Showing posts with label Kailyn's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kailyn's. Show all posts

Monday, December 11, 2017

Lux Lowry: All the ADORABLE Photos of Kailyn"s Baby So Far!

Not sure if you heard, but Teen Mom 2 cast member Kailyn Lowry recently became a mother for the third time on August 5.

It hasn"t been an easy journey – but it has been a cute one.

From the moment she conceived the child in late 2016, Kail"s life has been shrouded in mystery and under heavy scrutiny.

Her relationship with Chris Lopez, the baby"s father, continues to puzzle observers (and possibly Lowry herself) to this day. 

Are they together? Are they not together? Are they fighting for custody? Is she really changing Lux"s name to spite him?

It"s quite unclear. But what"s perfectly clear is this:

They made an adorable little man. Lux Russell Lowry is as precious as they come, as evidenced by the images she"s shared.

No matter what you think of Kail, she"s momming like a boss. Here are the sweetest moments of Lux"s young life thus far …

1. Her Three Sons

Kailyn lowry three sons

Kailyn Lowry shared this super adorable photo of her sons, Isaac and Lincoln, with their brand new baby brother not long after he got home from the hospital! Isaac, left, is her son with Jo Rivera; Lincoln, right, is from her marriage to Javi Marroquin. Pretty precious trio right here.

2. Family of Four

Kailyn lowry children

Kailyn shared another sweet photo of her three sons, Isaac, Lincoln, and the baby formerly known as Baby Lo, after the boys got to meet their little brother for the first time. If this doesn’t make your heart melt, you might want to check yourself for a pulse and see that you in fact have a heart.

3. Baby Lux

Baby lux

Baby Lux Russell Lowry is Kailyn’s littlest little man. (Her other two little men are still pretty little … stop growing up so fast you guys!) Look at L-squared here, showing off some adorable newborn swagger. We cannot.

4. Lux Lowry Smiles

Lux lowry smiles

Kail captioned this one, “I literally cannot.” We literally cannot either! If there’s ever been a cuter picture of a newborn, we challenge you to find it. And send it to us because it would probably make a good article.

5. An Introduction

Kailyn lowry with baby lo

Kailyn shared this image of Lux when he was still just “Baby Lo.” Very early on in his life, he didn’t have a name yet! “Lo” worked as a nice placeholder, especially given his parents’ surnames (Lowry and Lopez).

6. And Now For the Public Introduction

Kailyn lowry as a teen mom

This is life as a Teen Mom. Your life is always lived in front of a camera. Kailyn puts the hustle and heart into … well, her book called Hustle & Heart. She’s got a lot of love to share with her kids and with the world, and if she can make a living as a social media influencer and personality to boot, more power to her. #bossmom

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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Teen Mom 2 Season 7 Episode 7 Recap: Can Kailyn"s Marriage Be Saved?

Monday night on an emotional Teen Mom 2 Season 7 Episode 7, Javi Marroquin had to say goodbye to his family prior to his deployment.

Knowing what we do about Kailyn Lowry and Javi splitting up – it sure looks that way at least – made this week even tougher to watch …

If Kailyn and Javi are over for good, we can point to the fact that he was headed out to be deployed for six months as a major factor.

This fact of military life takes its toll on all families of the armed services, but in this case it may have been too much for them to handle.

There’s no question Kailyn has gone off the rails in recent months, and fans worry that she may spiral further into a pattern of depression.

“I hope that absence makes the heart grow fonder,” Kailyn, who already suffered a recent miscarriage, told the MTV cameras, longingly.

Coupled with the fact that Jo Rivera is engaged to Vee Torres while her own husband is beefing with her on Twitter from overseas?

We could be seeing the beginning of the end as we watch Teen Mom 2 online. In any case, the entire family got very emotional Monday.

Leading up to his departure, the Air Force member felt good.

“I’m going to save the world, babe,” Javi told his loving wife.

Whether his marriage can be saved is an open question.

Further down south, Carolina Hurricane Jenelle Evans wanted one thing from Nathan Griffith – to get him to drop those assault charges.

Not just for peace of mind, but specifically so Jenelle could still participate in a surgical tech program that is central to her career path.

Nathan, for his part, says he hasn’t seen their son in 7-8 weeks.

Tension surrounding this issue was exacerbated when he expected Jenelle to bring Kaiser with her for a visit, but she showed up alone.

Her current beau David Eason was pissed for different reasons:

“It doesn’t matter if he’s the father of your child or not – to me it’s like a slap in the face that you would even want to meet up with him and talk to him.”

Not shockingly, Nathan isn’t a big time fan of David’s either.

A little digging into David Eason’s past unearthed a long list of criminal complaints against Jenelle’s boyfriend, including domestic violence.

“Nothing you say is adding up. You live with a felon – I don’t,” Nathan said to Jenelle, leaving us wonder how long their truce will last.

Things weren’t quite as uncomfortable between Leah Messer and Corey Simms – it’s hard to top Jenelle and … anyone in that arena.

Still, there was plenty of tension in West Virginia as well.

Leah received paperwork about her upcoming court date to reconsider the couple’s custody arrangements, which was stressful enough.

On top of that, though, the parents still had to work together regarding their daughter as they headed to Columbus for Ali’s check up.

During the appointment, the duo met with a social worker about their potential custody arrangement changes, and also spoke privately.

Messer, as always, felt she was getting the shaft.

“I have my s–t together. There is no reason whatsoever that my children can’t be with me Thursday through Sunday,” Leah told her cousin.

Will a judge agree? After all this?

Finally, some good Teen Mom 2 news …

“Oh, my god … I’m getting f–king married,” Chelsea Houska excitedly said to a friend in South Dakota, still beaming from her proposal.

Researching decorations, flowers and such for her wedding to Cole DeBoer sure beats dealing with that derelict of society Adam Lind.

If only he would just go away!

Unfortunately, it’s not that easy, and the Housk is still embroiled in a legal battle over whether Adam Lind is the worst father in history.

She expressed disappointment (that’s putting it nicely) with the way he treats their daughter, and just wants him to own up to his child.

“You can be the biggest piece of s–t [when] you wanna be. You’re only being a d–k to her,” Chelsea said re: how Adam treats Aubree.

Cole is really outshining him in the daddy department – the bar is set pretty low, granted – which Lind doesn’t appreciate. Stay tuned.

Teen Mom 2 Season 7 Episode 7 Recap: Can Kailyn"s Marriage Be Saved?

Monday night on an emotional Teen Mom 2 Season 7 Episode 7, Javi Marroquin had to say goodbye to his family prior to his deployment.

Knowing what we do about Kailyn Lowry and Javi splitting up – it sure looks that way at least – made this week even tougher to watch …

If Kailyn and Javi are over for good, we can point to the fact that he was headed out to be deployed for six months as a major factor.

This fact of military life takes its toll on all families of the armed services, but in this case it may have been too much for them to handle.

There’s no question Kailyn has gone off the rails in recent months, and fans worry that she may spiral further into a pattern of depression.

“I hope that absence makes the heart grow fonder,” Kailyn, who already suffered a recent miscarriage, told the MTV cameras, longingly.

Coupled with the fact that Jo Rivera is engaged to Vee Torres while her own husband is beefing with her on Twitter from overseas?

We could be seeing the beginning of the end as we watch Teen Mom 2 online. In any case, the entire family got very emotional Monday.

Leading up to his departure, the Air Force member felt good.

“I’m going to save the world, babe,” Javi told his loving wife.

Whether his marriage can be saved is an open question.

Further down south, Carolina Hurricane Jenelle Evans wanted one thing from Nathan Griffith – to get him to drop those assault charges.

Not just for peace of mind, but specifically so Jenelle could still participate in a surgical tech program that is central to her career path.

Nathan, for his part, says he hasn’t seen their son in 7-8 weeks.

Tension surrounding this issue was exacerbated when he expected Jenelle to bring Kaiser with her for a visit, but she showed up alone.

Her current beau David Eason was pissed for different reasons:

“It doesn’t matter if he’s the father of your child or not – to me it’s like a slap in the face that you would even want to meet up with him and talk to him.”

Not shockingly, Nathan isn’t a big time fan of David’s either.

A little digging into David Eason’s past unearthed a long list of criminal complaints against Jenelle’s boyfriend, including domestic violence.

“Nothing you say is adding up. You live with a felon – I don’t,” Nathan said to Jenelle, leaving us wonder how long their truce will last.

Things weren’t quite as uncomfortable between Leah Messer and Corey Simms – it’s hard to top Jenelle and … anyone in that arena.

Still, there was plenty of tension in West Virginia as well.

Leah received paperwork about her upcoming court date to reconsider the couple’s custody arrangements, which was stressful enough.

On top of that, though, the parents still had to work together regarding their daughter as they headed to Columbus for Ali’s check up.

During the appointment, the duo met with a social worker about their potential custody arrangement changes, and also spoke privately.

Messer, as always, felt she was getting the shaft.

“I have my s–t together. There is no reason whatsoever that my children can’t be with me Thursday through Sunday,” Leah told her cousin.

Will a judge agree? After all this?

Finally, some good Teen Mom 2 news …

“Oh, my god … I’m getting f–king married,” Chelsea Houska excitedly said to a friend in South Dakota, still beaming from her proposal.

Researching decorations, flowers and such for her wedding to Cole DeBoer sure beats dealing with that derelict of society Adam Lind.

If only he would just go away!

Unfortunately, it’s not that easy, and the Housk is still embroiled in a legal battle over whether Adam Lind is the worst father in history.

She expressed disappointment (that’s putting it nicely) with the way he treats their daughter, and just wants him to own up to his child.

“You can be the biggest piece of s–t [when] you wanna be. You’re only being a d–k to her,” Chelsea said re: how Adam treats Aubree.

Cole is really outshining him in the daddy department – the bar is set pretty low, granted – which Lind doesn’t appreciate. Stay tuned.