Showing posts with label Keeping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Keeping. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 14 Episode 14 Recap: Bun in the Oven

It’s the reveal we’ve been waiting months for, and on Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 14 Episode 14, Khloe Kardashian finally revealed the news to her family. 

While Khloe may currently be six months pregnant, the episode was recorded back when she was just six weeks pregnant. 

When the episode got underway, Khloe dished the good news to her assistant, Alexa Okyle. 

“I’m pregnant,” Khloe revealed emotionally, and you could tell she was excited, but cautious about the news. 

The Revenge Body host then went into detail about the moment Tristan was told the good news via Facetime.

“He was like, ‘Wait are you kidding or serious?’” she recalled. 

Instead of going guns blazing to tell all to her family, Khloe opted to hold off the news until an upcoming family barbecue. That meant just Khloe, Tristan, Alexa and some production members were in the know about it. 

Later, Kourtney Kardashian grew concerned over Khloe’s diet regime because Khloe had gained some weight. 

“You’ve gained a few pounds,” Kourtney said. “Have you amped up the eating since Tristan’s been back?”

Luckily, Khloe revealed all to her family shortly after. At the barbecue, Khloe cradled niece Dream Kardashian as she plucked up the courage to tell everyone. 

“We’re so lucky and blessed to have everyone here … we’re having a baby,” she said in a real tearjerker of a scene. 

It was evident Kris Jenner was ecstatic by the news, and it was almost like she breathed a huge sigh of relief when she got the news.

Either that or she realized she could make the family a whole lot of money from a dual pregnancy. 

“I always thought that Khloe would may be one of those women who never had kids,” Kris confirmed to the cameras. 

The topic of conversation quickly turned to the due date, and Khloe confirmed, “I’ll be six weeks on Tuesday.” 

Given that the show is far behind on the pregnancy news, we may need to wait a long time to see the offspring on KUWTK. 

Kylie Jenner did not grace her family with her presence at the event, so she was told the news via Facetime. Kylie seemed overjoyed but continued to remain coy about her own pregnancy. 

Seriously, what’s the holdup, Kylie? 

Maybe we’ll get another two-night event to confirm the 20-year-old has a bun in the oven. Either that or she’ll use it to plug Life of Kylie because that show did not exactly kill it in the ratings. 

The other big shocker from the episode did not involve any pregnancy news. It was all about Kim Kardashian. 

The 37-year-old confirmed that her glam squad would continue to work even she was in a coma. The reason? 

Kardashian had glam squad requests in her will. Yes, it makes sense that Kim would want to continue to look good when she has no control over her body. 

Aside from those two developments, the producers could have easily added five minutes on to Sunday’s episode with all of the details. 

What did you think of the reveal?

Hit the comments below!

Keeping Up with the Kardashians continues Sunday on E!


Monday, January 15, 2018

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 14 Episode 13 Recap: Mime Over Matter

Were the family even bothering about the continued drama with Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna?

That was a hot topic on Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 14 Episode 13 as family opened up about their thoughts on the troublesome couple. 

Kim Kardashian and Khloe Kardashian discussed the whole Rob and Chyna legal drama. 

Khloe said that the positive to the drama was that “there’s no way Rob and Chyna could get back together,” but “the negative is all of this other [expletive] right now.”

Kim was critical of Rob for posting the nudes of Blac Chyna online. 

“The negative is that as Rob having sisters, he should just know better,” she said. “He should have just like controlled himself.”

“Rob and Chyna have officially broken up, but they obviously still have to communicate for the custody of Dream,” Khloe began in a confessional.

“They’re still having a hard time getting along. The legal battle that has been going on between the two of them has been super frustrating.”

“I feel like this is escalating to a place that none of us could have ever imagined.”

Khloe then told Kim, “He’s made out to be this bad guy when she’s taunting him… You don’t [expletive] with someone’s heart and emotions.”

Khloe and Kourtney then got Rob on the phone to get an update on what was happening with Chyna with regards to the custody situation with Dream. 

He did admit that he could take Dream to their houses for a visit, but that was about it. 

“I know this is super hard for Rob because he was so in love with [Chyna] and this is not how he thought the relationship was going to end,” said Khloe in a confessional. 

Well, Rob did leak the nudes, so maybe he should have thought about that before worrying about a custody battle. 

Khloe knew the situation was getting to her mother, so she chatted with her about it. 

“There’s just a lot going on with Rob and the whole custody thing,” said the family matriarch. “It’s just wild. It’s stressful because I’m trying to help him navigate this.”

“You can’t let it consume you. You’ve got to just smile and enjoy life,” Khloe said to her mother. Kris decided it was time to leave the conversation because it was all getting too much. 

To cheer Kris up, Khloe thought pranking her would be the best foot forward. Khloe hired a mime, and he showed up at the house to handcuff himself to her. 

“I know Khloe’s wants me to lighten up, and I get what she’s trying to do, but I don’t think she understands how packed my day is,” Kris said to the camera. 

The mime annoyed Kris because he was doing silly stuff while he was out with. Kris decided it was time to part ways with the mime and her assistant cut her free. 

“By the end of the day, I got to say it was really fun. I’ve never laughed so hard in my life,” Kris admitted. 

In the end, Kris managed to return the favor by showing at Khloe’s house dressed as a mime. 

“Mom, this is really your look! I think you should do this all the time,” Khloe said to her mother before turning to a konfessional to reveal her thoughts on her mother’s new look. 

“I am so happy to see my mom as this light, fun Kris Jenner. This is the Kris Jenner that I know, so the next time things get crazy, pull out that face paint and your mime costume. You’re good to go.”

Meanwhile, Kourtney revealed that she was traveling to Egypt with Younes Bendjima, but she felt guilty about leaving her kids behind. 

“I’m proud that you’re doing something for yourself,” said Khloe who wanted her sister to have fun.

“There was a time when I wouldn’t even sleep out for one night,” Kourtney responded before saying that she wanted to keep her relationship separate from her kids. 

What did you think of all the drama?

Keeping Up with Kardashians continues tonight!


Monday, December 18, 2017

Sofia Richie on Keeping Up with the Kardashians? The Answer Revealed!

It’s the question that’s been on the minds of at least two dozen people over the past several weeks:

With Sofia Richie very hot and confusingly heavy with Scott Disick, at least a handful of people have been wondering whether this couple will take things to the next level.

As in… when will they get married?

HA! No.

Disick has three children with Kourtney Kardashian and wedding bells have never come too close to ringing for those two.

Instead, reality TV viewers have been curious as to whether Richie will take the next logical step in her romance with The Lord and appear on Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

Granted, she isn’t a Kardashian.

And, yes, we know, no one is really anxious to keep up with her any more than they have been.

However, an insider recently claimed to Radar Online that Kris Jenner was open to the idea of taking Richie on as a cast member because the alternative was losing Disick altogether.

And this is unappealing because Disick is considered a “fan favorite,” the source went on to say.

It certainly is true that it’s more fun to watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online or even on television when Scott is involved.

He may be a Grade A douchebag, but… well… there’s no need to add a but.

He’s entertaining specifically because he’s a Grade A douchebag.

Still, fans need not worry that Richie will show up any time soon and ruin the chemistry of this long-running E! favorite.

According to TMZ, Richie and Disick may be going strong (in mostly a sexual sense), but the relationship isn’t actually all that serious because Richie never hangs out with Disick’s children.

It’s unclear whether Sofia has ever met Mason, Penelope and Reign.

But it’s very clear, this website writes, that she won’t stop by Keeping Up with the Kardashians because she almost only hangs out with Disick when the two are alone. 

No, Kourtney did not pressure producers to keep Richie away.

And, no, none of the sisters have any sort of beef with Sofia; they hardly even know her.

It’s simply that Disick typically appears for family events and Richie has no plans on being part of his family.

Scott and Sofia started dating a few months ago, but few took the relationship seriously.

It’s hard to take anything seriously when it comes to Scott Disick, of course.

But the D-Listers have become Instagram official and some reports even indicate that Disick is in love with Richie.

Of course, he’s said he’s in love with Kourtney, too, and that hasn’t stopped him from partying more often than parenting.

So don’t start planning the Richie-Disick wedding just yet, is all we’re saying.


Sunday, December 17, 2017

Sofia Richie Won"t be in "Keeping Up with the Kardashians"

Sofia Richie won’t be on “Keeping up with the Kardashians” even though she’s dating Scott Disick because they haven’t crossed a certain bridge yet … his kids. Production sources tell TMZ … there’s absolutely zero plans for ‘KUWTK’…


Monday, December 11, 2017

Sofia Richie: Joining the Cast of Keeping Up With the Kardashians?!

It’s never easy to see a recent ex move on with someone new.

Fortunately, unlike Kourtney Kardashian, most of us will probably never find ourselves in the position of being forced to star on TV series with our ex’s new significant other.

As you may have heard, Scott Disick is dating Sofia Richie.

Despite the age difference (Scott is 34; Sofia 19), Scott’s alcoholism, and about a bajiliion other obstacles, the couple is said to be moving very quickly.

In fact, after just a few months of dating, Scott and Sofia have reportedly pledged their love for one another.

This news comes on the heels of reports that Scott is seething with jealousy over Kourtney’s relationship with Younes Bendjima and only dating Sofia out of a desire for revenge.

Needless to say, the situation is complex and rife with drama–which means it should come as no surprise that Kris Jenner is looking for ways to exploit it.

“Kris is considering officially taking Sofia on as a cast member because the alternative is losing Scott, who’s a real fan-favorite,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

“Kourtney can’t believe it. She can barely tolerate Scott let alone his new 19-year-old ‘piece’ as she calls Sofia.”

While it’s true that Scott is often the most enteraining part of KUWTK, the decision to add Sofia to the cast is not understandably not sitting well with Kourtney, especially since it was her own mother who made the call.

But apparently, Kourtney’s protestations are falling on deaf ears:

“The idea that this kid could start profiting from the family show makes Kourt feel totally betrayed, but Kris argues that she hasn’t made a bad business decision yet and that Kourtney needs to trust her,” the insider says.

Oh, man. That attitude must get exhausting.

Imagine arguing with a parent who also made your awesome career, and every time you make a good point, they’re like, “Yeah, I guess that’s true. Remember when you weren’t rich and famous, and I changed that?”

Between dealing with Scott and Kris, Kourtney could probably write a book on coping with narcisstic d-bags.

On the other, hand that’s really not necessary.

KUWTK is basically an incredibly long documentary on that very subject. 


Keeping Up with the Kardashians Recap: The Surrogate Blues

This week’s episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians featured Kimberly coming to the decision to have a third child via surrogate.

It was a decision that carried many mixed emotions.

First off, how did she come to choose her surrogate?

“Finding someone you really trust is really more difficult than you can imagine,” she said of the still-anonymous young woman.

“It was maybe a year before we finalized [that].”

Kim gushed that the woman entrusted with carrying her child – who is 100% Kim and Kanye’s, genetically – is just “such a nice person.”

“Like, she’s so easy to talk to. This particular surrogate, she was the best fit for my family so we just had to go with it and try one embryo.”

Additionally, Kim revealed that an implanted embryo from a fertility procedure before her pregnancy with son Saint, now 2, was lost:

“One didn’t work with me. I tried it and I lost one.”

Sister Khloe then opened up about this, too.

“Before Kimberly got pregnant with Saint,” Khloe said, “she had an embryo implanted in her and that embryo did not take.”

“So Kim is super nervous and anxious.”

Understandably so, but it appears that this time frame has passed, as later, she told her family, “We’re having a baby. A girl.”

“I definitely want to keep it private. I don’t want people to find my surrogate. I don’t want people following her, chasing her.”

“I really trust my surrogate,” though, she said:

“I’m not trying to control her every move.”

Not all is well with her inner circle, however, as Kim revealed that her relationship with Stephanie Shepherd wasn’t always amicable.

The duo remain close following Shepherd’s firing as Kim’s assistant this year, but it’s clear there is some bad blood lingering.

As Kim went on to discuss the pair’s up and down history, she confessed to Kourtney in an off-hand remark, “I hated Steph.”

Later in the episode, Kourtney finally confirmed her relationship to Younes Bendjima to Khloe, following a little bit of teasing.

Kourtney explained her reluctance to talk about the romance on the show, even as her sister prodded her, on the show.

She said, “I don’t feel like sitting and airing my business. I’m not using it on the show. I don’t feel like I need to expose.”

Fair enough.


Monday, December 4, 2017

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Recap: Get Some Heat

Sunday on Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 14 Episode 10, the girls visited a gun range in the wake of Kendall’s stalker drama.

Meanwhile, Kris’ mom was getting used to living in a new condo, as the Momager grappled with the issues of aging – and close proximity.

If you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online, you’re watching events play out that took place awhile ago, like Kendall’s robbery.

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 14 Episode 10 began with the supermodel admitting, “I literally once a week have a stalker.”

The 22-year-old told Khloe that these individuals “just like wait outside my house for me and my security guards won’t let me leave.”

This was March or April of this year. In October of 2016, she testified in court against another stalker, who was convicted for trespassing.

Kendall spoke about how horrible it was to get robbed, but not just because “every single piece of my jewelry was stolen.”

That can be replaced. The emotional scars don’t heal fast.

Just ask Kim Kardashian about that after her Paris scare.

“Ever since Kim’s situation in Paris … it’s just a scary world,” Khloe said, asking Kendall, “Do you know what kind of gun you like?”

Oh yes. They’re taking protection into their own hands.

Khloe and Kendall talked to Kim about their interest in firearms, though Kim was rather turned off by the idea after her experience.

Kim said that even if she were packing heat at the time, “there was no way I would have gotten out of there. I’m not Lara Croft.”

As for her other concerns about weapons: “I wouldn’t want, like, sleepovers going on with the kids here knowing there’s a gun.”

“I just personally don’t feel comfortable with that.”

Kim said that no matter how her siblings feel about their personal security, “I personally am not a fan of having guns in the home.”

She’s been actively involved with the charity Everytown for Gun Safety, so Kim’s position was certainly quite consistent with that.

Nevertheless, Kendall and Khloe went to the gun range to learn about safety tips and firing methods and try some of them out.

Was it what they expected? Not for Kendall.

“I’ve obviously been to a shooting range before but it’s literally scaring me so bad I’m hiding behind the wall,” she said later.

Khloe’s take: “I’m super happy that Kendall and I went to the gun range. I feel so educated. … I’m proud that I did that.”

In the end, though, Khloe and Kendall came around to Kim’s view.

After they had a conference call with the Everytown group, they decided it was not worth it to possess any personal firearms.

“They said that they’re all for the second amendment,” she explained, however, “they also told us the risks for having a gun.”

A statistic about a woman being five times more likely to be killed if she has a gun in her home particularly resonated with her.

Echoing her older sister, Khole said, “mass shooting after mass shooting … I think the answer is to not add more guns into the world.”

“I would rather avoid all of this and leave our guns to our security.”


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Matt Lauer"s Alma Mater Ohio University Keeping "Today" Show Internship

Matt Lauer was an integral part in developing an exclusive NBC journalism internship for Ohio University students, and despite the news of his firing over sexual misconduct, it’s going to stay active … TMZ has learned. A spokesperson for Ohio U.…


Monday, November 20, 2017

Keeping Up With the Kardashians Recap: Close to Home

Last night on Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 14 Episode 8, Kim became alarmed with rising rate of homelessness in Los Angeles. 

Whatever you think of her family, they did their best to find a way to make changes in this case – a selfless case, and for a good cause.

If you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online, you know that despite their fame and fortune, the stars are all too human.

This week was no different.

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 14 Episode 8 began with Kim Kardashian taking a trip to the Museum of Ice Cream.

Harmless fun. Until the drive home, where she saw rows of tents in a downtown homeless encampment, a jarring, sad visual.

Well, at least once you know what it is. Kim naively remarked at first, “You’re allowed to put a tent on the side of the road?”

If that comment were the end of this, you could call her vapid or out of touch. But Kimberly was determined to educate herself.

“I’m just at a point in my life where I don’t want to be naive anymore. … I really do want to learn,” she said, and backed it up.

She and Khloe then visited Union Rescue Mission and heard the stories of homeless individuals, people who have nothing.

Kim commented afterward that drug use is an unfair stigma: “There’s so many circumstances that can lead to this situation.”

Very true. As was a realization that came next: “The city needs to figure out housing and it’s not gonna be just one person.”

Kim then met with councilwoman Nury Martinez, and after touring another encampment, Kim urged the councilwoman:

“People have to see this. I want to drive down here. I want to bring our cameras. I want to show people what it’s like just down the street.”

“If me speaking about it even brings awareness to one person,” the reality star said, “then that can help make a difference.”

Further showing how serious she is, Kim then volunteered with her assistant, Stephanie Shepherd, at the Alexandria House.

They offered a glam squad, resume instruction and money management to residents of the Los Angeles women’s shelter.

Gotta hand it to her for using her platform for this.

Meanwhile, because the show isn’t all serious, Khloe revealed her plastic surgery plans to look like younger sister Kendall.

She was kidding … we think. Maybe. She said: “I literally will get Botox around my belly button so it looks like that. I’m going to.”

Presumably she means after the baby.

Khloe also continued to get on her mom’s case, confronting her Momager about never remembering their plans together.

Or other key details, apparently.

As Kris wrote a note for herself in her office, viewers saw a shot of her stationery featuring her old name, “Kris Kardashian.”

“Did you forget what your last name is too?” Khloe said, raising a valid point … did she legally take it back post-divorce?


Monday, November 13, 2017

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Recap: A Thing of Beauty

This week on Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 14 Episode 7, it was a time for new beginnings … and some old issues.

Khloe brought home her boyfriend, Tristan Thompson, for the summer, while Kourtney tried to set some boundaries with Scott.

You can imagine how that went over.

If you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online, you know that Khloe and the Cleveland Cavaliers forward are getting serious.

“Tristan has always gone out of his way to make me feel at home,” she said. “And in Cleveland he’s gone above and beyond.”

“In L.A. I want to do the same for him.”

While she was stressed about whether to live at her house with him or get a place closer to UCLA, she decided she was overthinking it.

“After talking with Tristan we have come to the conclusion that I’m crazy,” she recounted. “I don’t know why I was stressing myself out.”

“We have our beautiful home in Calabasas. All Tristan really wants is to be with me and for us to enjoy our summer together.”

“That’s really all that matters.”

Proving what a sweet guy he is to have around, Thompson surprised Kardashian with a birthday party with her family and friends in L.A.

“I’ve never had a surprise party ever,” Khloé said. “We were at dinner and Tristan was so calm. He was as cool as a cucumber.”

“He’s good at surprise parties. I had no clue.”

She gushed, “Tristan is just incredible. I’ve never been this happy. I am so lucky to be with someone that is so thoughtful and so sweet.” 

Not so happy with the situation? Lord D.

“I didn’t even get invited to her birthday,” he complained to Kim and his ex, Kourtney, using the flawed argument, “I’m family!”

Knowing Kourtney was the reason he didn’t make the guest list, she tried to explain it away, but only made the situation worse.

“I didn’t want you to coming to the birthday and be photographed going in,” Kourtney said, with Scott not buying it for a second.

“Photographed going in is your concern?” Disick said. “My concern would be … to be there for your sister who I love and care about.

“For the past 10-12 years,” he went on, “[he’s] been there for through thick and thin and marriages and all these different things.”

Kourtney later came clean to Khloe about this.

“I’m a little bit caught off guard. I just said that I didn’t want to be photographed even though that’s really not what I meant,” she admitted.

“I just try to be positive. And I didn’t want to say I just didn’t want you there. So if I can’t say anything nice, I just won’t say anything at all.”

Then Kourtney opened up to him, as well …

“There’s times when I want you to come and there’s times that I don’t,” she told Disick, and he did understand, at least to a point.

“Obviously I’m not able to handle everything that well,” he said. “I don’t have the best support team. I can try to f–king be a better person.”

“It’s [just] not the simplest thing.”

Hilariously, he then joked, “When do you think were gonna get married by the way, like 40?” Kourtney then responded in kind:

“You think when I turn 40 I’m gonna go, hey I’ve been looking for this drunk guy and he has a bunch of dirty s–t stained underwear?”

He walked into that one.

Kim, meanwhile, was stressing about the launch of her KKW Beauty line, which was inspired and aided by her one and only. 

“Kanye saw the plans and it was so helpful his input,” Kim said. “He called the florist and we made that whole flower rose room last minute.”

“That was honestly like the biggest attraction,” she said. 

“It’s so exciting to do something on my own. Basically for the past almost decade my sisters and I have always had a licensing deal.” 

“Going from being a licensee to an owner is so much more responsibility. I feel like this has been what I’ve been working for for 10 years.”

Kim was uneasy about taking on such a high-profile role, as she was still easing back into the spotlight after her October 2016 robbery.

“I’ve been like slowly taking my time to come back and this is a serious, sit-down, major interview,” Kim said of interviewing the CEO.

“This isn’t … I don’t know how something like this could go. If they want to ask me crazy questions, it’s Steve Forbes,” she said.

“It’s hard for me to get back out there.”

In the end – following the re-release of new promotional images (fans thought she was wearing blackface in the originals) – it was a hit.

Kim was happy with how the launch party turned out, and the family mogul proved she isn’t ready to cede that title to Kylie just yet.

“There’s such amazing press on this launch party,” she gushes. “And I’m so happy we made so many changes so it would be perfect.”

Get it, girl.


Thursday, November 2, 2017

Paul Wall Says All Astros Players Are Getting Grillz, Keeping My World Series Promise!

The Houston Astros are getting some serious bling long before their rings arrive — ‘cause Paul Wall says he’s hookin’ up EVERY PLAYER with a custom gold grill. The craziest part — the rapper and his business partner Johnny Dang are trying to get…


Paul Wall Says All Astros Players Are Getting Grillz, Keeping My World Series Promise!

The Houston Astros are getting some serious bling long before their rings arrive — ‘cause Paul Wall says he’s hookin’ up EVERY PLAYER with a custom gold grill. The craziest part — the rapper and his business partner Johnny Dang are trying to get…


Monday, October 23, 2017

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Rekap: Not-So-Great Scott

Keeping Up with the Kardashians featured an appearance by a fun guest star this week…

… as well an yet another appearance of Scott Disick acting like a pretty big A-Hole.

First, the guest star: it’s Chrissy Teigen!

The installment opened with John Legend’s better half talking with Kim Kardashian talking about the recent MET Gala (meaning this was filmed way back in May) and how she experience “super-high anxiety there.” 

Kim understood.

She said that Kylie Jenner “was so nervous” at this A-Lister-filled event that she made Kim “walk her to her table and introduce her to Donatella [Versace].”

Fascinating stuff, right?

Far more interesting, and disturbing, was the main focus this Sunday on Disick, Kourtney and their ever-troubled relationship.

Out to dinner with Khloe and Kendall in Santa Barbara, Kourtney could not enjoy herself because her phone kept blowing up with text updates about her irritating baby daddy.

According to mutual friend named Simon, Disick had been partying up a storm while she was gone. Which is par for his often-wasted course, as viewers know well.

But tales of his latest escapades made it impossible for Kourtney to enjoy herself.

She said that she and Disick aren’t really talking these days and she then oscillated between feelings of anger and concern.

“I just, like, keep hearing that he’s out of control. People have called me saying he’s not gonna make it,” she told her sisters.

Determined not to enable the father of her three young kids, she Kourtney and added: “He needs to fend for himself.”

“A lot of it he does to get attention from you,” Khloe said, explaining that Disick, with whom she’s been close at times, has previously confessed to getting in trouble just to elicit a response from his ex-lover.

Real mature, right?

In the past, Kourtney confronted Disick when his drinking and flirting spiraled out of control.


“I just haven’t been riding him because I’m trying to switch up the pattern,” said last night. “I don’t want the kids to see him like this.”

This is why earlier reports alleged that she banned Disick from even seeing his children until he shaped up.

In a confessional, Kourtney lated opened up further, telling the camera on her own:

“We’ve been in this same pattern, even though we’re not together, for 10 years plus.

“If there was something I could to do help Scott, to help his situation or his addiction, I would do it in a heartbeat…

“But I’ve learned that it’s beyond my control and I’ve accepted that.”

The same couldn’t be said this week for Kim Kardashian, however.

She went over to Scott’s place and tried to talk reasonably with her quasi brother-in-law about his unacceptable habits.

“Some [stuff] is really realistically true,” Disick admitted during this chat, adding:

“I mean, we all know I have times where I definitely am out of control. But you can tell Kourtney to have a good weekend and rest assured that I’m fine.”

That may be true at the moment, as Disick is getting serious with Sofia Richie.

But there seemed to be a different female by his side every day back when this episode was shot.

And it doesn’t appear as if anything involved Scott and Kourtney will calm down next Sunday night, either, not when Disick is threatening to BEAT UP Younes Bendjima.

For real.

Watch the official E! preview to see what we mean:

Yikes, right?!?


Monday, October 16, 2017

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Recap: Walk of Shame

Some wounds take a very long time to heal, and some family dynamics are so complicated, they can’t be easily put into a box.

On Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 14 Episode 3, Kim’s Paris robbery ordeal came back to haunt her in a major way.

Meanwhile, Kourtney Kardashian found herself in a world of trouble when she tried to hide her dating life … but from whom?

If you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online, you will see an episode kicking off with Kim getting ready for the Met Gala.

By her side as she preps for this event on Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 14 Episode 3 are Kylie and Kendall Jenner.

Kylie was focused on showcasing her impossibly curvy figure, and that means making her waist so thin she can’t even breathe.

Seriously. Her words. “I need to kind of suffocate. Like, I need to not be able to breathe like the whole time,” she instructed.

Kylie was also dismayed that her red carpet slot was “so f–king early” and thus not prime time, but Kim had bigger things on her mind.

Much bigger things.

Even after so many years of fame, she was a nervous wreck about this red carpet appearance, saying she was “about to throw up.”

Spoken like a first-timer, she revealed part of her mantra: “I’ll say to myself, ‘Suck my stomach in, arms to the side, chin down.’”

The issue here is that even someone as famous, wealthy and renowned for posing nude as Kim has some serious body issues.

“She’s got a real insecurity problem lately,” Jonathan Cheban said, while Kim added, “That Mexico trip really f–ked me up.”

That was when shady photographers captured Kim Kardashian bikini photos at a most unflattering, cellulite-revealing angle.

Kim said this gave her “body dysmorphia,” and that’s the kind of thing you don’t just snap your fingers and get over on cue. 

Kourtney Kardashian thought it was a trigger for something worse, adding, “I think this is just making her think about Paris again.”

According to her older sister, Kim was publicly ridiculed after the robbery, so any scrutiny – even over body issues – is amplified.

Khloe Kardashian agreed, saying that Kim “was just mocked about this traumatic thing that happened to her” and it’s harsh.

We give the Kardashians a hard time for their hashtag First World Problems, but in all seriousness, Kim is still human after all.

You might not think of unflattering press bringing Kim’s past demons to the surface as a big deal, but to her, it is beyind that.

It is all she thinks about.

Meanwhile, Kourtney began a new relationship … with a guy whose name was not revealed, but we have to assume is Younes Bendjima.

She didn’t reveal that, and seemed to try to keep the romance on the DL, but these are the Karadshians. Secrets aren’t easy to keep.

There was no hiding her excitement.

Said Khloe of her older sister’s love:

“It’s so cute to see her this giddy.”

When Kourtney returned home after a night out that went … very well, Khloe (good-naturedly) called her out by calling it what it is:

“Walk of shame, right there.” 

Sorry Scott.


Sunday, October 15, 2017

Vegas Hotel Mogul Steve Wynn Says Keeping People Safe, "Helluva Challenge"

Steve Wynn, the hotel mogul who is the kingpin of Las Vegas, is worried there is no quick fix to keeping people safe in Vegas or for that matter anywhere else. We got Wynn and his wife Saturday night in WeHo leaving Craig’s and he made no apologies…


Monday, October 2, 2017

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Recap: The Worst Ad Ever

On the Season 14 (yes, fourteen) premiere of Keeping Up with the Kardashians last night, Kendall Jenner took heat for that Pepsi commercial.

Meanwhile, Caitlyn dropped a bombshell, and Kim and Kourtney wondered about the newest developments in Khloe’s personal life.

As always, Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 14 Episode 1 was filmed months ago, so we’re familiar with a lot of these events.

This is our first behind-the-scenes look, however.

If you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online, you weren’t introduced to Tristan Thompson for the first time last night.

You already know Khloe has been with the Cleveland Cavaliers star for awhile – and that she’s now expecting their first child.

Still, this was a re-introduction of sorts for the pair.

“It’s a much simpler life and I actually crave it,” Khloe said of the couple’s laid-back relationship. “A lot of cooking and cleaning.”

“We stay home and we watch TV,” he added. 

Kim wasn’t a big fan of Khloe changing her life for a man, telling Kourtney behind Khloe’s back that this isn’t the first time, either:

“She does put her whole life on hold for a guy.”

While this was going on, the Kendall Jenner Pepsi ad fallout was in full swing, as the model became the Internet’s target over the spot.

The incredibly tone-deaf spot (above).

Kendall was devastated by the reactions, saying, “It’s a huge company. The people I was following … Michael Jackson’s done it.”

“Britney Spears has done it. Beyoncé has done it. Pink. I trusted everyone. I trusted the teams,” she said of her decision to take part.

“But,” she concedes, “after I saw the reaction and I read what people had to say about it, I most definitely saw what went wrong.”

Kendall never specifically mentioned or explained the reasons why it went “wrong” or people hated the ad, nevertheless kept apologizing:

“I feel really bad that anyone was ever offended … This was taken such a wrong way. … I have no idea how I’m gonna bounce back from it.”

“I would never purposely hurt someone ever. … If I knew this was gonna be the outcome I would have never done something like this.”

Kim advised her to be “real and honest” about and use this as an opportunity to “grow.” Unfortunately, her dad made that more difficult.

Kendall lamented that Caitlyn told the media how the ad was misguided, saying “My dad doesn’t actually know what happened.”

“She wouldn’t know,” the 20-year-old beauty said. “She was not in the works of it and she was not behind-the-scenes with it.”

Speaking of Caitlyn, or more specifically, Caitlyn’s book, Kim was reading it and that opened up the floodgates to a lot of feelings.

Khloe spoke about her estrangement from Caitlyn, lashing out, “It’s not ’cause you’re trans. That’s not why I’m not talking you.”

“It’s because you’re a bad, mean person.”

Harsh, but we see where she comes from.

Kim suggested some deception, too: “Clearly she gave me a different book with everything edited out that she didn’t want us to see.”

She had received an advance copy of the memoir penned by the former Bruce Jenner, but apparently, the final version was quite different.

Even Kris Jenner was taken back by it.

“I never had any idea … I never would have done this to my kids … I’m always the last to know,” she said, echoing a familiar theme.

Finally, Kourt revealed that she still may want to have more children with her sometimes-estranged baby daddy, Scott Disick. 

We hope this was secretly filmed two years ago and the editors mixed up the seasons in which it aired, but sadly we doubt it.

Scott, as we know, has been drinking himself stupid for a long time now while rotating through a harem of teenage models.

Not exactly father figure material, and while he’s always displayed these tendencies … it’s surprising Kourtney would say this now.

“I feel like I would if the situation was right. But that doesn’t mean tomorrow,” she said … and really, here’s hoping there is no tomorrow.

For that hypothetical, at least.
