Showing posts with label Kind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kind. Show all posts

Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Kid From Heavyweights Is Totally Hot Now — But Were The Years As Kind To These Other Child Stars Of The "90s??

20 years ago, Heavyweights graced the big screen and became an instant summer movie classic!

And it looks like the years have been kind to Aaron Schwartz, who played Gerry in the camp comedy — because he is totally hot now!

The 34-year-old, who also played Karp in The Mighty Ducks, looks so unrecognizable that he actually had to reintroduce himself to his former on-screen dad Jeffrey Tambor when they recently ran into each other!

Check out more drool-worthy pictures of the actor (above)! And for more 90s stars all grown up…

CLICK HERE to view “Child Stars Of The ’90s — Where Are They Now?!”

CLICK HERE to view “Child Stars Of The ’90s — Where Are They Now?!”

CLICK HERE to view “Child Stars Of The ’90s — Where Are They Now?!”

CLICK HERE to view “Child Stars Of The ’90s — Where Are They Now?!”

CLICK HERE to view “Child Stars Of The ’90s — Where Are They Now?!”

[Image via Disney/Instagram.]

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Terrence Howard Invents New Kind of Math, Is Probably Insane

If you only know Terrence Howard as Lucious Lyon from Empire or the original Rhodey from the Iron Man franchise, prepare for a bit of a shock:

Howard is an undeniably a talented actor, but he’s also eccentric to the point that might be certifiably insane.

Howard’s female troubles have made tabloid headlines in recent months, beginning with his claim that second wife Michelle Ghent is extorting him with photos of his penis.

As this drama was still unfolding, word came out that Howard was secretly divorcing his third wife, Mira Pak.

But serial divorcers are nothing new in Hollywood. What is new is someone claiming that they’ve discovered that 1 times 1 actually equals 2. Allow T-How to rock your math world:

“This is the last century that our children will ever have been taught that one times one is one,” Howard says.

“They won’t have to grow up in ignorance. Twenty years from now, they’ll know that one times one equals two. We’re about to show a new truth. The true universal math.”

That’s from a Rolling Stone profile of Howard that’s going viral today thanks to the revelation that Howard is way more batsh-t than anyone realized.

Howard explains that he and Pak developed the new system (which he calls “Terryology.” Seriously.) by spending 17 hours a day on a completely nuts-o project that sounds like arts and crafts hour at a pre-school founded by L. Ron Hubbard.

“He began writing down his logic, in a language of his own devising that he calls Terryology,” Rolling Stone writes.

“He wrote forward and backward, with both his right and left hands, sometimes using symbols he made up that look foreign, if not alien, to keep his ideas secret until they could be patented. 

“[Howard and Pak] would spend up to 17 hours a day cutting shapes out of the plastic and joining them together into various objects meant to demonstrate not only his one-times-one theory but many others as well.”

It’s worth noting that Howard was fired from the Iron Man sequels because he was just too crazy for Robert Downey Jr.’s taste.

Compared to the revelation that it’s possible for someone to be too crazy for RDJ, this 1×1=2 business actually doesn’t seem so ridiculous.

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 10 Episode 15 Recap: This is Kind of Nuts

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 10 Episode 15 saw Brooks and Meghan have it out regarding his past – and her interest in it.

Once again, it was party time on The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 10 Episode 15, but not everyone was in a celebratory mood.

The whole debate over Brooks Ayers faking cancer – first alleged by a psychic and later Meghan King Edmonds – has cast a pall over the season.

Is Vicki Gunvalson’s controversial boyfriend really being dishonest about the disease, or obscuring some details of his Stage 3 cancer diagnosis?

Edmonds has been “scouring the Internet” for clues about Ayers’ condition, and going even further than that in a truly shameless move.

She called his doctor’s office pretending to be a patient and then texted one of his exes in order to corroborate his previous statements.

Yeah. Pretty amazing.

It all came to a head at Shannon Beador’s party, with Gunvalson and Ayers squaring off against Meghan and her husband, Jim Edmonds.

“It’s kind of nuts,” Brooks said of the speculation and motivation of his fellow cast members to “investigate” something they know nothing about.

He’s not wrong there.

Brooks added that he can’t understand motivation of a person he barely even knows – and who has no genuine interest in his well-being – to do this.

Again … not wrong.

The fact that Vicki Gunvalson and Brooks broke up just before this storyline aired is interesting, for sure, as an aside as we piece all of this together.

Still, it was Edmonds who came off looking desperate and even a bit shady on this night, not the man she set out to paint as a duplicitous liar.

Gunvalson mused if she should get a restraining order, but Meghan didn’t relent, instead hammering away at the “discrepancies” in Ayers’ story.

Her “evidence” was a list of curious details that were confusing at times, but not necessarily incriminating in the way she was making them sound.

“I don’t owe you an explanation,” Brooks said, reiterating that all of this violated his personal boundaries (and she basically had nothing).

Meghan than amazingly said that his conduct “hugely concerns” her and “I will continue to ask questions about cancer until there’s a cure.”

What. The. F–k.

Mrs. Edmonds then tried to deflect a bit, telling Tamra Barney that Brooks had called her credibility into question, setting off a new feud.

Finally, Jim Edmonds had to intervene: “You have to stop. You have to stop,” he told his wife, and it remains to be seen if she will anytime soon.

Click above or here to watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online to see all of this play out from start to finish. We can’t do it justice.