Showing posts with label Shelton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shelton. Show all posts

Friday, October 27, 2017

Uriah Shelton: 13 Reasons Why Actor Accused of Violence!

Uriah Shelton plays Pratters on 13 Reasons Why and played Joshua Matthews on Girl Meets World.

He has now been accused of some pretty serious violence. It’s enough that he has a court date … and is under a restraining order.

This … sounds bad.

A lot of Disney stars are truly wonderful people. Whether they go on to great success or fade into relative obscurity after their time as teen actors, they’re still treasures.

But that is, unfortunately, not always the case.

Remember when Sarah Hyland accused Matt Prokop of horrible domestic violence? She got a three-year restraining order against him, and the rest of us got a harsh dose of reality.

Because actors, even actors whom we all but watched grow up on Disney shows and movies, are just people. And some people are truly terrible.

Tragically, it looks like we have another name to add to that list of grim reminders.

This time, it’s an actor from Girl Meets World who has most recently starred in 13 Reasons Why.

Until now, 20-year-old Uriah Shelton was perhaps best known — outside of his acting roles — for his infamous feud with Girl Meets World costar Rowan Blanchard.

Though Uriah has acknowledged the feud publicly (sharing a message that he wrote to her that began with “I know you hate me,” even), we don’t know every detail.

It’s widely believed that Rowan and Uriah clashed over ideology. Rowan Blanchard is a very well-spoken feminist and advocate for minority rights.

Uriah Shelton has posted quite a few things that lead fans to believe that he feels very differently. Fans even noticed that he “liked” a post about the world not needing feminism.

That’s pretty cringey, but he was a teenager at the time and he’s still only 20. You figure that he has a lot of time to learn.

What he’s now been accused of is much more serious.

Uriah Shelton is accused of kicking a (now former) friend in the stomach.

According to documents obtained by People, the unnamed young woman was, until very recently, Uriah’s best friend.

(They also had a sexual relationship, so this may very well be counted as domestic violence even though they were friends with benefits rather than dating; it should count that way)

Apparently, the two of them argued after she attempted to block him from getting into his truck.

“I was standing in the way of his truck door [and] he kicked me in the stomach to get me out of the way.”

She describes Uriah as an “MMA fighter who competed [and] has won titles.”

(That is accurate — he was the 2006 ATA Tae Kwon Do California State Champion in all categories, “including sparring and extreme weapons.” He would have been just a kid at the time, but still)

The alleged kick sounds like serious business, as the unnamed young woman lists her injuries:

“Abdominal and chest trauma, internal muscle bruising, [and] inflamed intestines.”

Uriah also reportedly discussed his firearms collection in order to frighten her.

The court date is set for November 14th, but Uriah has been ordered to stay 100 feet away from his former friend and to attend therapy sessions in the mean time.

Interestingly, the report does not mention alcohol, even though … well, we’re struggling to think of another reason why she’d try to stop him from getting into his car.

(We’re just guessing, but maybe it will come out in court)

Sadly, tons of violence, domestic and otherwise, takes place without the involvement of alcohol, so this could be something else.

Either way, it’s a terrible thing to happen and pretty much the worst way for a friendship to end.

Uriah seems reluctant to comment on the incident or his upcoming court date, but a rep for him says that:he would “never harm another person.”

Which basically means that his rep was just doing their job and may not know much more than the rest of us.


Thursday, October 26, 2017

"13 Reasons Why" Actor Uriah Shelton Accused of Kicking Woman in Gut

Uriah Shelton — known for roles on “13 Reasons Why” and “Girl Meets World” — got slapped with a restraining order after he allegedly kicked his sorta girlfriend in the stomach. The woman describes Shelton as an ex-bff with whom she sometimes had…


Thursday, October 5, 2017

Miranda Lambert: Blake Shelton Ruined My Life!

Sometimes, exes get along. Not so for Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton. Even two years later.

That might make great fodder for Country music, but their conflict and hurt feelings can’t be great for them, personally — even though they’re both moving on with their lives, careers, and new partners.

But Miranda Lambert has reportedly given a no-holds barred interview about exactly what she thinks of Blake and how he ended their marriage, and we have a little preview of that.

Before Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani started dating, before they became one of the most publicized couples in the entertainment industry, Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert were a Country music power couple.

They weren’t the most widely reported on — Country music as a genre is usually in its own little world.

But since they were both big enough to have name-recognition by people who don’t consume Country music, they were both big deals on their own.

Together, they were unstoppable.

Until they stopped.

Both Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert are alleged to have cheated on the other.

Gwen Stefani’s account of how she first began to bond with Blake Shelton says that it was after she shared with her costars that she and Gavin Rossdale had split — and she shared why they had split.

Blake had come up to her and revealed that he had been through the same thing.

Keep in mind that Gavin Rossdale reportedly had an affair with the couple’s nanny, which Gwen is said to have discovered after a personal message between Gavin and the nanny was synced to a tablet that she viewed.

Having only had one serious boyfriend before she married Gavin, Gwen Stefani is the sort who takes marriage very seriously. Some spouses might have worked on the relationship. A few would have just ignored it.

Not Gwen, though.

So if Blake alleged that Miranda Lambert had put him through something similar, then he accuses her of cheating.

There was fallout among their friends and among their Country music peers.

Even though Miranda Lambert and boyfriend Anderson East (Miranderson?) recently celebrated two years together — just last month! — it’s more than plausible that Miranda still has a lot of unresolved anger over how their split went down.

According to Life & Style, Miranda Lambert is speaking out — two years later — in a no-holds barred new interview.

As reported by their insider, she talks about how Blake wronged her during their breakup and how that impacts her to this day.

“Blake blindsided her with the divorce and drove her out of their home.”

Remember — her belongings were literally placed outside.

That might be a very dramatic or even funny or satisfying scene in a romantic comedy, but that’s not appropriate in real life.

“It hurt her badly and profoundly changed her outlook on life.”

That’s so sad, but unfortunately not surprising.

Love can change your life, but a bad breakup can totally transform how you see the world.

Oh, and remember how we mentioned that there was fallout from that split?

“She was painted as the villain. And a lot of their friends in the industry took his side.”

We look forward to hearing her interview in which she says that.

We wonder if (and hope that) it will make the fake friends who started treating Miranda Lambert differently squirm in their seats a little differently, you know?

These days, at least, they’re moving on.

If the latest reports are to be believed, Miranda Lambert and Anderson East may elope rather than plan an elaborate wedding.

That could happen as early as this winter, during the holiday season.

There are theories that they might be racing towards marriage so that they can beat Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani to the punch.

And with hint after hint that Blake and Gwen want to tie the knot, including Blake Shelton’s new song that’s all about weddings, Miranda and Anderson will need to race against the clock if they want to reach that milestone first.


Friday, September 29, 2017

Miranda Lambert and Anderson East: Racing to Marry Before Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton?!

Well … this is nuts.

Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani seem to be close to tying the knot. Blake Shelton’s recent song was all about marriage, which … is not subtle at all.

But in the race between exes to actually tie the knot, it looks like Miranda Lambert intends to win. By any means necessary.

Have you ever heard one of those romance stories (probably in a movie) where a couple breaks up but they both meet new people and end up being way happier because of it?

Life … rarely works out that way.

But sometimes people who seemed like a solid match aren’t so well-suited for each other.

And sometimes they do both move on and find new people.

The trouble, of course, is that real life has rebound relationships.

That’s a real thing — not just something that bitter exes call someone’s new datemate. You get out of a long-term, serious relationship and suddenly you miss the companionship and affection and convenient sex. So you find someone right away, just to fill that void.

That thirst for a rebound is how Kylie Jenner got pregnant at 19. (She only just turned 20, folks)

In the case of Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert, they both ended up in serious relationships that have now lasted for a couple of years.

Blake Shelton’s relationship with costar Gwen Stefani — who had just gotten out of her marriage after reportedly being cheated on — has been more widely publicized.

In part because they’re costars on The Voice. In part because Gwen Stefani is a mainstream musician, and Country music exists in its own little world.

Miranda Lambert hooked up with fellow Country singer Anderson East, who we should note is ever-so-slightly younger than she is. They only recently celebrated two years together.

So … which of them is going to be the first to tie the knot?

According to InTouch Weekly‘s source, Miranda Lambert and Anderson East may just elope.

That’s not the sort of celebrity wedding that you’d expect.

Especially not when the woman in the couple is so well known that even non-Country fans recognize her name.

Reportedly, Miranda and Anderson had been looking at a “countrypalooza-type wedding.”

It would have had performances from their favorite Country stars (who are also their friends) and been a whole production.

Like a Hollywood wedding, but maybe in Tennessee or something.

But now … plans have changed.

“They are pushing to run away and elope by year’s end.”

October starts on Sunday, so year’s end is three months away.

“They’ll make time during the holidays to elope and have a honeymoon.”

That’s so soon!

Not inappropriately soon. They’ve been seeing each other for two years. So, you know, that’s fine.

But … we have to wonder what’s motivating this.

It’s not like “Miranderson” is especially camera-shy or publicity-shy or whatever.

So a big wedding wouldn’t be out of the question.

Are they concerned about their guest list feeling conflicted because of ties to Blake Shelton?

It’s also possible — and we’re just speculating, here — that Miranda Lambert has had enough with Blake and Gwen’s massively publicized relationship, and that she doesn’t want to read about them getting married when she and Anderson haven’t exchanged vows yet.

That might not be the healthiest reason, if it’s her motivation.

But elopements are a hell of a lot easier to plan than weddings.

Elopements are also cheaper — no matter how rich you are or how fancy your elopement might be.

(Well … not if you elope into space, but that’s not a thing quite yet)

We’re always leery of rumors of elopement.

Like, sometimes people make offhanded remarks about how they’d rather elope than keep planning their wedding.

Just because a friend takes it seriously and leaks it doesn’t mean that the bride or groom was doing anything more than venting or fantasizing.

On the other hand, there’s a lot to be said about eloping.

Many consider big weddings to be a wasteful industry — even when rich people do it.

So maybe Miranda and Anderson have the right idea.

But even if they’re planning to tie the knot in only three months, there’s still a chance that crazy-in-love Gwen and Blake might beat them to the altar.

We’ll see.


Saturday, September 9, 2017

Blake Shelton: Is His New Song About Marrying Gwen Stefani?!

Sometimes Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani are so cute they make you want to vomit, you know?

But like, in a good way.

It’s just so sweet how they found love after what seemed like such painful, dramatic divorces — remember, Blake split with Miranda Lambert, Gwen dumped Gavin Rossdale, and they were together just a few months later.

Every single time we see a photo of the two of them or hear them talk about each other, or even when we just hear a random report about them, we can’t help but smile.

Because of the cuteness.

And if you’re the same way, then Blake’s brand new music video will probably just destroy you.

Blake released the video for his song “I’ll Name the Dogs” yesterday, and it’s … well, it’s so precious it hurts.

Check it out, you’ll see what we mean:

Did you watch it?! Are you done crying all the happy tears yet?!

Good, then let’s start talking about how the song is almost definitely about Gwen!

Looking at the lyrics, it’s clear that Blake is singing about a woman he wants to marry: “I’m talking about you and me with the same street name, same last name, same everything.”

Throughout the song, he paints the most adorable picture of his ideal life together with this woman.

“Laying next to you every night sounds like a damn good life,” he croons.

As for the title of the song, he suggests all the different roles the couple could take — “You name the babies,” he sings, “and I’ll name the dogs.”

So this is a song about his love for this woman, a love so deep that he wants to marry her and have children with her.

It’s got to be about Gwen, right?!

If you still have your doubts, then just pair the lyrics with the video, which, by the way, features appearances by Gwen’s actual children.

If that’s not a sign, then what is?

But hey, you may still be doubtful, and that’s fine.

To convince you — or to push you over the edge, if you don’t need convincing — check out this report about Gwen’s reaction to the music video!

A source tells Hollywood Life that “Gwen cried the first time she saw the finished video.”

“The combination of the romantic lyrics that Blake sings just for her, seeing her boys on screen, and the surprise twist of it being an older couple getting married hit her right in the heart.”

“It was so emotional for her in so many ways,” the source adds.

Us too, us too!

The source claims that “She and Blake always talk about how they’re going to grow old together, that was the inspiration behind the surprise twist of having the bride and groom be seniors.”

“Between that and seeing her boys onscreen looking so grown up it was impossible for her not to cry.”

“She’s beyond proud of Blake and so honored that he sings such a beautiful song for her,” the source says, “she feels like the luckiest woman in the world right now.”

So, are they getting married now or …


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Gwen Stefani: Hiding Her Blake Shelton Baby Bump?!

Are you sick of hearing about all the Gwen Stefani pregnancy rumors yet?

Of course not — how could you be?!

Because, don’t forget, one day those rumors could finally be true.

And on that day, we’ll know that the world will soon be blessed with a precious little baby that is half Gwen Stefani, half Blake Shelton.

What a gift that would be, right?

But with all that being said, if you still can’t help but feel a little bit exasperated about all the many, many rumors, that’s normal.

For the past year or so, and especially for the past few months, it feels like we’ve been hearing that Gwen is pregnant every other day.

Every other minute, almost.

It’s exciting, but it’s also hurtful when time goes by and there’s no baby bump to be seen.

Except this time, for this particular rumor, that might not be the case!

According a source close to Gwen who spoke with Hollywood Life, “Gwen’s body language lately has been that of someone that is in the early stages of pregnancy.”

Meaning that “The way she has recently started to carry herself is the same as when she was carrying Apollo.”

“She is walking differently and holding her body differently, almost covering up or protecting her belly the exact same way she did last time she was pregnant.”

It sounds promising, doesn’t it?!

After all, Gwen has carried three children, it’s probably safe to say that the people close to her can tell the signs by now.

But there’s still more cuteness to hear about!

The insider also said something that we’ve been hearing for a while — if she is pregnant again, she hopes to have her first girl.

“She has always wanted a girl and she is really in love with Blake,” the source explained.

“She loves Blake and they are a perfect couple,” and “she would certainly be overjoyed to have his baby.”

Getting a little vague but still super precious, the source added that “Blake and Gwen are inseparable, they spend almost every night together and a baby might be on the way for the happy couple!”

It’s definitely possible — just earlier this month, we heard that Gwen has started using alternative medicine to help her conceive!

She’s allegedly been getting acupuncture, and she’s also said to be visiting with a Chinese herbalist with the goal of increasing her fertility.

She’s also been doing some hypnosis “because she knows there’s a huge mind-body connection and she’s got a good friend that swears that helped her get pregnant in her 40s.”

Though we already know getting pregnant in her 40s isn’t a big deal — she gave birth to her youngest child when she was 43.

So did the alternative medicine stuff work? Is she actually pregnant? Can be we expecting an announcement within the next few months?!

Unfortunately, only time will tell.


Friday, August 25, 2017

Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton: We"re Still In Love After 2 Years!

It’s hard to believe it’s been almost two years since the world learned that Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton are dating.

At the time, the relationship was widely regarded as a rebound fling.

But now that the Voice co-hosts have stood the test of time, many fans are wondering when the long-rumored Gwen and Blake engagement rumors will be confirmed.

Gwen isn’t showing off a ring just yet, but sources close to the singer say she and Shelton are happier than ever.

“It’s really been smooth sailing for them,” a source tells Entertainment Tonight, adding:

“They don’t talk about getting married, but they talk like they are going to be together forever. They are very committed to one another and their life together.”

The insider says that while Gwen is drawn to Blake for countless reasons, it’s his relationship with her kids – 11-year-old Kingston, 9-year-old Zuma and 3-year-old Apollo – that she loves the most.

Best of all, the insider says, the feeling is mutual:

“Gwen’s kids love Blake,” the source says.

“They think he’s really cool and he’s made such an effort over the last two years to really be able to relate to them and sign on to projects he knows they’ll be impressed by.”

As for the persistent rumors that Gwen is trying to get pregnant by Blake at 47, there’s been no official word, but those who know the couple best say it’s unlikely.

“Blake and Gwen are happy, totally in love and are not actively trying to have babies right now,” says one insider.

So why the constant pregnancy reports?

Well, the insider says much of the speculation is a resukt of Gwen’s physique.

“Gwen is so tiny, if she has a big lunch, she can appear to be 3 months along,” the source insists.

So it looks like for the time being at least, Blake will have to settle for being in love, rich, famous, and adored by Gwen’s three kids.

We’re sure he’ll cope.

Naturally, the approaching anniversary has sparked rumors that Blake will propose to Gwen to mark the occasion of their first date.

We suppose it’s possible.

But if we’ve learned anything about these two over the past two years, it’s that they love disproving rumors.


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton: We"re Not NOT Trying to Have a Baby!

There’s just something about Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton, isn’t there?

Something that makes even the most logical, sensible people lose their dang minds over the vaguest pregnancy rumor.

It makes sense — Gwen and Blake are pretty cute together, and they come from almost totally different worlds, so it’s very exciting.

And since they’re such different kinds of celebrities, they each bring large, totally different fan bases together to create one big happy family of Gwake supporters.

It’s so nice to see, really.

And if you happen to be one of those supporters, or even just someone who can appreciate a good love story from a reasonable distance, you’ll be pretty happy about this new report!

But first, a bit of bad news …

Even though the rumors that Gwen is pregnant with Blake’s baby have really been heating up lately, even more than usual, a source tells Hollywood Life that “Gwen is most definitely not pregnant.”

“Blake has been low-key hoping for a while that they might have a happy accident and Gwen would wind up pregnant again but for now that is simply not the case.”

As for the persistent rumors, the source explains that “Gwen is so tiny, if she has a big lunch, she can appear to be 3 months along.”

“But she is not … not now at least.”

It cuts a little, doesn’t it?

But here’s where things start to look up!

The source says that “Blake and Gwen are happy, totally in love and are not actively trying to have babies right now.”

“However, they are also not trying to not have babies … so they are leaving things to chance and fate.”

Another source says that if she did end up pregnant soon, “nobody would be surprised.”

And that’s because “Gwen’s made no secret of how much she would love to have a baby with Blake, and they haven’t been using contraception.”

So that’s two different sources claiming that Gwen and Blake aren’t trying to prevent pregnancy … could this actually happen? Finally? At long last?!

Of course, there is that small matter about biology … Gwen is 47 years old, and there’s a very solid chance that her baby-making days are behind her.

The source admits that “Obviously, given Gwen’s age, it’s a lot tougher for her to get pregnant naturally — but she’s incredibly fit, eats really healthily, and has never had any fertility issues, so it’s definitely not out of the question.”

As for Blake, he’s “always wanted to be a dad, and it’s something they’ve been talking about pretty much from the start of seeing each other.”

Apparently, the plan they made back then was for them to “try and get pregnant naturally, but if that didn’t happen, they were willing to try IVF, and if that didn’t work then they agreed that they would explore surrogacy.”

So even if she isn’t able to conceive with Blake, we could still end up seeing those two raising a child of their own together!

Sometimes the world sure can be a beautiful place, huh?


Saturday, July 29, 2017

Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton: Let"s Have a Baby Already!

From what we keep hearing, Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton are in love.

So in love. So very, very in love. Probably the most love anyone’s ever been in, ever.

Theirs is a love story like any other: they met on a singing competition show, and when both of their marriages fell apart at the same time, they healed each other.

That’s been almost two years ago now, if you can believe it, and ever since then, they’ve been 100% adorable.

They’ve been adorable on The Voice, they’ve been adorable at each and every public appearance they’ve made, they’ve been adorable on social media.

They’ve especially been adorable on social media when any or all of Gwen’s three sons with Gavin Rossdale are also involved.

Which leads us to out point …

Isn’t it high time they had a baby already?!

A two-year relationship is more than enough time in Hollywood to make the commitment of having a child together, and it’s obvious Blake is fatherly with Gwen’s sons.

So what’s holding them back from having one of their own?

According to a source who spoke with Hollywood Life — nothing!

Absolutely nothing is holding them back from making a baby, and the source even says that “Adding to their family is in the game plan for Gwen and Blake.”

“Gwen loves being a mom,” the source explains, “and as much as she thought she was done having kids, that all changed when she met Blake.”

“She feels like Blake is her true soul mate and there’s nothing she’d love more than to have a baby with him.”

Having a baby would be a very big decision though, and not just for the obvious reasons.

As we’ve said, Gwen is already a mother of three, and she’s also got a very busy schedule. A baby would seriously throw them for a loop.

And besides, she’s 47 years old right now — a time when most women have an extremely difficult time conceiving, if they can even conceive at all.

But whatever happens, Blake “isn’t putting any pressure on her.”

However, “they’re trying” to get pregnant right now, because having a baby together “is something he wants just as much as she does.”

What a darling little story, right?

And it would be so sweet to see Gwen have such a happy ending after the mess that was the end of her marriage to Gavin.

Make it happen, universe!


Friday, July 28, 2017

Blake Shelton to Miranda Lambert: Just Get Over Me Already!

Can you believe it’s already been two years since Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert got divorced?

Guess time flies when you dump your wife and get with a pop legend within about two seconds, huh?

Just kidding — Blake seems really happy with Gwen Stefani, and the heart wants what it wants and all that.

Besides, we heard rumors that both Blake and Miranda were cheating on each other, so perhaps it’s for the best that they split.

But what we’re getting at here is that it’s been two years since those two country superstars shocked us all with their quickie divorce.

It’s just funny how fast things can change.

And that thought came up because Miranda just opened up a bit about the divorce in a new interview with Billboard.

It’s interesting because she hasn’t talked much at all about what happened between her and Blake, or at least not as much as we’d all like.

She did release a pretty personal album late last year, with songs many speculated were about the split, but she didn’t promote the album much.

Suffice it to say, she definitely didn’t promote it by serving up any gossip that would’ve resulted in major headlines.

“I just didn’t need to talk about the record,” she explains in her new interview.

“If you want to hear my side of the story or my opinion of what happened, it’s all on there.”

“There’s no mystery anymore — take from it what you will.”

It’s also revealed that she wrote the single “Vice” the day we learned that they’d filed for divorce.

She says that she walked into the recording studio to write the song “with guns blazing. I just knew one thing: I didn’t want a breakup record.”

Miranda also says that it took her nearly a year to write the entire album, and “I was like, ‘Let’s feel it all."”

“I was ready to have the days where I can’t even stand up and the days where I’m celebrating.”

And that’s all fine, right? It’s not like she got super personal, she just shared a tiny glimpse of what she felt after the divorce.

But, according to a source who spoke to Hollywood Life, Blake isn’t too pleased with what Miranda said.

“Blake desperately wants to close the chapter in his life with Miranda,” the source explains.

“The proof was in his 2016 album, where everything on the record was his way of releasing his emotions about the divorce.”

“As much as he would like her not to talk about the divorce anymore, or at all, he respects that Miranda has to get over it in her way.”

So Blake released an album about the divorce, Miranda released an album about the divorce, and then she made a few statements about the album.

He’s seriously not cool with how that played out?

Couldn’t it have been much worse? Wouldn’t it be in almost every other high-profile case involving a celebrity split of this magnitude?

This source insists that “He doesn’t want to throw any gas on the fire and say what she is doing is bad or upsets him, because that would be unfair.”

“Blake knows what he’ll always be linked to Miranda in some way or another. But, he is now where he wants to be and hopes that she is as well.”

“Or at least is getting there.”

So right now, he’s just “not going to stress on it,” because “it is what it is.”

What a bunch of nonsense, right?

We all know Blake is happy with Gwen, and Miranda seems like she’s having a great time with Anderson East.

They’re both doing well after the divorce, and they both dealt with it in similar ways, so why would Blake try to get on a high horse and act like he’s more evolved than Miranda?

Honestly, sometimes Blake Shelton just needs to hush. It appears like this is one of those times.


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton: Secretly MARRIED?!

From reports that Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton are closer than ever to photos and video of the two celebrating Blake Shelton’s birthday together, it’s looking like these two are absolutely inseparable.

In fact, according to a new report, things between Gwen and Blake may have just escalated beyond inseparable and entered new, more official, territory.

According to what an insider told Life & Style Magazine, Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton were secretly married.

The source claims that the two “want to be together forever,” which most of us could have guessed given … everything.

“So they decided to just do it.”

That’s a little impulsive, especially without news of an engagement.

(Well, except for what may have been a botched proposal earlier this year)

According to the report, they wanted it to be just very close friends and close family, including Gwen’s kids.

Apparently, Gwen’s three were not only included, but Blake had bracelets made for all of them, depicting them as five stick figures as a family.

That’s all kinds of precious.

A representative for Blake Shelton responded that the story of these two having a secret wedding was simply:

“Not true.”

Representatives aren’t officers of the court or anything, so they can straight-up lie if they really need to.

They also don’t always know as much as they think that they do about the stars whom they represent.

Because we could see Gwen and Blake, both having hooked up right after experiencing nasty breakups, not bothering with a big production and just getting married in secret.

Presumably after a secret engagement, though, right?

And they might not have as many of the usual concerns that stars do about a rushed marriage.

Gwen Stefani only had, what, one serious boyfriend before she married Gavin Rossdale?

This makes Blake her third boyfriend.

What we’re saying, basically, is that she seems to be someone who falls hard and “loves with her whole heart,” whatever that means.

(Which is also why Gavin’s alleged cheating with the nanny hurt so much)

And Blake Shelton projects an image of a guy who might just go “screw it” and tie the knot.

Also, where some stars might fret over pre-nups, they’re both loaded.

Gwen is worth something in the neighborhood of $ 80 million last we checked, with Blake worth about $ 60 million.

So yeah, there’s a disparity, but it’s hard to imagine that either of them are marrying for cash.

Even with as many details as this includes, we’re not sure that we believe this insider.

We feel like it’s likely that elements of that are true — the bracelet thing is so specific.

But maybe whoever it was misunderstood what they heard, and it was just a sweet gesture.

In fact, this little get-together sounds more like how you’d celebrate a private decision to get engaged, don’t you think?

There’s another reason that we’re not super convinced that this was a wedding, and it’s not because nobody was dressed in traditional wedding attire.

Gwen’s kids were there.

Kingston is 11, Zuma is 8, and Apollo is 3.

Now, most 11-year-old can keep a secret, especially one that’s important to their mom.

Some 8-year-olds can keep secrets.

3-year-olds cannot keep secrets. They absolutely cannot.

What exactly is the point of a secret wedding if precious little Apollo is going to accidentally “leak” it to Gavin Rossdale and who knows who else?

This whole story could even be the couple floating the idea of them getting married without a real engagement and seeing the response.

Though neither Gwen nor Blake seem the calculating type.

Surely they’ll have an engagement period, though.

No matter how in love they both are right now, they’ve both just “recently” been hurt in their previous relationship.

“Fools rush in,” as they say.

We were just talking yesterday about Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell’s wedding registry, and pointed out that their half-year engagement is going to be short, even by Duggar standards.

Surely this starcrossed power-couple will have a longer engagement than that, right?


Thursday, June 8, 2017

Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani: Still Together, Closer than Ever!

Fans of this unlikely couple had been so worried since stories emerged of a possible breakup.

But it looks like any issues have been resolved and that Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton are back on track.

In fact, based on Blake’s new statements, it sounds like they’re closer than ever!

These two might both be in the music business, but they come from completely different worlds.

Gwen Stefani is a pop icon with numerous hits

She’s very well-known in popular culture.

Blake Shelton is a musical titan … in the context of country music.

Country music has a huge fanbase, sure, and some of Blake Shelton’s name-recognition even spills over into popular culture.

Before these two were judges on the same show and became an item, your average person could probably only tell you much about one or the other, but not both.

But, despite effectively being from different planets, they met on The Voice and, in 2015, freshly broken up with their spouses, they began dating.

It turns out that they might not be as much of a case of “opposites attract” as people might think, though.

We have to keep in mind that Gwen Stefani only had, what, one real boyfriend before she dated and then married Gavin Rossdale?

She came from a fairly conservative background, which was probably part of why she took Gavin’s reported cheating so personally.

Plus, even with the most serious relationships, you don’t always need to be romancing a cultural clone of yourself.

Sometimes all that you need is chemistry.

Regardless, the Gwen and Blake have meshed together well, comforting each other after their respective breakups.

And then some.

Still, many had worried that the star-crossed romance had finally come to an end.

Well, Blake’s interview with Hoda Kotb assures the world that he and Gwen are rock solid.

“We’re just content and happy, and it’s just an incredible feeling,” he says.

“She’s my best friend.”

Yeah, it sounds like these two are still head-over-heels.

And this is coming up on a two-year relationship. That’s a long-ass honeymoon phase.

You know, a lot of people who get married or are considering marriage refer to “marrying their best friend.”

We don’t think that Blake’s necessarily dropping hints, but … maybe he’s subconsciously choosing words that betray his intentions.

It’s an exciting time for fans of these two songbird lovebirds.
