Showing posts with label Labor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Labor. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Woman Shares Epic Photo of Husband During Labor

Giving birth is hard for women, let’s be clear.

It’s, like, the hardest thing they’ll ever do, considering the size of the baby and the size of the area from which the baby will enter the world.

We won’t go into any more detail, don’t worry.

But do you know who else child birth is difficult for?

The men who have to witness it!

Once again, we won’t get too detailed here. It’s okay. We’ll keep this site mostly family friendly.

But guys who are trying to be supportive and sit by their partner’s side during this life-altering experience can sometimes have their lives altered as well.

There’s just a lot going on.

There’s a lot to hear. There’s a lot to think about. And there’s an awful lot to see.

Some fathers-to-be clearly handle the ordeal better than ever, and it’s safe to say that the man featured above is not one of them.

While in labor recently, Alisha Baxter took a break from pushing in order to snap a photo of her husband, Jive Ria, reacting to the intense moment.

She shared the hilarious expression on his mug via Facebook and wrote as a caption:

“I thought I’d share this photo of my partner while I was in labour. Every time I look at his face and how squished his fingers are I crack up.”

Same here!

Don’t worry now, fellas. The bar for how you ought to behave while your wife is having a child has now been lowered: just avoid looking like THIS!

In his defense, Ria wrote the following:

“Us blokes go through a lot of pain as well. As you can see in my face haha.”

To date, the photo featured here has garnered over 24,000 Likes and been shared over 2,000 times. It’s easy to see why!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Jessa Duggar: INTENSE Labor Documented in "Counting On" Clip!

Jessa Duggar’s excruciatingly long labor was caught on camera – by her mom, Michelle Duggar – and will soon be shown on TLC.

In a sneak peek at the third and final installment of TLC’s Jill & Jessa: Counting On, the focus will NOT be on Josh Duggar for once!

The first-time mom appears to be in intense pain, which one can completely understand given her 48-hour-long labor this past November.

“This is painful,” Jessa says in Michelle"s footage.

That"s putting it mildly. Her husband felt for her.

“She was in pain, so I was feeling the pain too. It was pretty difficult,” Ben Seewald, tells the camera. “It just kept dragging on.”

Fortunately, Jessa delivered her son, Spurgeon, at home on November 5, but lost a lot of blood and had to be rushed to the hospital.

Through it all, Ben was the rock Jessa needed.

"Ben was just solid. He was there and he stuck by her side, and it was just really sweet,” Michelle Duggar said of her son-in-law.

Check out the intense clip below, and watch Jill & Jessa: Counting On online to catch up on the first two episodes prior to the finale.

Be forewarned, though, that the series has focused largely on Anna Duggar"s plight and Josh Duggar"s transgressions so far.

You know, for those adverse to that guy.

Jessa duggar intense labor documented in counting on clip

Josh Duggar to Spend Christmas in Sex Rehab Labor Camp?

Christmas is a time for family, but will the maligned Josh Duggar be released from sex addition rehab in time to spend it with his in Arkansas?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’re well aware that the eldest of TLC’s 19 Kids & Counting checked into rehab in August.

After being outed as a child molester (of his own sisters no less) and a serial cheater/Ashley Madison user, he hasn’t been seen since.

Confessing he was a secret porn addict who had been unfaithful to wife Anna Duggar, the 27-year-old shuffled off to Illinois in disgrace.

What exactly goes on at Reformers Unanimous – described by some as more Christian labor camp than rehab center – no one knows. 

Similarly, no one knows when he will be set free.

A source close to the family says that even though he’s been there for months, it would be a surprise if he returns home for the holidays.

“I don’t think he’s going to be back for Christmas,” says the insider close to the ginormous Arkansas brood. “I would be surprised.”

“There would be a huge elephant in the room.”

That’s one way to put it, and his presence has loomed large over TLC’s Jill & Jessa: Counting On, which airs Sundays on the network.

Despite its ostensible focus on Jill and Jessa Duggar, Josh – and his family’s commentary on Josh – have dominated the first two episodes.

His family is beyond pissed, but they love Anna, and well, Anna loves him. It sure doesn’t look like she has any plans to leave Josh.

“It’s so hard when it comes to the kids,” says the source of Josh and Anna’s children, Marcus, Mackenzie, Michael and Meredith Grace.

“They miss their dad. They’re like ‘Where’s daddy?’ They’ve said it before.”

According to the source, Anna and Meredith visited Josh in rehab a month ago, with Josh’s little brother John-David flying in with them.

“She said, ‘It was the best three days of my life,’ says the source, and fair Anna was similarly upbeat on the most recent Counting On.

In an on-camera interview, she said that her “prayer and hope is for our marriage to be restored,” basically putting divorce chatter to rest.

One thing is sure – no matter what you think of Josh, many fans think Anna is a positive role model, and the family is focusing on forgiveness.

They were monumentally let down, but says the source, “[Josh’s dad] Jim Bob keeps saying this is just another new level of forgiveness.”

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Anna Duggar Helps Jessa Induce Labor, Wins Best Aunt Award

In this week’s issue of People, Jessa Duggar Seewald gave (labor-inducing) credit where (labor-inducing) credit is due.

Anna Duggar, who went through childbirth four times with her own children, offered some advice to get Seewald’s labor moving along.

“My sister-in-law Anna told me she walked stairs and that worked with her son Marcus,” Jessa told People.

“We walked up and down the stairs together 20 times until I was like, ‘Okay, no more."”

It seemed to work, because a few hours later, Seewald “started having hard contractions.”

The pain got so intense during the new mom’s home birth that she panicked and almost demanded to be taken to the hospital.

“I said, ‘That’s it! I’m done! I am going to the hospital and I’m going to get an epidural,’ ” Seewald told People. “They asked me if I really wanted to do that and I said, ‘No, I don’t, but I do.’ I wanted to try natural if at all possible.”

After 48 hours, Spurgeon Elliot Seewald entered the world at 9lbs., 11oz.  

Seewald, however, started bleeding uncontrollably and had to be rushed to the hospital.

“I had dreamed about those first moments, getting to breastfeed right away, all that,” Jessa said about being separated from her son.  “And so when I had to go to the hospital, it was a shock.”

Seewald received a blood transfusion and had to be kept in the hospital overnight.  While she rested, Spurgeon was brought to her for some mommy-son time.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Jessa Duggar Details "Very Intense" Labor, Hospitalization

Jessa Duggar and her new, yet-to-be-named son are currently at home, happy, healthy and resting comfortably.

But the reality star opens up in the latest issue of People, telling the magazine that her journey to motherhood was anything but easy.

For plenty more on Jessa and Ben – including exclusive pictures of their son and a look into their lives at home – pick up this week’s issue of PEOPLE, on newsstands Friday.

“Labor is hard,” Jessa says in this week’s cover story. “It was very intense, very long. Everything was different than I expected.”

It didn’t help matters that Jessa and Ben Seewald’s first child was born four days late and tipped the scales at a whopping 9 pounds, 11 ounces.

After 10 hours of contractions, Jessa admits that she questioned her plans for a home birth.

At one point, she desperately wanted a hospital and an epidural… though not badly enough to abandon her dreams of a natural birth in the end.

Seewald, meanwhile, admits that it was “emotionally difficult” to see the love of his life in such pain, but it all paid off, of course.

The latest addition to the Duggar family entered this world at 6:54 p.m. on Thursday, November 5.

But the drama wasn’t over for Jessa.

Jessa began to bleed so profusely that her midwife grew concerned and her mother, Michelle Duggar, called 911.

Not long after becoming a first-time mother, Jessa was rushed to the hospital.

Jessa was likely concerned about her own well-being at the time, but tells People that the hardest part was immediately leaving her newborn.

“I had dreamed about those first moments, getting to breastfeed right away, all that,” she says. “And so when I had to go to the hospital, it was a shock.”

After nearly passing out, the TLC star had to undergo a blood transfusion and stay in the hospital overnight; but at least her son was brought to her at that point.

Now she and Ben are settled in to their home in Springdale, Arkansas, adjusting to life as parents. As proud, blessed, excited parents, that is.

“I can’t believe he’s really ours,” Jessa says. “It is so amazing. He’s a miracle.”

Monday, November 2, 2015

Jessa Duggar Uses Home Remedy to Induce Labor

As she reported to her Instagram followers earlier today, Jessa Duggar is still pregnant.

She’s only one day past her due date, but clearly, Jessa has grown impatient with waiting to welcome #BabySeewald into the world.

Over the weekend, Jessa posted the above photo along with a caption explaining why she doesn’t look too thrilled to taking a produce selfie.

“So has anyone else tried the ‘eating an entire fresh pineapple’ thing for helping to bring on labor? Apparently it doesn’t work for everyone, ’cause I ate the whole thing yesterday… and still no signs of labor!

“(Sure was a tasty pineapple tho!) Guess #BabySeewald still wants to camp out in there a little longer! Patience, Mama, patience.”

Fortunately, Jessa didn’t spend the entire weekend gobbling copious quantities of tropical fruit in hopes of inducing labor.

She took some time to celebrate her first wedding anniversary with Ben Seewald and based on her Instagram pics, it seems the very pregnant Jessa marked the occasion by gorging on fries and ice cream.

But while the anniversary party was a low-key, laid-back affair, it seems there’s some truth to the rumors that Jessa is anxious about the upcoming birth.

Moments ago, Jessa posted on social media, “Wondering if I will have a gigantic child.”

She followed it up with this description of her recent activities:

“We’ve been taking a poll with the Duggar and Seewald families over the past few weeks, and everyone is trying to guess how much they think #BabySeewald might weigh at birth.

“I was the biggest out of all my siblings, weighing 9lbs 15oz– and Ben weighed 8lbs 15oz. Haha! I’d say it’s very possible we could have a chubby little baby!”

Well, we won’t know until the big moment arrives, but based on her diet over the past couple days, we’d say there’s very good chance that Jessa will have a large baby!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Four People Stabbed In Gang Fight At A Skrillex & Diplo Show In Vegas Over Labor Day Weekend — Why Are We Just Learning This Now?!

What’s up with the delay in information?!

So it turns out that Skrillex and Diplo were performing a show in Las Vegas over Labor Day weekend, when four people were stabbed and nearly killed.

Related: Justin Bieber Crashes A Skrillex & Diplo Show!

Law enforcement is only now revealing the details on this, including the fact that a fight involving more than 20 people broke out in the middle of the show — which took place at the XS Nightclub inside the Encore — and four were left with stab wounds.

In fact, law enforcement is claiming the altercation has all the signs of a gang fight! They say that one stabbing victim admitted gang ties and refused to press charges.

Other victims sustained punctured lungs and a punctured spleen — obviously, this wasn’t just a drunken brawl! Yikes!!

Now, police say they have arrested a person on charges of three counts of attempted murder. Even with the arrest, though, the cops can’t successfully develop the case, because the gang ties are making many of the participants and witnesses clam up when questioned at the station.

And all this is only coming to light now because…??

[Image via Brian To/WENN.]

Four People Stabbed In Gang Fight At A Skrillex & Diplo Show In Vegas Over Labor Day Weekend — Why Are We Just Learning This Now?!

What’s up with the delay in information?!

So it turns out that Skrillex and Diplo were performing a show in Las Vegas over Labor Day weekend, when four people were stabbed and nearly killed.

Related: Justin Bieber Crashes A Skrillex & Diplo Show!

Law enforcement is only now revealing the details on this, including the fact that a fight involving more than 20 people broke out in the middle of the show — which took place at the XS Nightclub inside the Encore — and four were left with stab wounds.

In fact, law enforcement is claiming the altercation has all the signs of a gang fight! They say that one stabbing victim admitted gang ties and refused to press charges.

Other victims sustained punctured lungs and a punctured spleen — obviously, this wasn’t just a drunken brawl! Yikes!!

Now, police say they have arrested a person on charges of three counts of attempted murder. Even with the arrest, though, the cops can’t successfully develop the case, because the gang ties are making many of the participants and witnesses clam up when questioned at the station.

And all this is only coming to light now because…??

[Image via Brian To/WENN.]