-workers when they decided to stop by the statue Thursday night to see the feminist effigy in person.

"It was a beautiful night… there were about 15 or 20 people there," Kaloyanides said, describing the scene that would soon turn sour.

"We started talking about the statue, a little girl about 5 or 6 years old proudly posed with the statue for a picture, it was just a nice moment."

"These three young men came along."

"At first they were hanging off the bull… and then one guy rushed up and started grinding against the statue of the girl, being lewd and totally inappropriate."

The stunt understandably shocked the crowd, which immediately started yelling at the unidentified man, who laughed as he left with friends.

“He was gone within 20 seconds, but it just ruined the mood of the scene,” Kaloyanides went on, calling the display "utterly revolting." 

“[People were] talking about empowering children and women and then to have this 20-something showing his entitlement, defiling the statute…"

Kaloyanides got a photo, though, and posted it to social media, a decision she defends because some believe this is a laughing matter.

By spreading the photo, she ensures it won"t be.

"This is just further perpetuating a mentality of ‘boys will be boys,’ and that ‘it’s okay, it’s a joke, just brush it off,’” she said of her decision.

“This young man likely has a mother, a sister perhaps, a girlfriend, a wife, who knows? I’m getting tired of making excuses and laughing it off."

"I for one am not gonna laugh it off anymore."

“This man did something in public."

"He wanted to get a reaction, and he’s getting it now, good or bad,” she said. “And it’s not like it’s just a bunch of angry women."

"Decent men are outraged.”

The statue was installed Tuesday by State Street Global Advisers in an effort to push companies to add more women to their boards.

The financial manager, the world"s third largest, said it would vote against boards of companies that failed to take these very steps.

On the day the statue was erected, State Street planned to send letters asking 3,500 companies to act, which Kaloyanides respects:

"Companies with gender mixed leadership do financially better. It’s not just for appearances. This sculpture is a symbol of females in business."

“When girls are young and coming up, hopefully, as it was in my case, parents tell them ‘you can be anything you want,” she continued.

Later in life, she laments, reality hits and you"re "handed an entirely different set of experiences and suddenly we discount ourselves."

"Women in positions of power, they don’t want to be seen as being a b–tches. There’s a contradiction, boys are leaders and girls are bossy."

"This symbolizes a young girl untainted by the realities of the world. It’s still possible," she adds, bringing it back to her infamous photo:

"I have to believe that this [the photo and subsequent reaction] is just sort of a catalyst to get people to continue to say it’s not okay to act this way."

Dude humps fearless girl statue is biggest douche alive

Monday, July 11, 2016

Kylie Jenner Dry Humps Tyga on Snapchat, Loves His "Fit"

Do you still somehow doubt that Kylie Jenner and Tyga are back together?

The Keeping Up with the Kardashians star has updated her Snapchat account to include multiple intimate videos with her off-again, but definitely now on-again boyfriend.

After joining Tyga for his concert in Finland on Saturday night, Kylie filmed the pair’s adventures in an airport and then on board an airplane.

In the first piece of romantic footage, Jenner is lying on top of Tyga for all to see, making it clear in the affiliated caption that she believes the pair make for a perfect couple.

“I think we fit,” Kylie wrote.

Up next, Kylie turns the camera on her 26-year old boyfriend, asking what he’s doing while he’s just kicking back in the lounge with his feet up.

It’s VERY exciting stuff that is totally worthy of a social media posting.

There’s also a video of Kylie showing off her massive diamond ring.

In the following Snapchat, she’s using it to shine reflections on the inside of the airplane, which is not at all an obnoxious thing to do:

On Friday, meanwhile, the annoying reality star flaunted a giant ring on her left hand in an Instagram photo, prompting multiple followers to wonder whether Kylie and Tyga were married.

(Would it really surprise anyone?)

Also fueling this same rumor?

A day earlier, Jenner captioned a snapshot of herself with Tyga with the simple words “Mr. and Mrs.”

However,  source later told Us Weekly that the stars are not engaged and Jenner “was just playing.”

That silly Kylie!

Despite a May break-up and despite Kylie being seen out and about with a rapper named PartyNextDoor, it is clear that Tyga and Jenner are once again having sex and stuff.

Tyga has even moved into the teenager’s mansion in Calabasas, California, although a source close to the situation tells Us Weekly that “it’s up in the air if he is going to live there permanently or is just staying there for now.”

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Farrah Abraham Humps Jenna Jameson, Continues to Make America Proud on Celebrity Big Brother

The national embarrassment that is Farrah Abraham’s stint on the UK’s Celebrity Big Brother shows no signs of ending any time soon.

It all started when Farrah attacked her housemate on her first freakin’ episode, yet somehow wasn’t kicked off the show. 

The reality-star-turned-porn-star followed that up by threatening to kill the entire cast

Earlier this week – because Farrah’s insanity isn’t limited to violent fantasies – she informed her castmates that she’s more popular than Kim Kardashian

As you can tell, the woman has raised the facepalm bar pretty high, but if you were afraid that she would run out of ways to make you shake your head in disgust, worry not:

Yes, that’s Farrah and fellow porn star Jenna Jameson simulating various sex acts in a kiddie pool full of chocolate.

This clip is not only entertaining, it’s important for a couple of reasons:

  1. It shows just how low Farrah is willing to sink in her ongoing effort to remain relevant.

  2. It reminds us of exactly why the rest of the world has such a snooty attitude about the US.

The producers of Celebrity Big Brother wanted someone to represent America and because Donald Trump is busy running for president and Charles Manson is in prison, they went with Farrah Abraham and various other psychos like Tila Tequila.

Sadly, millions of Brits are now looking on in horror and thinking, “Well, that’s America for ya, innit mate?” or something to that effect.

As for Tila, don’t worry – she was sent home after everyone remembered that she likes to dress like a Nazi. Yeah, we really need to start voting on who represents us abroad.

Jameson we’re actually okay with, though. At least she doesn’t lie about what she does for a living, unlike those other “sex tape” stars.