Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Amber Rose Debuts Dramatic New Look, Overdoes It With The Lipstick

Welp, here we are.  And there Amber Rose is, with her new ‘do, piercing eyes and puckered lips.

What brought on this change?  We’re not sure, but it suits the talk show host.  Two weeks ago, Rose sported a blond wig a la Marilyn Monroe, so we’re starting to see a dress-up pattern here.

Maybe she’s Brigitte Bardot this week?

Recently, Rose told her audience how she’s begged her ex-husband and baby daddy Wiz Khalifa to give her his sperm so that she can have another baby.

The former couple were in Charlotte, North Carolina where Khalifa was performing, and Rose asked him yet against for the baby making goods.

“But instead, he just put his babies on my face.”

Oh.  Ok.

So I guess they’re hooking up again, but keeping it casual?

Rose is fine with making fun of herself, but even she has her limits.

Speaking to NBC News, the activist explained that there is a difference between making a joke and calling a woman a crass name.

“People think I’m really controversial, she said.

“I’m just really standing up for women. We are just sick of being talked down to, sick of being called ‘hoes’ and ‘sluts’, getting ‘slut shamed’ and talked down on for the same things men do.

“People don’t understand that’s an extreme form of bullying. They bully women constantly and wonder why we are so insecure when they constantly put us down.”

Rose also addressed the misconception that she is a very sexual person.

“When I became famous, I got associated with so many men, who I had never even kissed or had sex with or anything. The rumors were out of my hands. People assume that I’m extremely sexually advanced, that I have orgies all day,” she said.

The reality is that Rose is just as shy as most of us about the subject, but she points out that it’s just not her thing.

“When I do hear the sex questions that I get sometimes I am taken back but I’m never judging,” she said.

“My show is a no judging zone. We are very sex positive on my show. It’s more informative than educational.”