Showing posts with label Plunge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Plunge. Show all posts

Friday, May 18, 2018

Stephanie Adams: Former Playmate and Young Son Plunge to Their Deaths

According to reports, early Friday morning, a 47-year-old woman and a 7-year-old boy were found dead after an apparent jump from a Manhattan building.

This is a grim story, no matter what transpired before they plummeted to their deaths below.

And now multiple news outlets believe that they have identified the woman as a former Playboy centerfold model.

Stephanie Adams pic

First, what we know with relative certainty.

According to Lieutenant John Grimpel, a 47-year-old woman appears to have jumped from the 25th floor of the Gotham Hotel in Manhattan.

Police indicate that this occurred at around 8:15 AM on Friday morning.

Reports say that the two bodies were found on the second-floor landing of the Gotham Hotel’s courtyard.

Police were not initially willing to confirm or deny the identities of the deceased, for obvious reasons.

One, identifying them may have been challenging if normal identifiers were not available.

Two, as is always important, police needed to notify the family.

There’s no good way to learn that you have lost a loved one, but learning from the news would have to be one of the worst.

Multiple media outlets, including The New York Post and NBC News 4, are reporting that this woman was Stephanie Adams.

Gotham Hotel via fb

Stephanie Adams was a former Playboy model.

In fact, she was the November centerfold in 1992.

Which would make the 7-year-old boy Vincent, her son.

She shared Vincent with her estranged husband, Charles Nicolai, the owner of of Wall Street Chiropractic & Wellness.

Staff at that practice have declined to comment.

Stephanie Adams Family

Reports say that Stephanie and Nicolai were engaged in a fierce court battle over custody of their son.

Things were allegedly so contentious between them that handovers of Vincent took place at a NYPD precinct, allegedly to “prevent violence” from occurring.

Stephanie filed for divorce from Nicolai in 2017, and she was currently seeking child support from him.

As is often the case during divorces, she owed money to her attorneys.

Adding to this, The New York Post reports that Stephanie had become distraught because she would not be able to take her son on a trip to Europe over the summer.

She and her estranged husband fought over this and, ultimately, a judge sided with Nicolai — and ordered Stephanie to surrender Vincent’s passport.

Stephanie Adams, who claims to be a descendant of John Quincy Adams and who entered the modeling profession at age 16, had a history of both civil rights advocacy and of troubled lawsuits.

But none of this explains what could have led her and her son to plunge to their tragic and premature deaths on Friday morning.

Our sympathies go out to their loved ones as they struggle with this loss.

We hope that investigators are able to provide answers.


Friday, March 17, 2017

Keeping Up With the Kardashians Ratings Plunge: Will the Show Get Canceled?

If you watched the premiere of Keeping Up With the Kardashians Season 13 last week, you know that despite some enticing trailers, the episode failed to deliver in the drama department.

Upcoming episodes will address Kim getting robbed in Paris and her marital troubles with Kanye West, but it could be a case of too little, too late.

The premiere’s ratings were the show’s lowest to date, and according to Radar Online, E! execs are already talking cancelation.

Rumors of Keeping Up With the Kardashians getting canceled seem to surface every couple of months.

(Perhaps it’s a bit of wishful thinking on the part of the public.)

But this time, there are numbers to support the claims.

KUWTK pulled in its lowest ratings to date on Sunday, scoring a paltry .70 for adults 18-49 rating and just 1.48 million viewers.

It’s reportedly that first figure that has E! most concerned.

The show never receiving massive total ratings, but it always performed well in that crucial demographic.

(In fact, we’re a bit shocked that half the show’s audience falls outside of that age range.)

Making matters worse is the fact that the show is costlier than ever to produce.

Sources say a reluctant Kim received a massive bonus to return for Season 13, and the cast keeps growing in size.

North, Saint, and Kourtney’s kids aren’t getting paid yet (and there’s no word on whether or not Rob’s daughter, Dream, will appear on the show), but Kendall and Kylie background stars to main attractions, and their paychecks reflect their rising popularity.

When the show premiered more than a decade ago there simply wasn’t as much competition on basic cable, and the Kardashians, ironically, have struggled to keep up.

It’s often said that Kim and her sisters don’t really care if the show continues or not, as it’s already established them as huge stars, and they have countless other revenue streams.

But at least one member of the family is deeply concerned about the prospect of cancelation:

Sources say Kris Jenner boasted to friends that this season would be the show’s most popular to date, due to all the explosive drama of the past few months.

Looks like that was a major miscalculation by the infamous momager.

Fortunately, no matter what happens you can always watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians online at TV Fanatic.


Monday, February 20, 2017

Jinger Duggar: Is She Causing a Counting On Ratings Plunge?

From the time of its initial test run, Counting On has never delivered consistent ratings for TLC.

The Duggars had always proven popular in the past, and even the Josh Duggar sex scandals weren’t enough to drive some fans away, but the family’s latest reality series struggled from the start.

Ratings would skyrocket in episodes that captured a major family event, then plummet in the weeks that followed, so perhaps it’s no surprise that producers have devoted so much attention to Jinger Duggar’s wedding.

Jinger married Jeremy Vuolo back in November, and the show has gotten a LOT of mileage out of her nuptials.

Nearly an entire season was devoted to the wedding planning process.

The show teased a wedding episode several times, at one point, even luring fans in with the promise of the big day, and then delivering a patched-together clip show.

Even after Jinger and Jeremy tied the knot on TV, the show still didn’t move on, delivering several “flashback” episodes that painstakingly detailed the run-up to the nuptials.

Remarkably, the show still isn’t through focusing on the couple, and promos have promised that tonight’s two-hour episode will be all about the Vuolo wedding.

Not surprisingly, some fans are saying enough is enough:

“Already saw it last fall! Don’t need to see again and with a whole bunch of filler added. I usually tape and fast forward through the old stuff and when the dad talks!” one viewer commented on the show’s official Facebook page.

“Soooo tired of seeing flashbacks. Nothing new ever happens. I’ve been a loyal watcher since the beginning and I’m quite disappointed,” echoed another fan.

And according to the ratings, these fans aren’t alone.

Not only has the show been on a steady decline, episodes that focus on Jinger and Jeremy are seeing full-blown nosedives in terms of viewership.

Less than a million viewers tuned in for last week’s episode, entitled “All About Jinger.”

That was a dip of nearly 200,000 viewers from the week before, and tonight’s wedding special is unlikely to fare much better.

Unfortunately, it’s too late for producers to correct course and end the season with some less Jinger-centric episodes.

Looks like the folks behind the camera have dramatically overestimated the appeal of the latest Duggar couple to get hitched.

Watch Counting On online to relive this season and remind yourself of just how much mileage the show has gotten from a single wedding.

It really has to be seen to be believed.
