Showing posts with label Slaves. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Slaves. Show all posts

Monday, January 14, 2019

TMZ Live R. Kelly Alleged Sex Slave"s Family Demands Meeting


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TMZ Live R. Kelly Alleged Sex Slave"s Family Demands Meeting

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Allison Mack: New Details Emerge on Sadistic Treatment of Sex Cult Slaves

Former Dynasty star Catherine Oxenberg’s daughter, India, was one of the reported sex slaves within NXIVM and DOS. With the arrest of the cult leaders, that nightmare is over.

Within the organization, women were allegedly blackmailed and branded at the behest of Keith Raniere and Allison mack.

In Catherine’s new book, she shares the harrowing details of what has been revealed to her about life within the nightmarish sex cult. Take a look:

Catherine Oxenberg’s new book is titled Captive: A Mother’s Crusade to Save Her Daughter from a Terrifying Cult.

That might sound like it’s melodramatic or, worse, the title of a Lifetime movie. But having a child trapped in a sex slave cult in which you don’t know what’s happening to them is frightening.

The only thing worse, perhaps, is when you finally learn what is happening. And that is what Catherine did as she consulted with multiple women about what they say happened.

Keith Raniere may be the leader of NXIVM, but Allison Mack was a “master” within the sex-slave cult.

“I would hear from many slaves that Allison was also very territorial about Keith,” Oxenberg writes in her book.

She was allegedly his fanatical servant, determined to please him by selecting women and ordering them to have sex with him.

But apparently this task made her feel jealous of the women who were, after all, obeying her orders.

“And,” Oxenberg writes, Mack “felt threatened and jealous of each woman she sent to have sex with him.”

“Which resulted in her being very punitive and sadistic as a master,” Oxenberg reports.

That makes a twisted kind of sense. If you’re providing someone with lovers because you’re devoted to him, you might also resent those lovers if you feel that you should be the one in bed with him.

Combine that with Mack being allegedly in charge of “discipline” for the slave women and you get a recipe for suffering.

In fact, Mack was said to be an incredibly strict taskmaster.

Oxenberg writes that Allison Mack is “obsessed with penance and weight.”

The slave women were reportedly subject to blackmail and other punishments while required to make themselves “perfect” for Raniere.

“They also had to give collateral every month,” Oxenberg writes. “And keep closely to their starvation diets.”

As we all learned late last year, Mack and the other women are said to keep themselves to starvation diets, limiting their caloric intake to an alarming degree and also exercising.

This is allegedly part of what they need for self-improvement or whatever, which makes it curious that Raniere himself does not do any of that.

Oxenberg also reveals some details of the tasks that Mack would allegedly assign to the slave women.

There was more to it, it seems, than a simple instruction for a woman to bed Raniere.

For one thing, it’s said that Mack would give them permission to enjoy the sex.

Additionally, Oxenberg writes that Mack would instruct the women to “let him take photos of you naked afterward.”

This was apparently “to prove you’ve completed this assignment.

Mack would allegedly order the women with naked photos to “send them to your master.”

Oxenberg apparently learned this from speaking with multiple former “slave women” from NXIVM’s internal group, DOS, which is an acronym for a latin phrase meaning “dominance over the slave women.”

We can only imagine the heartache that she must have felt — and must still feel — knowing that her own daughter was recruited and, incrementally, manipulated step by step until she was one of these women.

The heiress who bankrolled Keith Raniere and NXIVM tried to suggest that the abuse allegations are just sex-shaming, but the allegations aren’t that Raniere engaged in sex.

The allegations are that, through blackmail and brainwashing, Raniere and Mack gave this women no choice but to allow themselves to be branded and bedded at his will.


Thursday, April 26, 2018

Allison Mack: Watch Her Recruit More Sex Slaves

Now that Allison Mack has been arrested for her alleged role as a “master” in a sex slave cult that masqueraded as a women’s empowerment pyramid scheme, people are taking a harder look at her history.

There are videos of her out there praising the organization, and it seems likely that prosecutors are going to look into that.

She’s being charged with sex trafficking, and her recruitment videos could be key evidence in that case.

Allison Mack is charged with sex trafficking, sex trafficking conspiracy, and forced labor.

Like alleged cult leader Keith Raniere, known as “Vanguard” within the cult and to whom Mack answered, she was hiding out in Mexico prior to her arrest.

Mack was returned to the US and charged.

She has since been released from jail on $ 5 million bond — which some find curious, considering that she was arrested in another country.

She has also been ordered to stay away from everyone else involved in Nxivm.

In the video that we included for you at the top of this article, you can listen to Allison Mack sing the praises of Jness.

This was in 2013, before the world had heard what Mack was really up to.

According to the explosive reports about Mack, Nxivm begins as a series of seemingly innocuous courses for women — referred to as Jness.

When Mack’s Smallville costar Kristen Kreuk was involved with the organization, that’s as far as she got. She then parted ways with them, while Mack became hooked.

Per the accusations, Jness is theself-help stepping stone that leads someone from a person seeking empowerment to being a Nxivm sex slave with Keith Raniere’s initials branded onto their body.

So it is alarming to hear Mack singing the praises of this cult, knowing that fans who feel directionless or out of inspiration might be drawn in by seeing their celebrity talk about it.

“Working for Jness I think is the most gratifying thing that I’ve ever done,” Mack says in a recruitment video disguised as a Q&A.

And she has a lot more to say.

“It’s the most challenging thing I’ve ever done because it consists of working with a group of people in a way that is totally interdependent.”

Well, there’s a whole hierarchy of “masters” and “slaves.” At the top is Raniere, followed by Mack.

“Meaning we’re all working together and no one is ever punished and no one is ever told that they’re wrong or they’re bad.”

That is contrary to what reports have claimed, which say that Mack herself doles out punishments to disobedient “slaves,” including forcing them to take cold showers or more obvious physical punishments.

“The most important thing in working on Jness is the relationships in Jness.”

That’s just about word salad.

Mack continues.

“I would say that working for Jness is the most satisfying and purposeful thing I’ve ever done.”

Some say that she’s a vicious predator, but others have come to her defense, saying that she’s been brainwashed and is a fellow victim.

“Watching the women who are involved with Jness completely transform and evolve in a way that is so pure is such a privilege.”

It’s said that every “slave” in Nxivm is required to go on what some describe as a starvation diet to keep themselves pleasing for Keith Raniere.

That goes for Mack, too.

Mack is said to have risen through the ranks of Nxivm because of her devotion to Raniere, but also because her celebrity status would help draw in more members.

In fact, it appears that she was even instructed to try to lure other celebrities to join.

Mack may have not seen any success trying to recruit Emma Watson and Kelly Clarkson as sex slaves.

But how many other victims did she lure to be brainwashed, blackmailed, and threatened with physical punishment?

Videos in which she praises Jness seem designed to do just that.

Prosecutors are sure to look into all of this at her trial.

It has been reported that she and Raniere could each be facing anywhere from 15 years to life in prison … if they’re convicted.


Friday, November 10, 2017

Allison Mack Praises Alleged Sex Cult, Recruits More "Slaves"

You know how Smallville star Allison Mack"s been outed as an alleged sex-slave cult master, second or third in command of the whole thing? We didn"t want to believe the allegations but … you have to see this.

In the video below, you can see for yourself how Allison Mack raves about Jness, one of NXIVM"s "empowerment" programs, in an effort to use her celebrity status to recruit more members.

And that"s not even the first time that she"s ranted, on camera, about how "wonderful" Jness is.

Allison mack raves about jness

Allison Mack is accused of being an extremely high-ranking member of NXIVM"s alleged sex-slave cult, DOS.

According to extensive allegations about NXIVM and DOS, women who join the cult surrender nude or incriminating photos of themselves that could be used for blackmail, go on starvation diets, and are required to take cold showers.

Most sensationally, as first revealed by The New York Times" expose, the women are branded in their pubic region with the initials of Keith Raniere.

NXIVM presents itself as a self-help organization with a hierarchy, but was accused of being a pyramid scheme of sorts for ages — well before the abuses within were revealed.

The expose that came out this year detailed how the women are subjected to corporal punishment if they fail to do sufficient recruiting on their own.

To make matters more disturbing, Allison Mack is now believed to be Keith Raniere"s second- or third-in-command, and has been described as "both a perpetrator and a victim" of the brainwashing and abuse within the alleged NXIVM cult.

The video below, in which Allison Mack actively promotes NXIVM"s "empowerment" program, Jness, is pretty alarming in a number of ways. But she"s been speaking Jness" praises on camera for years.

In a 2013 Q&A, Allison Mack had a lot to say when "a fan" asked the "totally not planted" question of what it"s like to work for Jness.

She spews a lot of word salad — that is, she uses a lot of words without saying much that is concrete or sensible.

"Working for Jness I think is the most gratifying thing that I"ve ever done."

Again, this is an actress who starred on a TV show that ran for 10 seasons.

"It"s the most challenging thing I"ve ever done because it consists of working with a group of people in a way that is totally interdependent."

She tries to define what she means by that.

"Meaning: we"re all working together and no one is ever punished and no one is ever told that they"re wrong and they"re bad."

That seems at odds with everything that we"ve heard about NXIVM.

"The most important thing in working for Jness is relationships in Jness."

That"s something that you"d expect to hear from a cult member about a cult. If somebody"s discouraged from having close friends who aren"t part of their religion or self-help group, something is wrong.

"And I"m not used to that, I"m used to the objective being met, I"m used to having, like, strict hard fast deadlines and lots of fear and punishment if I don"t get it right."

What does she mean by "lots of fear and punishment," exactly? Was there some scary stuff going on behind the scenes on Smallville if actors forgot their lines? We somehow doubt it.

"And in working for Jness, there isn"t any of that, so it comes purely from a place of self-motivation and self-direction."

Again, part of the recent allegations is a claim that "slaves" who fail to properly obey Allison Mack are subjected to corporal punishment.

The creepy, cult-like language increases … in fact, Allison Mack is starting to feel a lot like NXIVM"s answer to Scientology"s golden boy, Tom Cruise.

"And that is really difficult. But I would say that working for Jness is the most satisfying and purposeful thing that I"ve ever done. Watching the women who are in Jness completely transform and evolve in a way that is so pure is such a privilege."

Now, talking about "transforming" is innocuous on its own, as lots of people talk about that when they talk about improving their lives.

But using the word "pure" in this context is … a red flag. It"s just creepy language that"s probably been repeated over and over.

"And really literally seeing people"s life paths completely turn … where in one moment, they felt that this was all that they had and all that they could do, and all of a sudden they come through Jness and they start working with us and in our community."

When someone is branded, fearful of punishment, and subjected to a starvation diet, we"d imagine that they do seem to "change" pretty suddenly.

"It"s like a whole "nother life is born out of their new experience of themselves. And that"s an incredibly satisfying, gratifying thing to do."

"I think it"s challenging because I think Jness is an organization that looks to all participants to be 100% responsible for themselves and for their lives, so it makes it hard to blame people for mistakes that are made when you"re always looking at your own responsibility and participation in the situation."

That is barely intelligible.

"But that"s just hard for my ego and my pride."

It sounds like Allison Mack has been told that some of her original thoughts are just the products of ego and pride and need to be suppressed for her own well-being. That"s just a guess, though.

"Once I started the program I realized what I was looking for wasn’t a relationship, it was an experience about myself and in my life."

Well, allegedly seeking out sex partners and ordering them to Keith Raniere"s bed, which is what the claims say is one of her responsibilities, sure sounds like an experience.

"And once I  understand how to have that experience about myself and in my life for me, then I can have the relationship I want or not, but I’m okay in either circumstance."

That"s just an overly complicated way of saying "I need to know myself before I date," but … there seems to be a lot more behind the scenes.

"Going forward into my life from this place with that recognition I feel like the possibilities are endless and there’s no fear of shooting what I want for ideally, there’s not reason to settle because any way I look at it I’m going to be good, and that’s awesome."

If you"re noticing that she"s using words and phrases in strange ways, a lot of cults have insulated language habits that they use to exclude outsiders, reinforce their ideas, and forge a sense of belonging.

"We have a much more joyful and a much more efficient existence."

Yeah, that sounds like a line that aliens would say right before they extract your brain.

"Working for Jness is grounding and satisfying and humbling and wonderful."

Again, we don"t think that Allison Mack is deliberately behaving in a predatory manner.

There"s nothing sinister to her intentions.

Accusations suggest that she was recruited at a vulnerable point in her life and probably started off in the "normal" self-help parts of NXIVM, and it"s claimed that she was gradually brainwashed like the others — and, because of her celebrity status, promoted.

As you"ll see in this video, though she"s always been a slender gal, Allison Mack looks shockingly gaunt.

We"re not body-shaming her or concern-trolling, we"re just alarmed by the starvation diets that have been reported to go on within NXIVM. It"s claimed that Allison Mack consumes only 500 to 800 calories a day.

Though Allison Mack is accused of perpetrating abuse to other cult members, we have to wonder where — after brainwashing — accountability begins and ends.

Allison mack praises alleged sex cult recruits more slaves

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Ben Carson Said WHAT About Slaves?!?!?!?!?!?!?

In his first official speech as Housing and Urban Development Secretary, Ben Carson made a few controversial remarks while addressing HUD employees in Washington, D.C. on Monday.

What sort of controversial remarks?

The sort that make you wonder how Carson has lasted this long as a human being…

… let alone how he was confirmed as a member of a Presidential administration.

"That"s what America is about, a land of dreams and opportunity," Carson said as part of his rambling speech, adding:

"There were other immigrants who came here in the bottom of slave ships, worked even longer, even harder for less.

"But they too had a dream that one day their sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters, great-grandsons, great-granddaughters, might pursue prosperity and happiness in this land."

You may want to read that second sentence again. And maybe again after that.

Because Ben Carson really did refer to slaves – the same slaves who were violently snatched from their homes, chained up, tossed into a ship and then forced to do a white person"s bidding – as "immigrants" who wanted to come to America and who simply worked hard for a low wage.

Shortly after the video below went viral, celebrities jumped on Twitter in shock and the opposite of awe.

“Ben Carson..please read or watch Roots, most immigrants come here VOLUNTARILY, cant"t really say the same about the slaves..they were stolen,” Whoopi Goldberg wrote in response, while Samuel L. Jackson added:

“OK!! Ben Carson….I can"t! Immigrants ? In the bottom of SLAVE SHIPS??!! MUTHAFUKKA PLEASE!!! #dickheadedtom."

We know it"s difficult to believe that anyone would utter these words.

But it really happened!

See for yourself in the following footage:

Ben carson refers to slaves as immigrants who worked for low pay

Monday, October 12, 2015

Kris Jenner: Treats Staff Like Slaves, Secretly Smokes!

Certainly, no one is surprised to hear the Kris Jenner is a total piece of sh*t.  Not only did Kris ruin Scott Disick’s life, she also treats non-family members terribly.

According to this week’s issue of Life & Style magazine, Kris Jenner treats her staff like her personal slaves. The magazine interviewed one of Kris’ former employees.  And the story that was told was u.g.l.y.

Apparently, Kris is so difficult to work for that she can’t keep a permanent staff: “She is on her fourth assistant this year alone. She is super moody and wants everything to be perfect all of the time.”

“If one little thing goes wrong, it’s like the end of the world! She is very scary,” the source explained.

Not only does she treat her staff terribly, she makes them lie for her!  The source dished that Jenner is a “secret smoker,” and that she hires staff for the sole purpose of buying her cigarettes.

Part of their job responsibilities is to hide her disgusting smoking habit from her children.

We would praise Kris for hiding her cigarette addiction from her kids if it weren’t for the fact that everything else she does as a parent is terrible.

Other staff members are required to do tasks Kris could definitely do herself, such as shopping for groceries and filling up her Rolls Royce with gas.

According to the source, every week, she demands that her staff throw away all of the food in the house so that they can buy new groceries. They are then expected to organize the refrigerator and ensure everything is in a straight line with labels facing forward.

Life & Style’s source also said that the only person in the house that is remotely kind to the staff is Kris Jenner’s younger boyfriend Corey Gamble.

Rumors claims that Kris wants to marry Corey Gamble to boost KUWTK ratings.  Let’s hope she does so that someone can treat the staff kindly.