Showing posts with label Lipstick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lipstick. Show all posts

Monday, October 30, 2017

Sephora Sued by Woman Claiming She Got Herpes from Lipstick Samples

A Sephora cosmetics store in Hollywood cared more about peddling lipstick than the oral health of customers, and now a woman is stuck with a lifelong disease … according to a new suit. A California woman claims she visited the store in October…


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Bristol Palin Puts Lipstick on Daughter, Internet Has a Conniption

Sarah Palin once asked supporters to name the difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull.

Simple, the then-Vice Presidential candidate said during her stump speech, lipstick.

This line always drew a lot of applause and laughter.

Fast forward many years later, however, and critics on the Internet are not cheering on Palin’s daughter when it comes to her use of this makeup product.

Quite the opposite, actually.

Bristol Palin is under siege at the moment for a photo she recently shared on Instagram, one in which she’s applying lipstick to her young daughter, Sailor.

“Unboxing my @fabfitfun fall box YOU GUYS!! I love being a #fabfitfunpartner these boxes are INCREDIBLE!!” Bristol wrote as a caption to the following image, adding as part of her advertisement:

“As I’m sure you already know – it’s a seasonal subscription box filled to the brim with high end, sought after, full sized products! (ps: something you may NOT know.. I’m an esthetician & worked under a dermatologist for over 7 years, so I know beauty products!) & these products are truly AMAZING!!!

“MY FALL BOX FAV: dpHUE apple cider vinegar hair rinse, my hair has never felt smoother.

“I look forward to these boxes every season & they have allowed me to try new things that I normally would not!”

That’s a lot to digest.

But once you get past the product hawking Bristol is doing here, you’re left with a picture that depicts her putting some lipstick on her two-year old daughter.

And the Internet is simply NOT having this.

“Little girls should be be wearing makeup. Period,” wrote one follower, while another added:

“For shame! How dare you treat this little girl like a doll?!?”

Palin, of course, has been a subject of controversy ever since it was revealed during the 2008 Presidential election that she was pregnant with a child out of wedlock.

She has since gone on to give birth to two more children and to marry their father, Dakota Meyer.

We’ve given Palin a lot of flak over the years because she does sort of suck in many ways.

But come on now.

Can we stop with the mommy shaming?!?

It’s okay to give your child Nutella sometimes… it’s okay to dress up your five-year old like a mermaid… and it’s okay to put some makeup on your toddler.

This is all in good fun, it’s all harmless and, perhaps most importantly of all, this is all none of your business, annoying trolls on the World Wide Web.

There’s A LOT you can slam Bristol Palin for. But the photo above does not qualify.


Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Amber Rose Debuts Dramatic New Look, Overdoes It With The Lipstick

Welp, here we are.  And there Amber Rose is, with her new ‘do, piercing eyes and puckered lips.

What brought on this change?  We’re not sure, but it suits the talk show host.  Two weeks ago, Rose sported a blond wig a la Marilyn Monroe, so we’re starting to see a dress-up pattern here.

Maybe she’s Brigitte Bardot this week?

Recently, Rose told her audience how she’s begged her ex-husband and baby daddy Wiz Khalifa to give her his sperm so that she can have another baby.

The former couple were in Charlotte, North Carolina where Khalifa was performing, and Rose asked him yet against for the baby making goods.

“But instead, he just put his babies on my face.”

Oh.  Ok.

So I guess they’re hooking up again, but keeping it casual?

Rose is fine with making fun of herself, but even she has her limits.

Speaking to NBC News, the activist explained that there is a difference between making a joke and calling a woman a crass name.

“People think I’m really controversial, she said.

“I’m just really standing up for women. We are just sick of being talked down to, sick of being called ‘hoes’ and ‘sluts’, getting ‘slut shamed’ and talked down on for the same things men do.

“People don’t understand that’s an extreme form of bullying. They bully women constantly and wonder why we are so insecure when they constantly put us down.”

Rose also addressed the misconception that she is a very sexual person.

“When I became famous, I got associated with so many men, who I had never even kissed or had sex with or anything. The rumors were out of my hands. People assume that I’m extremely sexually advanced, that I have orgies all day,” she said.

The reality is that Rose is just as shy as most of us about the subject, but she points out that it’s just not her thing.

“When I do hear the sex questions that I get sometimes I am taken back but I’m never judging,” she said.

“My show is a no judging zone. We are very sex positive on my show. It’s more informative than educational.”

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Caitlyn Jenner Flaunts Cleavage, Promotes New Lipstick

Pssst! Caitlyn Jenner’s eyes are up here, people!

And so are her lips.

The transgender reality star has released the first promotional poster for her very own line up lipstick, although it would be understandable if some folks were more focused on Jenner’s chest than her mouth in the above image.

Because there’s some serious flaunting of some major cleavage going on!

Step-daughter Kim Kardashian must be very proud.

“Finally Free Lipstick is here!” Caitlyn wrote as a caption, mentioning the name of her collaboration with MAC Cosmetics and adding

“@maccosmetics 100% of sales go to Trans programs :) link to purchase is in my bio #maccaitlynjenner #finallyfree #transisbeautiful.”

It’s true… and it’s pretty awesome:

Every last cent from every sale of the Finally Free lipstick will benefit the MAC AIDS Fund Transgender Initiative, which seeks to support organizations and programs dedicated to improving the lives of transgender individuals.

As we said: pretty awesome, right?

“I wanted a name that I use and which represents the community. This is who I am: Finally Free,” Jenner told E! News in February.

“It’s just so simple. No more secrets. I’m free. I woke up the other morning, and I was just happy. Getting dressed, going out, I’m accepted in the world; people are nice. Life is good. I’m Finally Free.”

Jenner also says she selected a “rosy nude” shade of lipstick because it’s simple and something that can be worn everyday.

We don’t normally suggest that readers purchase products promoted by any Jenners or Kardashians…

… but we can make an exception in this case, due to the good cause Caitlyn is standing behind.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Caitlyn Jenner Releases Own Brand of Lipstick... For a Good Cause!

Move over, Kylie Jenner.

You are no longer the only member of your family with her very own lip-related product.

Caitlyn Jenner has reined with MAC cosmetics to create a lipstick that celebrates her transition.

It is titled “Finally Free” and the I Am Cait star is posing in the first print ad for the product above.

As you can see here, the 65-year old transgender icon is donning a tight, gold dress while lying back and letting stylists make a few adjustments to her hair and her ensemble.

But this is what you really need to know about the rosy lipstick:

ALL proceeds will benefit the MAC AIDS Fund Transgender Initiative.

“MAC was the first to come to me [after my transition], and a company, I realized, would really make a big commitment,” Jenner said in an interview with MAC Culture.

“I knew the VIVA GLAM campaigns; I saw that the proceeds were going, in those cases, mainly to AIDS and HIV causes, and I was wondering if they were interested in doing something specifically geared toward trans issues, because we need funding.”

The lipstick retails for $ 17 per package.

“MAC is a global company,” Caitlyn adds. “It’s in places around the world where not just trans issues but women’s issues are a major subject that you have to talk about.”

The MAC Finally Free lipstick, whose shade and name Jenner helped select, will be available exclusively online starting April 7.

‘My ultimate fantasy – I never thought in a million years that it would ever happen – was to get involved with a makeup company,” Caitlyn says.

“When you’re going through all of this, that’s just, like, never going to happen, but wouldn’t it be something to be involved in a project like that? Boy, watch out what you wish for, because it came true.”

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Kylie Jenner Does Caitlyn Jenner"s Lipstick, Declares Herself "Lip Expert"

If anyone knows lips, it’s Kylie Jenner.

In fact, these days, Kylie’s lips might be the most famous in the world, and the girl has a special talent for bringing attention to her famous pout.

Earlier this week, Kylie wore blue lipstick in honor of World Bullying Prevention Day – but apparently that wasn’t enough.

Her anti-bullying campaign was inspired in part by the harassment endured by Caitlyn Jenner after she debuted her new identity to the world.

So it makes sense that she’d want Caitlyn to get down with the cause.

“I think you need to wear blue lips right now,” Kylie tells Caitlyn in the above video.

Cait agrees, but she’s clearly concerned about the outcome.

“Are you good at putting it on someone else?” Caitlyn asks, as Kylie gives her the Smurf-mouth look.

“Yes! I’m a lip expert,” an annoyed Kylie replies. No arguing with that.

Naturally, the clip ends with an ad for Kylie’s new app, but at least she’s still putting some stuff on her Instagram page for free.

Of course, the best thing about this clip isn’t the image of Kylie and Caitlyn rocking matching cobalt lips, but the fact that these two are bringing attention to a worthy cause.

It’s also nice to see that the easy rapport between Kylie and Caitlyn hasn’t changed a bit.