Showing posts with label Sheremet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sheremet. Show all posts

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Brandi Glanville & Dean Sheremet: Actually Dating?!

It’s been several years since Eddie Cibrian and LeAnn Rimes cheated on their spouses together.

Of course, some wounds never fully heal, and it seems that Brandi Glanville and Dean Sheremet may just now be realizing that the best way to get over their exes is to get under their ex’s exes.

Yes, there’s reason to believe that Brandi and Dean are gettin’ it on.

The rumors that Glanville and Sheremet are dating began back in May, when they randomly started popping up on one another’s social media pages and podcasts.

Then it turned out the reason they suddenly appeared so chummy is that they’re hosting a cooking show together.

Of course, that doesn’t definitively mean they’re NOT banging, right?

Either way, the rumor is alive and well again thanks to Brandi’s latest Twitter post:

Brandi captioned the above pic:

“Now their [sic] are 2 men allowed in my kitchen @Deansheremet and my baby Mason Cibrian -he made dinner tonight #killedit

Naturally, Dean re-tweeted it, which only got people talking even more.

Does it actually mean anything?

Well, we can’t say for sure, but Brandi had to know what she was doing when she tweeted it.

Sheremet is recently divorced and Brandi is so famous for being single that she was on a show called Famously Single.

So you have two eligible, semi-famous folks cooking together and tweeting hearts at one another.

We have no idea if these two will ever actually date, but you can bet something happened at some point.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Brandi Glanville & Dean Sheremet: Dating?!?!

File this one under “things that in retrospect, we probably should’ve seen coming.”

You may remember Dean Sheremet as LeAnn Rimes’ first husband, whom she cheated on with Eddie Cibrian before cutting him loose.

Obviously, LeAnn and Eddie went on to get married. (The couple celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary just last week.)

Sheremet later re-married as well, but it was announced last week that he and wife Sarah Silver are getting divorced.

Curiously, it was right around that time that Dean started spending a lot of time with none other than Brandi Glanville, aka Cibrian’s first wife and noted LeAnn-hater extraordinaire.

First, Dean went on Brandi’s podcast, where they discussed the painful realizations that their respective spouses were cheating on them.

Shortly thereafter, it was announced that Brandi and Dean will star on an upcoming cooking show together, where they’ll compete against other C- to Z-list celebrities.

We assume the top prize is another month of relevance.

Anyway, that was when we started to suspect something was up between these two.

Being a guest on a podcast is one thing, but teaming up for a reality show right after Dean’s divorce?

They know what message they’d be sending, and they were apparently cool with it.

Oh, and then there are these photos of Dean touching Brandi’s ass.

Not the kind of thing that co-workers normally do to one another (at least not without one of them going to HR immediately after).

Add to that the fact that Brandi recently said she’s banging a “famous” guy (a term that could describe Dean if you’re very loose with the definition) and we might have a match made in…well, not heaven, exactly. Post-divorce purgatory?

Whatever the case, they’re clearly doing it and that’s good enough us.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Brandi Glanville and Dean Sheremet Land New Cooking Show! Together!

While LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian continue to beg for work, their ex-spouses are actually doing quite well for themselves.

Brandi Glanville found life after marriage to Cibrian to be quite lucrative; she’s enjoyed success as a reality star on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, will soon appear on E!‘s upcoming series, Famously Single, has her own podcast, line of wines and book deals.

Meanwhile, Rimes and Cibrian can’t rub two pennies together, BUT AT LEAST THEY HAVE THEIR LOVE TO KEEP THEM WARM.

TMZ reports that Glanville and Sheremet have signed on for My Kitchen Rules, a reality cooking show based on one that has enjoyed success in Australia.

The show will pit teams of two against one another to see who can throw the best dinner event.  

Lance Bass, Andrew Dice Clay, Naomi Judd, and siblings Ray J and Brandy have already signed on, according to the site.

Yesterday, Glanville posted a photo to Twitter with Sheremet, more or less confirming that a cooking show is indeed happening.

“Let the games begin 💗 @Deansheremet -Don’t let me to close to the knives,” Glanville tweeted.

Sheremet is a chef and health and fitness coach, having attended the French Culinary Institute.

Last year, Sheremet told blogger Natalie Thomas what it was like meeting Cibrian on the set of Lifetime’s Northern Lights, before he discovered that Rimes and the actor were having an affair.

“He was a good looking guy. I just remember being like, ‘Oh, God, just another one of those Hollywood pretty boys,"” Sheremet recalled.

“If you’re in a room with him, he’s probably one of the most charming people you’ll ever meet. But I wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw this f—ing table…

“He just felt like one of those guys from the beginning. A total schmoozer. Very Hollywood.

“I never bought his schtick. But I wasn’t worried.”

All’s well that ends well, though.  Rimes and Cibrian are jonesin’ for work, while Sheremet and Glanville are making out like bandits.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Brandi Glanville to Dean Sheremet: Remember When Our Spouses Cheated on Us?

It’s been seven years since LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian cheated on their spouses with one another, but like the O.J. trial, their affair is back in the news these days.

Sadly, it’s not because someone produced a miniseries about the scandal that features John Travolta in an unconvincing hairpiece.

No, LeAnn and Eddie’s infidelity is once again making tabloid headlines because Mrs. Rimes-Cibrian’s cuckolded first husband is finally speaking out Dean Sheremet.

Doing so might get him sued by LeAnn, but Dean doesn’t seem to care, and we thank him for it.

In addition to sharing details about his marriage to LeAnn in his new cookbook, Dean recorded an interview for Brandi Glanville’s podcast earlier this week.

Naturally, it wasn’t long before talk turned to the affair that broke up both Dean and Brandi’s marriages.

The full episode won’t be available until Monday, but in a preview released today, Brandi shares the following recollection with her guest:

“I remember when we were at the pool hall, and we saw the sh-t go down,” Glanville says. “You grabbed my ass, and I was like, ‘Wait, I’m in the Twilight Zone.’ I don’t know if you remember this.”

The whole “Dean grabbing Brandi’s ass” thing is new, but we’ve heard about this notorious pool hall before.

Dean talked about the joint in another recent interview:

“I’ll never forget this,” the chef recalled. “There was this bar that everyone hung out at after set, and I remember coming down the stairs and seeing the two of them shooting pool together.

“I could just tell by the body language that everything had changed. … She’s shooting pool, shooting tequila, in a tight tank, tight jeans, over-the-knee boots, and she’s standing across from him, playing with the pool cue.

“All of a sudden, there was a huge shift. I totally felt foolish. I felt like this pathetic husband hanging around. I was very aware of how others were looking at me.”

Brandi has been throwing shade at LeAnn for years (and vice versa), so it’s nice to finally hear Dean’s side of things.

Sure, a lot of time has passed but when your wife’s affair with her co-worker makes tabloid headlines, we imagine it leaves some lingering resentment.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

LeAnn Rimes to Dean Sheremet: NEVER Talk About Me!

It’s been almost seven years since LeAnn Rimes left Dean Sheremet for Eddie Cibrian, and they’re both remarried now, so you would think the emotional scars would be more or less healed.

At the very least, you’d think that Dean would be the one who’s still pissed, but apparently it’s LeAnn who just can’t move on from the whole messy affair. 

According to a letter obtained by In Touch, LeAnn was not happy when she learned that Dean makes a couple passing mentions about their life together in his new cookbook.

The missive from her attorneys threatens Dean with legal consequences if he makes LeAnn look bad in any way.

Dean says they have nothing to worry about, and correctly points out that he’s allowed to write about the events of his own life.

“The lawyers wanted to know what details I included about LeAnn,” Sheremet tells the tabloid. “I just don’t get it. She already killed my happiness the first time around. [It’s like], ‘Move on already, LeAnn. I’ve moved on!’ 

“I worked very hard on this book and I’m proud of it. I’m on people’s radar because of my past with her. I can’t erase my past; I referred to it and was very respectful. I’m not the one who cheated.”

Sheremet married Sarah Silver in 2011, and he’s mostly kept mum on the topic of his marriage to LeAnn. 

Our guess is Mrs. Rimes-Cibrian got tired of feuding with Brandi Glanville and decided to try a new foe on for size.