Monday, October 12, 2015

Kris Jenner: Treats Staff Like Slaves, Secretly Smokes!

Certainly, no one is surprised to hear the Kris Jenner is a total piece of sh*t.  Not only did Kris ruin Scott Disick’s life, she also treats non-family members terribly.

According to this week’s issue of Life & Style magazine, Kris Jenner treats her staff like her personal slaves. The magazine interviewed one of Kris’ former employees.  And the story that was told was u.g.l.y.

Apparently, Kris is so difficult to work for that she can’t keep a permanent staff: “She is on her fourth assistant this year alone. She is super moody and wants everything to be perfect all of the time.”

“If one little thing goes wrong, it’s like the end of the world! She is very scary,” the source explained.

Not only does she treat her staff terribly, she makes them lie for her!  The source dished that Jenner is a “secret smoker,” and that she hires staff for the sole purpose of buying her cigarettes.

Part of their job responsibilities is to hide her disgusting smoking habit from her children.

We would praise Kris for hiding her cigarette addiction from her kids if it weren’t for the fact that everything else she does as a parent is terrible.

Other staff members are required to do tasks Kris could definitely do herself, such as shopping for groceries and filling up her Rolls Royce with gas.

According to the source, every week, she demands that her staff throw away all of the food in the house so that they can buy new groceries. They are then expected to organize the refrigerator and ensure everything is in a straight line with labels facing forward.

Life & Style’s source also said that the only person in the house that is remotely kind to the staff is Kris Jenner’s younger boyfriend Corey Gamble.

Rumors claims that Kris wants to marry Corey Gamble to boost KUWTK ratings.  Let’s hope she does so that someone can treat the staff kindly.