Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Ireland Baldwin: Naked For Treats Magazine!

Looks like the folks at Treats magazine take the publication"s title very literally.

The editors posted a video on their website moments ago, and it looks like Halloween has come a couple months early, sans the tricks.

You see, Ireland Baldwin has been naked more than usual on social media lately.

And by "more than usual," we mean Baldwin might be topless more often than she"s fully clothed these days.

And now we know why. 

It seems all the racy Instagram shots that the daughter of Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger has been posting lately have been part of a photoshoot for Treats.

Now, the whole thing has been unveiled in a video that was well worth the wait.

Sure it"s only 90 seconds long, and it has no dialogue and nothing resembling a narrative structure, but we"re pretty sure this thing has a chance at sweeping the Oscars.

Or at least some awards show where Best Nudity By Ireland Baldwin is the only category.

As for costume design, well, that"s where Ireland falters a bit.

You see, we somewhat misled you when we said Ireland is nude throughout the video.

All of the bits and pieces that you want to see are uncovered, but for some reason the photographer insisted on adding all these silly little flourishes.

Why is Ireland completely naked save for some sequined cuffs and collars?

We have no idea. Art, or something.

Anyway, let"s focus on what really matters here:

Boobs. Just so many shots of boobs.

Ireland baldwin naked for treats magazine