Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Awesome Parents Dress Son as Elsa for Halloween

Remember that supportive father who proudly bought his son a Barbie doll?

Paul Henson and Ashley Ramage have now gone one impressive step further.

The parents of three-year old Caiden shared a picture on Facebook this week of their son’s Halloween costume, surprising friends and family members with the reveal that Caiden will be trick-or-treating as Elsa from Frozen.

Yes, Elsa is a girl. Yes, Caiden is a boy. Got a problem with that?!?

The toddler’s parents do not.

“It’s important for children to know that their parents will stand by them no matter what,” Paul explains to The Huffington Post.

“Ashley and I will do whatever it takes to keep our son happy and not take his innocence and imagination from him.”

Amen, Ramage basically says, adding that parents should never stifle the growth or development of their kids via gender-based thinking.

“I want other parents to realize that gender stereotypes are taught and learned behaviors,” she says.

“At three years old, kids are still developing, exploring and discovering. As parents we shouldn’t discourage their individuality.”

What do you think, readers? Is this progressing parenting that has gone too far?

Or progressive parenting that ought to be applauded?