Showing posts with label Marroquin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marroquin. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Javi Marroquin Confirms New Romance, Admits He Still Isn"t Over Briana DeJesus

Over the past few days, nearly every member of the Teen Mom 2 cast hasn’t had to worry about getting a sunburn.

This is because they’ve had shade hurled at them from practically every direction.

Kailyn Lowry is feuding with Briana DeJesus. Chelsea Houska is storming off reunion sets. Jenelle Evans isn’t showing up for tapings.

Even by the scandalous standards of this MTV series, it’s been quite a wild week.

But not for Javi Marroquin!

Lowry’s baby daddy and Briana’s ex-boyfriend has been pretty darn quiet while chaos breaks out all around him, despite the fact that Kailyn and Briana are basically at odds over him.

(For the record: Javi got divorced from Kailyn in 2016. He then dated DeJesus for a few months toward the end of 2017.

Sources now claim that Lowry admitted at this past weekend’s Teen Mom 2 reunion that she and Javi hooked up shortly after his romance with Briana ended.)

Indeed, while most of the women on Teen Mom 2 are at each other’s throats right now, Javi has been sort of sitting back and staying out of it.

Until, that is, he sat down with MTV on Monday night as part of the Teen Mom 2 after-show.

He was asked in this Q&A about yet another romance, his latest, the one that started with yet another ex-girlfriend just a couple months ago.

Is he really back together with Lauren Comeau?


For the first time in public, Marroquin has acknowledged this relationship.

“Me and Lauren dated last summer, but it was just bad timing and we both had a lot going on,” Marroquin revealed, adding:

“And then we just rekindled, she texted me, and we were talking for a little bit. Then we hung out and the chemistry was still there, and now we’re together.”

Why would Comeau take Javi back, following chatter last year that he cheated on her?

We can’t say. But he says it won’t happen again.

When the MTV host mentioned last night that Marroquin moves quickly from relationship to relationship, the reality star didn’t dispute this assessment.

“I’m trying to get over the ex,” he said rather candidly.

We assume this was a reference to DeJesus, only because he and Lowry split such a long time ago.

It was seen as a pretty big deal back when Briana and Javi started dating, but the romance didn’t last long.

It concluded in January; not on the worst terms of all-time, but not on the most amicable, either.

“Javi and I are not together anymore,” DeJesus told Blasting News at the time, adding:

“Our future just doesn’t line up. He doesn’t want me to get my surgery for a breast lift, lipo, and tummy tuck because it’ll look bad on his name at work.

“Also, I don’t plan on moving in with him in the summer and for these reasons, he broke up with me.”

Added Marroquin several weeks ago, following this Briana break-up:

“Unfortunately it didn’t work out for us. Bri is an amazing person with the biggest heart I’ve ever got to hold. Everything she goes through and she’s still selfless and does her best to please others.

“She’s got a bright future and she’ll make any guy feel special.”

Wow, huh?

Should Lauren be a little jealous here?

Maybe. But things appear pretty serious between Javi and Comeau, considering they actually went on vacation with the former’s son.

Will they actually get married and buy a house together, as Briana claims Javi wanted to do with her?

Only time will tell.


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Javi Marroquin: I Don"t Talk to Briana! (But, Kailyn, Though?)

Javi Marroquin has three important status updates to share with his fans.

The Teen Mom 2 star is in the news often these days now that his MTV series is back on the air, so he was a popular interview subject on the red carpet of the OK! Summer Kickoff Party.

In a revealing Q&A with the sponsor tabloid, Marroquin opens up about the three women in his life:

  1. Ex-girlfriend Briana DeJesus.

  2. Ex-wife Kailyn Lowry.

  3. Current lover Lauren Comeau.

Where do things stand with each women?

We"ll let Javi explain…

1. A Trip Back in Time

Happy javi

The new season of Teen Mom 2 was filmed months ago, meaning Javi is only just starting dating Briana on camera, a relationship that came as quite a shock to Kailyn on the opening episodes.

2. Exploiting the Chaos

Teen mom 2 clip kailyn vs javi vs briana

And MTV has wasted no time in playing up this awkward situation, having already released backstage footage of Briana, Javi and Kailin going at it outside the latter’s dressing room. Watch the above video to see what we mean.

3. But in Reality?

Javi marroquin watches football

Or in current times, we should say? Javi took us by surprise by providing us with an update on where he stands with both his ex-wife and his ex-girlfriend.

4. A Lot on Javi’s Plate

Javi marroquin and briana dejesus

“It’s so hard right now because we’re kind of reliving it all [on the new season], and obviously me and Briana are no longer together,” Javi explained to OK!. “Kail sees our side with what me and Briana we’re talking about, so it hurts her. I gotta deal with her, and deal with the world, and the audience seeing it.”

5. Out with the Old?

Briana and her baby

Where do things stand with Briana? They look perfectly content these days on TV, but… “We don’t talk,” Javi said at this event. “It is what it is. No hard feelings.”

6. Is Briana Equally Chill About This?

Briana d pic

Last we heard, she was on Tinder, happily moving on from Javi and not bitter about their split.

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Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Kailyn Lowry: STUNNED By Briana DeJesus-Javi Marroquin Shocker!

On Monday night"s season premiere of Teen Mom 2, Leah Messer dropped a bombshell on Kailyn Lowry.

The episode was filmed around the time that Kailyn"s ex-husband, Javi Marroquin, began his relationship with Briana DeJesus.

Leah caught wind of the fact that Javi would be staying in a hotel with Briana during his trip to Florida with Kail"s kids.

Naturally, Leah was quick to pass the news along to her BFF Kailyn, who understandably did not take it well.

The scandalous relationship didn"t last long, and we now know that Javi and Briana broke up after just a few months of dating, but this glimpse at the early days of their romance offered some interesting insights into why Kail and Bri still have no interest in getting along.

1. Javi, Kail & the Kids

Javi kailyn and kids

By the time last night’s episode was filmed, Kail knew something was going on between Javi and Briana. She also knew he would be taking her two eldest sons to Florida for a Disney World vacation. She did not know, however, that those two facts were in any way related…

2. Enter Leah

Leah messer selfie

Leah found out about the plan straight from Briana after meeting her for the first time at the VMAs. At the event, Briana went on and on about Javi and spoke about the couple’s plans to spend the week in Orlando with their kids.

3. Stating the Obvious

Leah messer solo photo

“I don’t think she’ll be happy,” Leah said to Briana about Kailyn. “She’s probably going to be mad at you.”

4. Girl Code

Kailyn lowry and leah messer

Kailyn and Leah are very close friends, so Bri really shouldn’t have been surprised that Messer passed that information along to Lowry. Perhaps she secretly WANTED Kail to know?

5. Disney Drama

Javi marroquin and briana dejesus picture

Leah even went so far as to suggest that the whole Disney trip might be a ruse for Javi and Bri to spend time together and introduce their kids.

6. The Cover-Up

The cover up

“It seemed like they were trying to cover it up with something else,” Messer said at one point. Whatever the case, Kail was NOT happy, and she made her feelings perfectly clear on Twitter last night.

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Monday, April 30, 2018

Kailyn Lowry to Javi Marroquin: Stop Being a Bitch!

Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin have quite a history together.

It"s been 18 months since Lowry and Marroquin got divorced, but they remain very much a part of one another"s lives.

Part of the reason for that, of course, is the fact that Javi and Kailyn have a child together.

But Kail and Javi are also bound together by their shared professional commitments, as well as the never-ending drama that comes with starring on one of TV"s most bonkers reality show.

They"re exes who are unable to escape each other – even for short periods of time – and the situation is beginning to take a serious toll on what"s left of their friendship. 

1. Better Days

Kailyn lowry and javi marroquin kiss

There was a time when TM2 fans couldn’t have wrapped their heads around the idea of Kailyn and Javi splitting up. Sadly, their marriage deteriorated quite rapidly, and it’s been all ups and downs ever since.

2. In It For Lincoln

Kailyn lowry with son

After news of their divorce went public, Kail and Javi stated that they intended to put their son’s needs first and maintain an amicable co-parenting relationship. Unfortunately, their best intentions were soon overwhelmed by the reality of the situation.

3. Briana Drama

Javi marroquin and briana dejesus

The lowest point in recent months came when Javi began dating Briana DeJesus, a longtime rival of Kailyn’s. Needless to say, Lowry wasn’t thrilled with his decision.

4. Kail v. Bri

Javi marroquin and briana dejesus picture

It wasn’t long before Kailyn and Bri began exchanging trash talk on social media and forming alliances: Briana buddied up with Kail’s other rival, Jenelle Evans, while the rest of the cast sided with Lowry.

5. Stuck in the Middle

Javier marroquin

Javi was both the cause of the drama and an innocent bystander. Fortunately for all involved, the situation didn’t last very long.

6. Over Before It Got Started

Briana and javi make it official

Just as rumors began to fly indicating that Javi and Briana were getting serious, the couple called it quits. But that doesn’t mean their brief romance is no longer creating major drama …

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Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Javi Marroquin: I Will NEVER Cheat on Lauren Comeau!

When Teen Mom 2 fans first learned that Javi Marroquin and Lauren Comeau are back together, the news was met with a fair amount of confusion.

Lauren and Javi dated during the summer of 2017, but it seemed that their mutual decision to part ways would be final.

After all, between the difficulties of long-distance dating and the challenges presented by Javi"s fame, Marroquin and Comeau had a lot standing in their way.

But the heart wants what it wants, and Javi and Lauren have officially decided to give their relationship another shot.

As expected, there have been some bumps along the way, but it seems the couple is committed to sticking by each other"s side through all the ups and downs:

1. Javi and Lauren: Together Again

Javi and lauren instagram official

Javi and Lauren announced their reconciliation by posting this photo on Instagram. Lauren captioned the pic, “Sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realize how much they need to fall back together.”

2. Second Time’s the Charm

Javi marroquin and lauren comeau

Javi and Lauren dated briefly in the summer of 2017, but they decided to call it quits due to a number of factors that were beyond their control.

3. Distance and Other Problems

Javi marroquin with lauren comeau

Lauren is a Maine native who currently resides in South Carolina. Javi is still based out of Delaware. In addition to the challenges presented by distance, Lauren was reportedly less than thrilled with the pressures of dating a well-known reality star.

4. A Reuluctant Separation

Lauren comeau selfie

So Javi and Lauren went their separate ways, but in hindsight, perhaps we should’ve seen this reconciliation coming. After all, the problems they faced are pretty minor compared to the issues that usually drive Teen Mom couples apart.

5. Javiana


For example, Javi’s relationship with Briana DeJesus was pretty much a trainwreck from the start. But sometimes in life, we have to experience what we don’t want firsthand so that we can fully appreciate what we do want.

6. A New Javi

Javier marroquin

Javi seemed to return to Lauren with a new appreciation of what he was really looking for in a relationship. But road bumps are inevitable, and the couple hit what could have been a big one this week…

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Monday, March 26, 2018

Briana DeJesus: I"m On Tinder! No More Javi Marroquin!

For one brief moment, Briana DeJesus and Javi Marroquin were happily dating. They were the Teen Mom 2 power couple that almost no one saw coming.

But that relationship fizzled out. And Briana is putting herself back out there.

Like countless others, she"s using Tinder to look for her next great romantic adventure.

In fact, she already has her eye on a certain someone, and is sharing her thirst with her followers.

And the two of them have even matched. 

Take a look as this Teen Mom 2 star embarks on her next quest for love.

1. Briana DeJesus is a total catch

Briana dejesus post surgery

She’s a reality star, a dedicated mother, and she’s gorgeous.

2. So … what is her dating life like these days?

Briana dejesus selfie

Let’s take a look.

3. Recently, she was infamously entangled with Javi Marroquin

Briana and javi make it official

Javi, of course, is the ex of Briana’s co-star, Kailyn Lowry. Fans were wary of Javi’s romantic motives.

4. But these two have split

Javi marroquin and briana dejesus

The Javiana chapter of Briana’s life is over, and she’s made that very clear.

5. Now, Briana is once again single

Briana dejesus photograph

… And ready to mingle.

6. Briana shared her new romantic adventures with fans

Briana dejesus tinder tweet 01

Plenty of wonderful lasting relationships (and fun ones that don’t last) have started on dating apps like Tinder. And Briana’s already matched with a police officer.

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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Javi Marroquin: Here"s Why I Chose Lauren Comeau Over Kailyn Lowry

Earlier this week, Teen Mom 2 fans were stunned by news that Javi Marroquin and Lauren Comeau are back together.

There were several reasons that the announcement was met with such shock, not the least of which was that Lauren and Javi dated very briefly last summer and then seemed to fall out of contact with one another completely.

But perhaps the biggest reason fans felt so blindsided was the fact that just days before Javi and Lauren made their reconciliation official, it was widely rumored that Marroquin hoped to get back together with Kailyn Lowry.

Granted, such rumors are often baseless, but now we have confirmation from Javi himself that he was working toward rebuilding his relationship with Kail in the weeks before he got back with Lauren.

So what made him chose one ex over another?

Well, according to Javi, Kail was just unable to give him what he needed.

“I need love affection,” Javi told Radar Online in a blunt new interview.

“Kail isn’t like that. I think we both knew it just wouldn’t work. I would get frustrated because I need more of a sure thing, and she just couldn’t give me that at the time.”

We’re not sure how a woman who lives in a different state and whom you already dated for a few months and broke up with is “more of a sure thing” than the mother of your child, but we digress.

To his credit, Javi admits that he could have been more sensitive with regard to how news of his new relationship was shared with Kailyn.

“She was blindsided, which is my fault,” he tells Radar.

“I kind of continued to do my own thing and didn’t wait for her to show me assurance. I definitely could have done things differently,” he concedes.

We’re assuming “continued to do my own thing” is code for “I banged another woman behind her back,” but we’ll allow partial credit for at least of sort of admitting to extreme shadiness.

“I definitely could have done things differently,” he added.

Yes, and from the sound of the situation, he could still be doing things differently.

Earlier today, we learned that Marroquin took his son on a vacation with Comeau without asking permission from Kailyn first.

Not cool, Javi.

Asked for a final thought on his relationship with Comeau, Javi remarked:

“I’m staying private with her. We’re taking in the moment.”

Again, we have to take issue.

What Javi should’ve said was “I’m trying to stay private with her and doing a horrendously bad job of it.”

We hate to nit-pick, but we had to point that one out.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Javi’s questionable decision-making.


Briana DeJesus: Planning on Attacking Javi Marroquin at Teen Mom 2 Reunion?!

Javi Marroquin and Briana DeJesus dated for a couple of months late last year, and honestly, it was just a terrible idea.

We appreciate how much drama they surely provided for the upcoming season of Teen Mom 2, but when you remember that these are real people making real mistakes in their real lives, it really just does not seem like it was worth it.

Javi messed up his relationship with Kailyn Lowry, the mother of his son, and they both made themselves look ridiculous.

And even though they broke up all the way back in January, it still looks like they"re both going out of their way to play themselves.

See, Briana just heard that Javi is back with Lauren Comeau, the woman he dated before getting with her — and boy, does she have some feelings about that …

1. True Love?

Javi marroquin and briana dejesus

Briana and Javi began dating … well, it was sometime last year, we know that much. They were friends for a long time before they got together, and things really started heating up last fall. Briana denied everything for a bit, but around October, they both finally confirmed their relationship.

2. Yikes

Javi marroquin and briana dejesus picture

They moved fast — but then again, Javi always moves fast. They hung out together with their children, they bought a puppy together, they talked about getting married, and they even got matching tattoos.

3. So Sad

Javi marroquin and briana dejesus at birthday party

But somehow, against all odds, they didn’t make it. Tragic, right? And we were all rooting for these crazy kids.

4. So Much Heartache

Briana and javi make it official

Briana said that there were a couple of reasons behind their split: one was that he didn’t want her to get more plastic surgery, and another was that he wanted to get married immediately and she wasn’t feeling that rush.

5. Hmmm …

Briana dejesus plastic surgery pic

So they broke up, but a couple of weeks later when she got her surgery, he was right there with her. Or he was for a little while, anyway — he left early, because as he explained in a statement, he never should have went in the first place because “we broke up for a reason.”

6. What a Mess

Briana de jesus

After that, she made her own statement and said that she “don’t want nothing to do with Javi,” and she also accused him of harassing her.

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Javi Marroquin Takes Son on Vacation With New Girflriend, Pisses Off Kailyn Lowry

Earlier this week, we learned the surprising news that Javi Marroquin is back together with Lauren Comeau.

Little is known about Comeau, as she and Marroquin dated very briefly last summer, and the relationship fizzled out no notice or explanation.

But it seems Javi and Lauren have picked up right where they left off, and Kailyn Lowry might be less than pleased with how quickly the couple is moving.

According to Radar Online, Javi and Lauren recently went on vacation to Kentucky.

Kailyn likely would have been just fine with this development (though she might have questioned the random-ass choice of vacation destination), were it not for the fact that Javi decided to take his son Lincoln on the trip.

“Javi took Lincoln to Kentucky with Lauren,” an insider tells Radar Online.

“Kailyn was really mad and yelled at him about it.”

Lowry was apparently so mad that she banned Javi from an upcoming family trip to Jamaice.

“Kail made it clear to Javi that he was not allowed to come on the upcoming trip to Jamaica. She was really mad at him,” the source says.

The official reason that Kail is so angry at Javi is that both parties agreed to only introduce their son to longterm partners whom they expect to be with for an extended period of time.

Yes, Javi and Lauren dated last summer, but they’ve been broken up for the majority of the intervening months.

Of course, there could be a second reason for Kail’s outrage.

It was recently reported that prior to getting back together with Lauren, Javi was working to win back Kailyn.

Sources close to the situation say Javi even texted Kail about his desire to to rekindle their romance … during his vacation with Lauren.

“From my understanding, Javi and Kail were planning to get back together when Kail found out Lauren was with him when he was away,” one insider tells Radar.

“He was even texting Kail about his love for her all while he was away with Lauren.”

If that really is the case, Kail has good reason to be pissed.

Tabloid reports always need to be taken with a grain of salt, but Lowry’s recent tweets have fans thinking this latest story is largely accurate.

“Sometimes i see articles and I’m like where tf did they come up with this info? And then sometimes i see articles and I’m like there’s really a snitch in my circle,” Kail tweeted earlier this week.

“Fuck the snitch in my circle,” she later added.

As for her co-parenting partnership with Javi, the former couple is apparently once again barely on speaking terms.

“She just told him he couldn’t come on the trip and that was it,” the insider tells Radar.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Kail and Javi’s tumultuous relationship.


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Javi Marroquin: Did He Cheat on Kailyn Lowry With Lauren Comeau?!

Lately, it seems that not a day goes by without some new update about Javi Marroquin"s love life.

We recently learned that Javi is back together with Lauren Comeau, whom he briefly dated last year.

The news comes on the heels of reports of Javi reconciling with Kailyn Lowry.

Many took Marroquin"s relationship Comeau as a sign that he was never actually working to win back Kailyn.

Now, however, it seems there may be some truth to both reports.

Yes, it appears that right around the time he started seeing Lauren again, Javi may have been hooking up with his ex-wife on the down-low…

1. Happier Times

Javi marroquin and kailyn lowry picture

Javi and Kailyn were married for nearly three years. While their divorce was certainly an ugly one, the couple has made efforts to form an amicable co-parenting relationship in the two years since they separated.

2. Linked By Lincoln

Kailyn javi photo

Javi and Kail have succeeded where so many other Teen Mom parents have failed in that they’ve consistently put their child’s needs above their own. But they’re only human, and sometimes, they allow their mixed feelings for one another to interfere.

3. A Tricky Situation

Javi and kailyn lowry

Things between Javi and Kail seem to get particularly rocky whenever one of them enters a new relationship. The situation is further complicated by the fact that the other party is constantly confronted with tabloid reports of the new romance.

4. Javi and Lauren

Javi and lauren instagram official

These days, Javi is back together with Lauren Comeau, a South Carolina resident whom he met through mutual friends last year.

5. Round Two

Javi marroquin and lauren comeau

Javi and Lauren brefly dated in the summer of 2017. The relationship was apparently strained by both the distance between them (Javi still lives in Delaware) and the fact that Lauren felt uncomfortable with Javi’s fame.

6. A Shocking Turn

Kailyn lowry crying

Fans were stunned by news that Javi and Lauren were back together, but it seems no one was more shocked than Kailyn, who apparently believed that she and Marroquin were on the verge of reconciliation.

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Monday, March 19, 2018

Javi Marroquin Slams Briana DeJesus, Confirms Lauren Comeau Relationship!

It can be hard to keep up with Javi Marroquin"s turbulent love life.

For example, after months of rumors about Javi getting back together with Kailyn Lowry, the Teen Mom 2 baby daddy threw fans a serious curveball last week:

It seems Javi is back with Lauren Comeau, an ex he broke up with back in the summer of 2017.

No one saw it coming – except, apparently, for Javi, who"s already talking about Lauren like she"s the one.

He"s also tearing apart the haters who dare to doubt his sincerity, a list that seems to include his most infamous ex:

1. The Happy Couple

Javi marroquin with lauren comeau

Javi and Lauren are officially back together. The couple connected online and then met at the wedding of mutual friends last year.

2. A Long-Distance Affair

Lauren comeau pic

A native of Maine, Lauren currently resides in South Carolina. Javi, of course, is based in Delaware. The distance was one of the causes of the couple’s first split, but it seems there were several other factors, as well.

3. The Harsh Glare of the Spotlight

Javi marroquin and lauren comeau

Apparently, Lauren isn’t completely thrilled with the secondhand fame that comes with dating a famous reality star.

4. No Fan of Fame


“I’m learning not everyone wants the attention,” Marroquin said when he and Lauren broke up last year. “Dating someone on a TV show is tough. I think Lauren had a hard time adjusting to that and I had a hard time understanding that.”

5. A Lesson In Empathy

Javi marroquin at froco

“It was a lot for her and we couldn’t fix it,” he went on. “I learned for my next relationship that I have to put myself in the other person’s shoes.”

6. Briana Drama

Javi marroquin and briana dejesus

That “next relationship” came quickly, as Javi confirmed he was dating Briana DeJesus just one month after breaking up with Lauren. But that romance turned out to be one of Javi’s most tumultuous yet…

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