Showing posts with label Policy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Policy. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Israel Prime Minister Compares Peace Policy to NFL Football

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told a group of NFL Hall of Famers that his approach to peace is “no different” from how a football player prepares for victory … be strong or else. The meeting was arranged by New England Patriots owner…


Friday, April 14, 2017

United Changes Policy for Overbooking and Removing Passengers (DOCUMENT)

United Airlines has just made a big change to its overbooking policy, in the wake of the disastrous removal of passenger Dr. David Dao. Effective immediately, a passenger cannot be removed to accommodate a United crew member unless it’s essential…


Monday, March 27, 2017

United Airlines Earns Ire of Twitter for THIS Company Policy

WARNING: The following story is likely to make your blood boil.

Shannon Watts – a mother of five from Colorado and founder of pro-gun control organization Moms Demand Action – shared on Twitter Sunday that young passengers getting on board a flight from Denver to Minneapolis were not allowed down the walkway unless they changed outfits.

Two girls in particular, one of whom was 10 years old, were barred from boarding because they were wearing leggings.

They had to actually cover up more and wait for the next flight to Minnesota.

The incident has gone viral – with everyone from People Magazine to The New York Times picking it up – and United responded to Watts on Twitter by writing that they “have the right to refuse transport for passengers who are barefoot or not properly clothed."

As used in this context, that response has not sat well with many people on social media, including quite a few you"ve probably heard of…

1. The Opening Tweets

The opening tweets

This is how Watts alerted social media to the situation.

2. The United Response

The united response

The airline checked and said the passengers in question appeared to be family members of employees and were therefore held to a high standard, per company bylaws.

3. Patricia Arquette‏ Responds

Patricia arquette response

@united Leggings are business attire for 10 year olds. Their business is being children.

4. And Chrissy Teigen

And chrissy teigen

I have flown united before with literally no pants on. Just a top as a dress. Next time I will wear only jeans and a scarf.

5. And Sarah Silverman

And sarah silverman

Hey @united I fly a LOT. About to go on tour all April and changing all my @united flights to other airlines.

6. And Andy Richter

And andy richter

.@united I have flown numerous times while displaying an egregious mooseknuckle. What’s a male over 10 have to do to get noticed?

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Monday, October 10, 2016

WWE Star Paige -- Suspended 60 Days ... Second Wellness Policy Violation

WWE Diva Paige has been suspended 60 days for violating the company’s talent wellness policy, the WWE announced Monday morning.  This is Paige’s second violation in 3 months. She was hit with a suspension in August … the same day her BF…


Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Teacher Issues New Homework Policy, Becomes An Internet Hero

Before Samantha Gallagher sent her daughter, Brooke off to second grade last week, she was prepared for nightly homework that would interrupt dinner and downtime with the family.

Second Grade Teacher Homework Policy

However, during a Parent-Teacher night prior to the start of the school year at Godley Elementary School in Texas, her daughter’s teacher, Brandy Young handed out a letter to parents explaining her new homework policy.

According to MSN, Gallagher shared the letter with Facebook friends, which soon went viral.

“Brooke is loving her new teacher already!” Gallgher captioned the phone of Young’s letter, which stated the following:

There will be no formally assigned homework this year.  Rather, I ask you spend your evenings doing things that are proven to correlate with student success. Eat dinner as a family, read together, play outside, and get your child to bed early.

Young explained in the letter that she did her own homework this summer on the pros and cons of sending kids home to do more work after school.  

When she was unable to find research that improved a student’s performance in the classroom, she made the decision to allow her class to enjoy life outside school when they’re at home.

“[Students] work hard all day. When they go home they have other things they need to learn there,” Young explained to CBS News. “I’m trying to develop their whole person; it’s not beneficial to go home and do pencil and paper work.”

Brandy Young Second Grade Student

The letter has been shared nearly 72,000 times, and Gallagher has marveled at the interest garnered by this one simple change.

“Ive have been messaged and told the letter has reached Canada, Scotland, Ireland and Polynesia!” she wrote on Facebook.

“Just goes to show how universal this subject is!….and now Africa!”

Young credits the school district for allowing her to come up with this idea.

“Our superintendent really encouraged us to be innovators,” she said.

“Whether or not it’s popular, I just wanted to see if it would work. You can’t know if it’s gonna work unless you try it.”

Getting kids outside after school and encouraging them to spend more time with family?  Sounds like it just might work.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Khloe Kardashian, Liza Morales: Fighting Over Lamar Odom"s $10 Million Life Insurance Policy?

It’s been almost three days since Lamar Odom was found unconscious in his suite at the Love Ranch brothel in Nevada.

It was reported yesterday that doctors have declared Odom brain dead, and despite showing occasional signs of life, they continue to believe that he has little chance of emerging from his coma.

Shortly after he was hospitalized, it was revealed that Odom is still married to Khloe Kardashian, despite the fact that they’ve been estranged for over two years.

This means that Khloe may soon be in the position of making difficult medical legal decisions on Lamar’s behalf.

Radar Online reports that Khloe is the beneficiary of Lamar’s $ 10 million life insurance policy. She will also receive a large portion of his estate which at one point was valued at $ 100 million.

(That number is probably significantly diminished now, as Lamar has not received any substantial income in nearly two years.)

“Khloe was to receive a majority of that,” says one insider. “His kids were of course included in the will, but it’s understood they were to only receive a small portion compared to Khloe.”

The terms of Odom’s will put Khloe in a strange predicament, as she’s worth far more than he is, and Odom has two children to support.

The children’s mother, Liza Morales, is reportedly already mounting a legal offensive in order to secure as much of Odom’s estate for herself and her children as she can.

Khloe certainly doesn’t need the money, but she and Morales are not exactly close friends (It’s been widely reported that Odom cheated with Morales while before he and Khloe were separated.), so she may not be too keen on the idea of giving the woman a 9-figure gift.

Many expect that Khloe will give Liza a sizable enough chunk of Lamar’s estate to effectively make her go away. But if Liza wants the whole thing, Khloe might have an ugly legal battle ahead of her.