Showing posts with label Scaramucci. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scaramucci. Show all posts

Friday, August 11, 2017

Anthony Scaramucci Spoofed by Bill Hader on SNL"s "Weekend Update: Summer Edition"

Anthony Scaramucci belatedly got the ‘SNL’ treatment courtesy of ‘SNL’ alum, Bill Hader … and it was, well, a day too late. It kinda felt like calling Scaramucci “The Mooch” was a new thing, even though it was kinda played out a…


Friday, August 4, 2017

TMZ Live: Anthony Scaramucci: I"m Goin" Hollywood!

ON TODAY’S SHOW Usher’s Wife Doesn’t Buy STD Lawsuit Caitlyn Jenner Still Wearing M.A.G.A. Hat Blac Chna: I’m The Next Nicki Minaj Sean Spicer Turns Down DWTS


Thursday, August 3, 2017

Anthony Scaramucci Audio of "Insane" White House Leaks Interview Released

Anthony Scaramuccci’s expletive-laced rant to a reporter was recorded, and The New Yorker just released the audio. The reporter, Ryan Lizza, captured his phone convo with Scaramucci last week, and you can hear the then-White House Communications…


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

TMZ Live: Anthony Scaramucci Dating Rumors: Goodbye, White House!

ON TODAY’S SHOW Kanye West: Battle For $ 10 Mil  LeBron James Trash Talks Kids Real Housewives: Vagina War! Justin Bieber’s New Gig


Anthony Scaramucci, Kimberly Guilfoyle ... Dating Rumors Linked to White House Resignation

Anthony Scaramucci’s unceremonious White House exit is linked to a story about rumors he was dating FOX News anchor Kimberly Guilfoyle … and his departure came on the heels of a TMZ inquiry to the White House. The timeline is interesting — Monday…


Anthony Scaramucci Can Turn White House Debacle into $75k Speaking Engagements

Anthony Scaramucci’s absurdly brief gig in the White House is going to pay off big-time, and help make the rich man even richer … IF he chooses to cash in on making speeches. Multiple sources plugged into the public speaking circuit tell us the…


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Anthony Scaramucci Mum On Goodbyes to Trump, Send-off Message for Gen. Kelly

Anthony Scaramucci is not done with D.C. yet — the morning after he bolted from the White House, he was cruising out of the Trump Hotel … and talking about his future. This is the first time the Mooch has talked publicly since Monday’s…


Monday, July 31, 2017

Anthony Scaramucci: Fired as White House Communications Director! Already!

President Donald J. Trump has decided to remove the embattled Anthony Scaramucci as communications director for his administration.

The non-failing New York Times reported the news, which follows the Mooch’s tumultuous 10-day tenure, moments ago. 

Three people close to the decision said Scaramucci is out following what has been the most insane week of the Trump White House to date.

Which, as you know regardless of which side of the political spectrum you find yourself on these days, is saying a hell of a lot.

Scaramucci recently took over the position having apparently been denied a post in the Trump administration earlier this year.

That was one point of contention in a crude, verbal tirade he unleashed against the White House staff … in the New Yorker.

Sean Spicer, the former press secretary, resigned immediately after he too the job, rather than take orders from Scaramucci.

Reince Priebus, Trump’s first chief of staff and a “paranoid, c–k blocking schizophrenic” (Anthony’s words) is also out the door.

Preibus and senior adviser Steve Bannon, who Scaramucci says wants to suck his own c–k, shared power in the White House since January.

Despite their different backgrounds and management styles, they actually coexisted better than most people in the Trump administration.

If Scaramucci had anything to say about it, they would both be out on the street, though it appears Trump has fired Anthony instead.

Scaramucci had boasted about reporting directly to the President and not the chief of staff, John F. Kelly, who just replaced Priebus.

Perhaps it’s not surprising that the decision to boot Scaramucci reportedly came at Kelly’s request, the sources close to the situation said.

Kelly made clear to the few remaining members of the White House staff at a meeting Monday morning that he’s in charge from now on.

It was not clear whether Scaramucci will remain employed at the White House in another position or will leave altogether.

We would have to assume the latter.

Even by Trump supporter standards, his off-color comments and overall ridiculousness raised red flags, which again is saying something.

He demonstrated an absoluitely astounding lack of media savvy for someone serving as the liaison between the press and the POTUS.

It’s hard to see where you go after telling the New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza, “I fired one guy the other day. I have 3-4 people I’ll fire tomorrow.”

“I’ll get to the person who leaked that to you. Reince Priebus … if you want to leak something … he’ll be asked to resign very shortly.”

Clearly gunning for the title of Most Batsh-t Member of the Trump Staff, he made sure he got it after launching into an impression of Priebus:

“Let me leak the f–king thing and see if I can c–kblock these people the way I c–kblocked Scaramucci for six months.”

He then turned his sights to Bannon, complaining that the former Breitbart News CEO and Trump campaign chair is only in this for himself.

“I’m not Steve Bannon, I’m not trying to suck my own c–l,” Scaramucci said, ridiculing the shadowy alt-right Trump confidant.

“I’m not trying to build my own brand off the f–king strength of the president,” he said. “I’m here to serve the country.”

Scaramucci had a good run.


Anthony Scaramucci Out As White House Communications Director

That’s a wrap for Anthony Scaramucci — he’s officially out as White House Communications Director after only 10 days on the job. There are conflicting reports as to whether Donald Trump fired him or if Mooch tendered his own resignation — but the…


Anthony Scaramucci: Here"s Why His Wife Filed for Divorce While Nine Months Pregnant!

Anthony Scaramucci, who despite his name and disposition and mannerisms is somehow neither a one-off Law & Order character nor a gangster who got on Batman’s bad side, is now Communications DIrector at the Trump White House.

You know, the guy who says that Steve Bannon wants to blow himself. That’s just where we are, as a nation, in 2017.

Anthony Scaramucci’s political career might be on the rise … after a fashion … but his home life isn’t going so well. His wife, Deidre Ball, filed for divorce from him while nine months pregnant. We have some new details to share with you.

Remember last Monday, when Trump gave a fiery political speech to the Boy Scouts Jamboree where he used his usual judgment and regailed the crowd of children with references to hedonistic sex yachts?

Well, Anthony Scaramucci was there with him.

Deidre Ball, on the other hand, was in an Upper East Side hospital giving birth.

It wasn’t until Friday evening that Anthony saw the baby, though the couple had reportedly wanted him to be able to be there.

As we all know, no stage of pregnancy is cooperative to other people’s schedules, and childbirth is no exception.

Deidre had actually filed divorce papers on July 6th, 

It’s been widely reported that a major factor in Deidre’s decision to split from Scaramucci was her husband’s willingness to work for Donald Trump, making Deidre instantly relatable and likable in the eyes of most Americans.

We need to be careful, though, about jumping to conclusions (especially when that just means believing things that fit our worldviews).

It sounds like there’s more to this story.

According to Page Six‘s source, the Scaramucci marriage had a number of problems.

We also know exactly what he texted her last Monday:

“When James was born, he sent her a text saying, ‘Congratulations, I’ll pray for our child.’”

Hey, that’s better than just texting: “Gratz,” which we feel would have also fit his brand.

“There was discussion between him, her and the divorce attorneys about Anthony going to the hospital and unfortunately … the delivery was sudden.”

Like we said, that’s how childbirth goes.

The source added that Deidre’s anger was a factor in the split.

“There’s been … a lot of lies.”

That’s vague as hell, right?

It doesn’t sound like cheating was necessarily one of them, as Anthony Scaramucci’s rep denies that pretty categorically.

“The only one he’s dating right now is the West Wing of the White House.”

There’s an image.

Also, apparently Anthony and Deidre separated earlier this year.

Honestly, as much as we’d like to imagine that Deidre ended an otherwise happy marriage solely after Anthony Scaramucci’s willingness to work for an unstable orange, it sounds like there was more to it.

“She’s mad. They aren’t really speaking right now. The [pain] runs deep. [Anthony] tells her she’s not that smart, that he’s out of her league.”

Ugh, we’ve heard of relationships like this.

Disparaging remarks like that are part of toxic relationships that should never continue.

They can also be part of emotional abuse.

However, “emotional abuse” is sometimes over-used, as one of Anthony’s friends told Page Six that Deidre lashed Anthony with verbal abuse.

“She would say, ‘You’re a grifter, you’re this.’ She would mock him for being a Trump sycophant.”

Well … if the shoe fits, right?

Deidre’s lawyer has denied that Scaramucci’s “political ambition” was the cause of their divorce, citing “personal reasons.”

She’s trying to avoid a media circus because of their children, so don’t expect her to go public and put Scaramucci on blast any time soon, you know?

So … there’s probably a lot about this couple that we don’t know.

And that we won’t know, unless this amicable divorce turns really, really ugly.

Scaramucci’s hiring prompted Sean Spicer’s resignation, a sad day for Melissa McCarthy but a happy day for mini-fridges throughout the White House.

Scaramucci has since been purging the White House of employees, including Rinse the Prius … sorry, Reince Priebus … making Priebus the shortest serving White House Chief of Staff in US History.

(Fun fact: several years ago, Trump blasted Obama on Twitter for going through multiple Chiefs of Staff in just a few years, so shout out to whichever witch cursed Trump to have to live out his old tweets)

Basically, Scaramucci seems to cause division wherever he goes, whether it’s at home or at work.

In light of that history, it will be interesting to see how long he sticks around in that crumbling quagmire of an administration.


Friday, July 28, 2017

Anthony Scaramucci Wife Reportedly Files for Divorce

Anthony Scaramucci might wanna learn something from Steve Bannon, after all — Mrs. ‘Mooch’ is reportedly filing for divorce. The new White House Communications Director had been married for about 3 years to Deidre Ball, but according to the NY Post…


Anthony Scaramucci: Steve Bannon Wants to Blow Himself & Reince Priebus Is INSANE!

Backstabbing, bitter rivalries, vulgar tirades, graphic descriptions of revloting sex acts … the new season of Game of Thrones is left in the dust by the daily updates coming out of the White House, and it would all be very entertaining if it weren’t so horrifying.

The Trump administration’s latest affronts to out political system and the bedrock principles of basic human decency come to us courtesy of the Littlefinger of Long Island, new White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci.

Anthony Scaramucci

It’s an imperfect comparison, as the GoT character is known for his guile and charm, and Scaramucci is, well … not.

Quite the opposite, in fact, the Mooch, as he’s known to many, makes his boss look like a paragon of eloquence and dignity, which is reallyno easy feat.

The investor and former Obama fundraiser (if you’re in power, the Mooch is your pal), Scaramucci was promised a spot in the Trump White House early in the transition process, but was blocked by high-ranking rivals, such as Chief of Staff Reince Priebus.

Now, Scaramucci is having his revenge.

Already, former press secretary Sean Spicer has resigned as a result of his appointment, and if the Mooch has his way, Priebus and infamous White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon will be next out the door.

Fortunately for Priebus and Bannon, there’s a good chance that Scaramucci will torpedo his own career before he’s able to oust them.

Demonstrating an astonishing lack of media savvy for someone who’s tasked with serving as the liaison between the press and the president, Scaramucci called New Yorker reporter Ryan Lizza on Wednesday and launched an unhinged rant against his foes within the White House:

“Reince is a f—ing paranoid schizophrenic, a paranoiac,” Scaramucci told Lizza without ever requesting that his comments remain off the record.

“I fired one guy the other day. I have three to four people I’ll fire tomorrow. I’ll get to the person who leaked that to you. Reince Priebus—if you want to leak something—he’ll be asked to resign very shortly,” Scaramucci continued.

It was a shocking breach of protocol, and an amusingly ironic one, given that Scaramucci had called Lizza to gripe about leaks to the press.

The Mooch

And because this guy is clearly angling for the title of Most Batsh-t Member of the Trump Staff, he didn’t stop there.

Launching into an impression of Priebus, Scaramucci remarked:

“Let me leak the f—ing thing and see if I can c—-block these people the way I c—-blocked Scaramucci for six months.”

He then turned his attention to Bannon, complaining that the former Breitbart chief is using his posittion to boost his public profile.

“I’m not Steve Bannon, I’m not trying to suck my own c—,” Scaramucci said.

“I’m not trying to build my own brand off the f—ing strength of the president. I’m here to serve the country.”

Astonishingly, Scaramucci isn’t denying the comments, but has vowed not to indulge in any further tirades:

“I made a mistake in trusting in a reporter. It won’t happen again,” he tweeted on Thursday.

Check out the full conversation between Lizza and Scaramucci over at The New Yorker.

Like a George R.R. Martin novel, the whole thing is worth a read, but not for the faint of heart.
