Showing posts with label Pamela. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pamela. Show all posts

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Pamela Anderson Sobbing Through Goodbye Message to Hugh Hefner

Hugh Hefner held up a piece of paper with Pamela Anderson’s name on it, and a heart drawn around it, the last time she saw him … which Pam revealed during a sobbing farewell to the Playboy founder. Pam, arguably the most famous…


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Pamela Anderson & Julian Assange: Dating?!

There are unexpected couples, and then there’s whatever the hell this is.

According to The New York Post Baywatch-star-turned-PETA-psychopath Pamela Anderson is dating Wikileaks founder and international fugitive Julian Assange.

You may remember Assange for his role in stealing the keys to America and handing them to Vladimir Putin.

The relationship is reportedly in its early stages, and not surprisingly, it’s met with a few roadblocks, not the least of which is the fact that Assange has spent the past four years holed up in the UK’s Ecuadorian embassy to avoid imprisonment.

Despite the fact that several nations hope to expedite Assange due to alleged sex crimes and cyber terrorism, Pam is reportedly smitten.

“She seems to be wearing sexier outfits every time she visits,” one anonymous source says about Pam’s visits.

One might think that the fact that Assange has spent nearly half a decade on the run from rape charges would be enough to deter Pam, but apparently not.

In recent months, Assange has been in the news as a result of his alleged role in the hackings of the DNC and top Hillary Clinton aide John Podesta, and the widespread belief that he worked with Vladimir Putin to manipulate the results of US presidential election.

Curiously, Anderson has her own ties to Russia and Putin.

According to the Post, Pam “visited the Kremlin to discuss Russia’s wildlife conservation” back in 2015.

Of course, Putin’s idea of wildlife conservation is making one of those big furry hat out of the scalps of his enemies instarad, but apparently Pam isn’t picky these days.

Despite allegations of Putin meddling in U.S. politics, Pam visited Russia again in December of 2016 and stated that she’d like to become a citizen.

“Putin, like most red-blooded males, is a fan,” a Kremlin spokesperson says about the relationship between Pam and Putin.

Okay, then.

Some might say it’s a bit hypocritical that Pam’s been outspoken in her moral objections to pornography and any diet that isn’t strictly vegan but has no problem consorting with war criminals and brutal dictators …

… and those people would be absolutely right.

Seriously, WTF are you thinking, Pam?


Friday, October 14, 2016

Pamela Anderson: Down with Porn Star Sex!

Pamela Anderson is taking a stance against pornography.

Yes, you read that sentence correctly.

The former Playboy centerfold, Baywatch star and sex tape participant wrote an op-ed with Rabbi Schmuley Boteach last month for the Wall Street Journal.

It detailed the many “addictive dangers of pornography.”

“This is a public hazard of unprecedented seriousness given how freely available, anonymously accessible and easily disseminated pornography is nowadays,” Anderson wrote in the piece, adding:

“How many families will suffer? How many marriages will implode? How many talented men will scrap their most important relationships and careers for a brief onanistic thrill?”

Now, in an interview with UK program This Morning, Anderson has expounded on this viewpoint.

She says she’s trying to promote a “sensual revolution.”

You probably need that explained, right? Here goes…

“The sexual revolution was a great thing, it gave us a lot of freedom, it gave us all these wonderful things but it also gave us really bad sex,” Anderson says in the following video.

“In the age of technology, there’s so much access and people are getting too desensitized and there’s multiple visual images that get weirder and stranger.”

Anderson, of course, is well aware of how some people may look at her like a hypocrite.

She was known for many years for nothing but her blonde hair and large boobs.

“I know I’m part of the problem,” she admits. “I should probably disqualify myself from this whole conversation because I was in Playboy and I had a tape stolen from my home and exploited all over the world and people saw things that they should have never seen, but I didn’t think Playboy was pornographic.”

The actress then stops and says she’s been treated like a “porn star” in bed and “t’s no fun at all.”

She got “slapped, hit, called names, spit on [and] that’s sex in these days.”

Anderson never wants to go through this experience again, nor does she want anyone else to go through it.

“We’re not prudes,” she says, adding of her and Boteach’s end game:

“We’re not talking about no sex, we’re talking better sex. We want to be desired, we want to be romantic and pornography and access to other things is diminishing that.”

Anderson shares two sons (Dylan, 18, and Brandon, 20) with ex-husband Tommy Lee and says she backs up her public talk with private talks between her and her kids.

“We had this conversation we’re having now in front of my kids,” Pam says.

“My kids have been involved in the conversation, they both have girlfriends right now and I always tell them, if you disrespect women, you disrespect your mother.”

Does Anderson regret posing for Playboy on so many occasions? Not really.

“I thought Playboy was free, it was sexy,” she says. “I think I misunderstood, took that kind of attention for love.”

What do you think of Anderson’s take on sex? Does society need to change its view of intercourse? And is Anderson the right person to push this change?


Friday, September 2, 2016

Pamela Anderson: Porn is Dangerous, Corrosive!

Pamela Anderson coming out against porn is a bit like Justin Bieber coming out against shirtless photos.

Or Chris Brown coming out against violence toward women.

Or Milo Yiannopoulos coming out against trolling strangers on the Internet.

You get the point.

But here’s why we made those hilarious comparisons:

Because Pamela Anderson has come out against porn!

Typically, when the words “Pamela Anderson” and “come” are in the same sentence, it’s in relation to the star’s active participation in the world of pornography.

But not this time around.

The busty 49-year old made news on Friday by teaming up with Rabbi Schmuley Boteach to write an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal that warns about the many “addictive dangers of pornography.”

Yes, that bears repeating: 

Pamela Anderson and a rabbit have written an article together in which they explain the dangerous of watching adult movies.

In the piece, Anderson and Boteach argue that porn has a “corrosive effect on a man’s soul and on his ability to function as a husband, and by extension, as father.”

They continue:

“This is a public hazard of unprecedented seriousness given how freely available, anonymously accessible and easily disseminated pornography is nowadays.

“How many families will suffer? How many marriages will implode? How many talented men will scrap their most important relationships and careers for a brief onanistic thrill?”

The opinion-based article was published mere days after former Congressman Anthony Weiner was caught in his third sexting scandal.

As a result, wife, Huma Abedin – one of Hillary Clinton’s closest friends and aides – announced that she is separating from her husband of six years.

We only bring this up because Anderson did so.

Reads an excerpt of the op-ed:

“If anyone still doubted the devastation that porn addiction wreaks on those closest to the addict, behold the now-shattered marriage of Mr. Weiner and Huma Abedin, a breakup that she initiated … in shock at the disgraced ex-congressman’s inclusion of their 4-year-old son in one lewd photo that he sent to a near-stranger.”

That’s true.

Weiner really did share a photo with some woman online of himself in bed, in his underwear, with an erection… lying next to his child.

Of course, arguing that a porn ADDICTION can be dangerous is very different than arguing that merely watching porn sometimes can be dangerous.

An addiction to anything is bad for you.

The actress and the religious figure went on to warn that kids raised in the current digital environment will “become adults inured to intimacy and in need of even greater graphic stimulation.

“They are the crack babies of porn.”

What can society do about this problem?

“We must educate ourselves and our children to understand that porn is for losers – a boring, wasteful and dead-end outlet for people too lazy to rep the ample rewards of healthy sexuality.”

The article is noteworthy in general because Anderson made a sex tape in 1995 with then-husband Tommy Lee.

She has also graced the cover of Playboy 14 times.

She even covered the magazine’s final nude issue in January/February of this year.

Does this make Anderson a hypocrite? Or is she saying she’s seen the error of her many naked ways?

And where do we draw the line?

Anderson is known for wearing VERY low-cut dresses or blouses. Is drawing attention to one’s breasts part of the problem? 

Isn’t that also putting sexuality out there for kids to see?

We’d be curious to see Pamela’s take on this question.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Todd Chrisley"s Sister-In-Law, Pamela Arrested For Extortion!

Ahead of tonight’s season premiere, Chrisley Knows Best‘s Todd Chrisley broke some rather crazy news to fans.

It appears that his sister-in-law, Pamela was arrested for 2nd degree harrassment, blackmail and extortion.

“Folks, today is a sad day for our family,” Chrisley wrote on Instagram, including a mug shot of Pamela.

“If you notice this individual shares our last name and is married to my brother Randy.  Pamela has been involved in a scheme with other individuals in GA and SC to extort hundreds of thousands of dollars from our family because my brother filed for divorce from her.

“Our family has endured this harassment for many months and had to stay quite to let law enforcement from two states to do their job.

“Today is the first day of many to come and additional charges but our family will persevere and move forward together , we are at peace now that we know who has been behind this tragic situation and ask for your prayers and support for healing at this time.”

Apparently there was some suspicion about Chrisley’s son-in-law being involved.

Not so, said the patriarch.

“Let’s be perfectly clear, the extortion attempts belong to Pamela Bryson Chrisley, Not my son-n-law Will,” Chrisley wrote.

“He’s a decent young man, father and husband with no interest in such trashy and illegal activities.”

Pamela’s attorney, Delane Rosemond denies these charges, accusing Chrisley of plugging his show.

“These salacious allegations of extortion of monies from a family that is involved in reality TV known as Chrisley Knows Best unfortunately has permeated Oconee County,” Rosemond’s statement read, according to Us Weekly.

“As you may know the ratings for the Chrisley’s reality TV show has dropped tremendously over the last couple of viewing seasons and this is simply a ploy to increase their ratings.”

On that note, the new season of Chrisley Knows Best premieres tonight at 10/9 c on USA!

Friday, February 26, 2016

Pamela Anderson: Naked and Unrecognizable in New Shoot

If there’s one woman who knows how to pose naked and make it look good, it’s this girl.

Pamela Anderson stripped down, got an excellent spray tan and posed for photographer Vijat Mohindra, which has been featured in Paper Magazine.

The activist, who recently designed a vegan shoe line with French designer Amelie Pichard, is super-psyched about life in general, after being cured of Hepatits-C last fall.

“It’s a great time for me right now. My kids are grown. I’m so proud of them, and they are very proud of Mom,” Anderson said in the accompanying interview.

“It’s very freeing to still be able to be myself. What a relief. And, to have my kids’ approval, respect and love is all I need. 

“I even have a man in my life that gets me like never before. That is everything!”

This phase of Anderson’s life has prompted her to encourage others to think more about feelin’ oneself and less about listening to the critics (and the computer.  The computer is just MEAN).

“What is beauty?” Anderson mused.  “It is any age. It is timeless. It’s hard to be glamorous in this digital world. I wish we still lived in black and white. People were more beautiful.”

Preach!  What else can you tell us?

“We will change the world. All of us. We all just need to do our part. And feel loved. That’s when we are at our best,” she said.

I like this woman.

“I wish that for everyone. We have paradise beneath our feet. We must change to a green economy, and things will get better.

What else?

“More equality. It’s fun; it’s innovative. We are all the architects of a new world. Maybe a new religion: loving the planet and all its beings. Let the ocean regenerate itself. And save the rainforest.”

You heard her.  Save the earth.  Wear her shoes.  Get naked!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Pamela Anderson Covers Playboy"s Last Nude Issue EVER

Jenny McCarthy wanted the job, but TOO BAD.

Pamela Anderson graces the cover of Playboy Magazine’s last nude issue, marking the end of an era.

“I got a call from [Hugh Hefner’s] attorney who said, ‘We don’t want anybody else,” Anderson told Entertainment Tonight.  “There’s nobody else, could you do the last cover of Playboy?"”

Her son, Brandon, 19, convinced her that it was definitely something worth doing.  It was a surprise, considering he and his younger brother, Dylan were teased in the past when mom stripped down.

The boys gave Anderson the thumbs up, explaining that they were older now and not “embarrassed” by her anymore.

Smooth, boys.

“I was like, ‘What? Are you serious?’ But then I thought that’s probably a good thing,” Anderson said in a sit-down with ET.

“It’s hard to compete with the Internet,” Anderson continued.  “And the girl next door doesn’t exist anymore. She’s taking selfies down her shirt, like, you know, there’s no mystery over there anymore.

It doesn’t have that same charm and innocence that it used to.”

Earlier this month, the actress and activist revealed that she was cured of Hepatitis C after being diagnosed in 2002, and what a way to celebrate.  Reuniting with Hugh Hefner was exactly what Anderson wanted.  

“He’s such a sweetheart and he’s just been such a big part of my life,” Anderson said.  

“I had a rough few years where I felt a little insecure, ’cause you know everyone’s getting older,” Anderson admitted. “I thought, ‘My gosh, I miss the Playboy days.’ It was so glamorous, it was so chivalrous, there’s so many people there that were so smart, and activism, and art.

“You know, I just kind of miss that whole crowd and us being these little giggling girls kind of running around the mansion half naked and trying to get everybody’s attention.”

The final nudie issues hits newsstands December 11th.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Pamela Anderson: I"m Cured, Now Let"s Save The Earth!

Earlier this month, Pamela Anderson got the best news EVER.

The former Baywatch star and PETA advocate shared with fans that she had been cured of Hepatitis C.

And now, it’s time to celebrate.

“It has been 20 years … and I always felt this little dark cloud hanging over me,” Anderson told People at a party for Coco Eco in Santa Monica, CA.

“I think anyone struggling with a disease that they say you can live with is still – it still plays into a lot of your decisions in your life.”

Anderson shared her diagnosis in 2002, having contracted the virus from Tommy Lee via a shared tattoo needle.  Lee, Anderson confirmed at the event, was cured a year ago.

“Twenty years ago they told me I would die in 10 years. And 10 years into that, they told me I would be able to live with it and probably die of something else, but it all was very scary stuff,” Anderson said.

“I’ve been too busy, I think it really hasn’t even hit me yet, but it’s exciting because now I get 20 years back on my life.”

The news has allowed Anderson to think big picture in terms of what she’s going to do with those bonus years.  

“People have to understand that climate change is a real thing and it’s the most important thing,” Anderson explained of her newest cause.

“So I’m going to go nuts. I’m kicking it up a notch. That fact that I get more time on this earth – I am going to be a great shepherd of the earth.”

For those still living with the virus, Anderson offered advice.

“They have to go to their doctor. They have to get tested. There’s different kinds of Hep C but there’s cures for every single one of them,” Anderson stressed.

“They just have to talk to their doctors and having insurance is the best thing to have. … It’s an expensive drug. So you better have insurance.”

Monday, November 9, 2015

Pamela Anderson: Celebrates Hepatitis C Cure With Naked Pic!

It’s been a while since we’ve heard from Pamela Anderson.  The last time we heard much about her was in September.  And of course, we reported that Pamela posed naked for Flaunt.  

Really, would there be anything else to report about her?

Probably not.  Because we are here to tell you again that Pamela Anderson is naked.  But this time there is a twist of (other) exciting news!

On Friday, November 6, the former Baywatch star revealed on Instagram that she has been cured of Hepatitis C. The 48-year-old posted a naked picture of herself with the caption, “I am CURED!!! I just found out #nomorehepc.”

Anderson is hopeful that others who are suffering from the disease will be able to receive treatment:

“I pray anyone living with Hep C can qualify or afford treatment,” she added in the caption.  “It will be more available soon. I know treatment is hard to get still…#don’tlosehope #itworkedforme #thereisacure.”

The treatment she is referring to is a new practice that appears to have a high success rate. 

In September, Anderson told Andy Cohen on Watch What Happens Live, “I am taking medicine right now, they have come up with a cure. I should be cured — a 98 percent chance.”

The mother-of-two revealed in 2002 that she contracted the liver disease after sharing a tattoo needle with her former husband Tommy Lee.