Showing posts with label Stuck. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stuck. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Horny Dog Attempts to Mate, Gets Stuck in Tiny Door

Forgive the obvious pun, but:

The canine featured in the following story just put a brand new spin on the term doggy style!

Say hello to Keeta, a five-year old American Bulldog who lives in Leicester, England and whose owners say was recently in heat.

According to the BBC, Keeta was looking out the window this week when she spotted a male dog who was totally her type.

So she went to race out the tiny cat door in order to get down to boning business… only to learn the hard way that she’s too big for said cat door.

Hence the photo above.

But here’s the thing: Keeta managed to rip the door right off, allowing her potential mate to sneak through the hole and for the two dogs to STILL get it on.

Keeta’s owner then walked in during the act (awkward!), scaring the male animal off.

The owner proceeded to call the Leicestershire Fire Service and, upon their arrival, the firefighters spent 20 minutes maneuvering the plastic panel safely off Keeta’s head.

“We don’t know whether they’ve done anything or not,” Keeta’s owner told the BBC.

“The other dog was smaller, a little terrier, but you don’t know. She had that thing stuck on her head so she might not have been in a good mood.”

Or, hey, perhaps Keeta likes to role play and she was taken on the role of Doggy Damsel in Distress. Who are we to judge?!?

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Man Calmly Gives Interview While Stuck in Tree

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new contender for Most Bizarre Television Interview of the Decade.

In the following video, Austin, Texas resident Kenny Packer gets on the phone with a couple of anchors from local station KVUE.

They"re asking him about his experience driving around in the recent floor and what he went through upon getting stuck in a tree while out driving.

Packer explains that he was able to escape his vehicle and climb up said tree in order to await rescue and… wait! WHAT?!?

The anchors are then taken aback (very far aback!) when they learn that Packer is still stuck in the tree!

He"s very calm, however. He"s just "a little cold" and looking all around, seeing nothing but water in all directions.

"I did Boy Scouts for 20 years, so I know how to keep my energy up and keep warm, so I’m doing fine," Packer calmly tells the reporters.

There"s video included in the following footage from inside Packer"s car, provided to the station by Packer"s wife, who was not with him on this adventure.

Following the interview, Parker was rescued by authorities after a few hours and brought to safety.

So he"s fine. No harm, no foul, right?

But check out the Q&A below to see the anchors" reaction upon learning their subject"s situation and give Packer some credit.

We hope we can remain this chill in the face of crisis. The dude is stuck in a tree, with nothing but water all around him!

Man calmly gives interview while stuck in tree