Showing posts with label Ireland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ireland. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Ireland Baldwin: Naked For Treats Magazine!

Looks like the folks at Treats magazine take the publication"s title very literally.

The editors posted a video on their website moments ago, and it looks like Halloween has come a couple months early, sans the tricks.

You see, Ireland Baldwin has been naked more than usual on social media lately.

And by "more than usual," we mean Baldwin might be topless more often than she"s fully clothed these days.

And now we know why. 

It seems all the racy Instagram shots that the daughter of Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger has been posting lately have been part of a photoshoot for Treats.

Now, the whole thing has been unveiled in a video that was well worth the wait.

Sure it"s only 90 seconds long, and it has no dialogue and nothing resembling a narrative structure, but we"re pretty sure this thing has a chance at sweeping the Oscars.

Or at least some awards show where Best Nudity By Ireland Baldwin is the only category.

As for costume design, well, that"s where Ireland falters a bit.

You see, we somewhat misled you when we said Ireland is nude throughout the video.

All of the bits and pieces that you want to see are uncovered, but for some reason the photographer insisted on adding all these silly little flourishes.

Why is Ireland completely naked save for some sequined cuffs and collars?

We have no idea. Art, or something.

Anyway, let"s focus on what really matters here:

Boobs. Just so many shots of boobs.

Ireland baldwin naked for treats magazine

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Ireland Baldwin Posts Naked Butt on Instagram; Alec Presumably Dead From Rage-Induced Heart Attack

After a brief respite from social media, Ireland Baldwin is back to getting naked on Instagram like it’s her job.

Which, come to think of it, it might be.

Does she have a job? Eh, who cares?

Normally we’re critical of spoiled children of celebrities who don’t even pretend to have aspirations toward acting, or singing, or some other form of cushy employment, but we’re gonna let this one slide.

This is a post-Kardashian world we’re living in, and if Ireland’s boobs can earn her a living, we say go for it.

And no, it’s not just because we enjoy the view.

We just reject the notion that talent is the only way for a celebrity kid to earn a living without resorting to the drudgery of actual employment.

If Evel Knievel and Johnny Knoxville made careers out of their willingness to risk their lives, why can’t Ireland make one out of her willingness to get naked?

Yes, we just compared Ireland Baldwin to Evel Knievel, and yes, we’re as confused by it as you are.

We’re also a little baffled by the origins of Ms. Baldwin’s latest artsy nude pic.

Apparently it’s from a series entitled My Hotel Room by a photographer named Aladdin Ishmael.

The dude literally invites models up to his hotel room so he can photograph them naked.

And here’s the really insane part – they do it!

He’s either the greatest genius or the biggest perv that ever lived. Or both.

Hopefully Ireland didn’t share this story at the dinner table:

Alec: So how was your weekend, honey?

Ireland: Some guy named Aladdin asked me to go up to his hotel room and get naked, so I did.

*family holds up protective garbage bags like they’re in the front row of a Gallagher show as Alec’s head literally explodes, covering the room with gray matter and jowls*

Friday, July 15, 2016

Ireland Baldwin: COMPLETELY Naked on Instagram!

We don’t know much about what Ireland Baldwin’s been up to since leaving rehab back in May of 2015.

In fact, the formerly attention-loving daughter of rage-fueled actor Alec Baldwin has even made her Instagram private – but somehow, pics like this one keeping making their way to the public:

Yes, last month gave us Ireland topless, this month she’s completely naked.

Clearly, the pic is from a professional photoshoot, but Baldwin didn’t offer any hints as to the nature of the project she’s working on.

Whatever the case, the girl clearly hasn’t slacked in her fitness regimen.

Like we said, details of her personal life are tough to find these days, but accounts concur that after that rough patch last year, Ireland is happy, healthy, and working steadily.

Yes, there’s a member of the Baldwin family who doesn’t live a steady diet of violent insanity.

Good to know.

Back when she was briefly a tabloid staple, Ireland was dating Angel Haze, but that relationship appears to have fizzled.

As far as we can tell she’s single these days, but we wouldn’t want you to go and get your hopes up.

Ireland is notoriously picky about who she allows to follow her on social media, so we can’t imagine how hard it is to get her number.

Plus what if her dad reads one of your texts and Hulks out.

You don’t want your last words to be “u up?”

Ireland Baldwin: COMPLETELY Naked on Instagram!

We don’t know much about what Ireland Baldwin’s been up to since leaving rehab back in May of 2015.

In fact, the formerly attention-loving daughter of rage-fueled actor Alec Baldwin has even made her Instagram private – but somehow, pics like this one keeping making their way to the public:

Yes, last month gave us Ireland topless, this month she’s completely naked.

Clearly, the pic is from a professional photoshoot, but Baldwin didn’t offer any hints as to the nature of the project she’s working on.

Whatever the case, the girl clearly hasn’t slacked in her fitness regimen.

Like we said, details of her personal life are tough to find these days, but accounts concur that after that rough patch last year, Ireland is happy, healthy, and working steadily.

Yes, there’s a member of the Baldwin family who doesn’t live a steady diet of violent insanity.

Good to know.

Back when she was briefly a tabloid staple, Ireland was dating Angel Haze, but that relationship appears to have fizzled.

As far as we can tell she’s single these days, but we wouldn’t want you to go and get your hopes up.

Ireland is notoriously picky about who she allows to follow her on social media, so we can’t imagine how hard it is to get her number.

Plus what if her dad reads one of your texts and Hulks out.

You don’t want your last words to be “u up?”

Friday, June 17, 2016

Ireland Baldwin: Topless and Tattooed on Instagram

Remember Ireland Baldwin? 

The daughter of actor/madman Alec Baldwin was a “thing” on social media for a while, thanks in no small part to photos like this:

Last year, Ireland went to rehab for what she described as emotional issues.

Sources say that after a number of unsettling episodes, she recovered nicely, but only after being harassed by Andy Dick, which is literally the worst thing that can happen to a person.

With dudes like Alec and Andy in her life, it’s not surprising that Ireland was all set on the human race for a while.

So she stopped posing and posting on social media for several months, much to the chagrin of pervs everywhere.

So you can imagine our surprise to this racy pic of Ms. Baldwin making the rounds online today:

Yes, Northern Ireland is as beautiful as we’d imagined.

She’s still rocking the same shade of brunette as the last time we saw her.

But we’re pretty sure the bunny ears are new.

As you can see, Ireland appears to be backstage somewhere.

We wish we had more information than that, but this thing is floating around sans caption.

The best we can do is take a shot in the dark and assume, based on her Aladdin Sane tatt, that she’s starring some sort of topless Playboy bunny David Bowie revue.

Aw, now we’re all depressed that that’s probably not a thing that will ever exist.