Showing posts with label Parents. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parents. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Awesome Parents Dress Son as Elsa for Halloween

Remember that supportive father who proudly bought his son a Barbie doll?

Paul Henson and Ashley Ramage have now gone one impressive step further.

The parents of three-year old Caiden shared a picture on Facebook this week of their son’s Halloween costume, surprising friends and family members with the reveal that Caiden will be trick-or-treating as Elsa from Frozen.

Yes, Elsa is a girl. Yes, Caiden is a boy. Got a problem with that?!?

The toddler’s parents do not.

“It’s important for children to know that their parents will stand by them no matter what,” Paul explains to The Huffington Post.

“Ashley and I will do whatever it takes to keep our son happy and not take his innocence and imagination from him.”

Amen, Ramage basically says, adding that parents should never stifle the growth or development of their kids via gender-based thinking.

“I want other parents to realize that gender stereotypes are taught and learned behaviors,” she says.

“At three years old, kids are still developing, exploring and discovering. As parents we shouldn’t discourage their individuality.”

What do you think, readers? Is this progressing parenting that has gone too far?

Or progressive parenting that ought to be applauded?

13 Stars Who Pretty Much Hate Their Parents

Mommy Dearest? Father Fairest? Not when it comes to the relationships between these stars and their parents.

The following singers/actors/actress/athletes simply do not see eye-to-eye with their mother, their father or, in some cases, both.

It"s too bad, but it"s also just life sometimes. Take a look around below and let"s all hope these kids and their parents can patch things up someday…

1. Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay lohan

Lindsay Lohan may suck, but it’s hard not to feel a little bad for her. She has grown apart from mother Dina because she’s a fame whore and father Michael because he’s spent time in both jail and in rehab. You might say she’s been trapped by her parents.

2. Beyonce


Matthew Knowles was fired by both his daughters for alleged shady dealings while working as their manager. He has also fathered multiple children via affairs he had while married to Beyonce’s mother, Tina.

3. Eminem


Where to even start?!? Eminem has rapped such terrible things about his mother, Debbie Mathers, that she sued him for defamation of character in 2011. It’s safe to say the artist doesn’t approve of how she raised him.

4. Halle Berry

Halle berry

Halle Berry has gone on record by saying her poor relationship choices are due to her lack of a relationship with her father. She says she saw him beat her mother when she was a young child.

5. Angelina Jolie

Angelina jolie

Angelina Jolie has a very famous father, actor Jon Voight. The reason behind their feud, for why the latter has never seen met some of his grandkids, is not known, however. It likely didn’t help that he cheated on her mom, though.

6. Adele


Adele no longer speaks to her father. That’s what happens when you sell information about your daughter to supermarket tabloids.

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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Parents Lose Son, Return Home to Find THIS

The following story is worth telling, even though it will break your heart.

In the video featured here, we learn about Leland Shoemake, a six-year old in Georgia who tragically died last Friday after a month-long battle with a brain infection.

According to Leland"s mom, she and her husband returned home soon after saying goodbye to their son, only to be blown away by what they found.

"When Tim and I came home for the first time to get him clothes to be buried in, this is the note we found from him on the table in the living room," she wrote.

As you can see in this news report, the note reads “Still with you. Thank you mom and dad. Love."

"We have no idea when he wrote it but you can tell he was always a special child," concluded Leland"s mom. "We will love you forever Leland. Sleep tight and don"t let the bed bugs bite!"

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Shoemake family, but hopefully Mom and Dad can find some comfort in the knowledge that they raised an amazing child.

Mother finds goodbye note from 6 year old son after he dies from

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Chris Brown to Australia -- Forget Parents, I Can Teach Kids About Domestic Violence


0929-chris-brown-australia-getty-01Chris Brown is trying to convince the Australian government, he’s better suited to teach kids about the horrors of domestic violence than their parents.

As we reported, the Australian government is strongly inclined to deny Brown entry into the country because of the Rihanna beating conviction, but they’ve invited the singer to make a case for entry.

Brown just tweeted, “The youth don’t listen to parents nor do they listen to PSA’s. The power that we have as Entertainers can change lives.”

The problem … his tweet is more about him and his right to move past the conviction than it is about domestic violence. He writes, “My life mistakes should be a wake up call for everyone. Showing the world that mistakes don’t define you. Trying to prevent spousal abuse.”

He might want to leave this one to the lawyers.


Friday, September 11, 2015

Hayden Panettiere -- Shelling Out Loot for Both Parents During Divorce War



0910_hayden_Panettiere_parents_gettyHayden Panettiere is a dream daughter, helping both her mom and dad who are locked in a bitter divorce fight … seemingly without taking sides.

Hayden’s mom says she’s virtually destitute with no place to live in L.A., and were it not for the generosity of her daughter she could be homeless. Lesley Panettiere claims in legal docs her estranged husband Alan has paid her only 4 months worth of spousal support since 2012.

Lesley says Hayden is letting her stay in the actress’ West Hollywood condo for free, until she can get back on her feet.

But Hayden’s generosity doesn’t stop there. According to the docs, Hayden gave Alan a $ 100,000 gift just this year.

Lesley was making money by managing Hayden when she was a minor, but when she turned 18 she got a professional agency. That left Lesley without work, though she’s trying to become a producer.

Lesley and Alan have a difficult past. In 2008 Alan was criminally charged with misdemeanor battery for striking Lesley in the face. He pled no contest.