Showing posts with label Vienna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vienna. Show all posts

Friday, January 12, 2018

Vienna Girardi Grieves Miscarried Twins on Scheduled Due Date

Last August, former The Bachelor contestant (and winner) Vienna Girardi suffered a tragic miscarriage. Grief-stricken, she reported that she had lost both twins.

That was five months before her due date.

Now that what what would have been her due date has come, Vienna is posting about how she’s coping — and not coping — with her loss.

Back in June, we were so happy to report that Vienna Girardi was not only pregnant, but expecting twin daughters.

On August 5th, Vienna Girardi tragically miscarried. On August 13th, she was finally ready to share the sad news.

“My water broke due to the amniotic sacs rupturing. I spent the next 2 days in the hospital trying everything to save them.”

A heartbreaking and desperate fight. One that she and the doctors ultimately lost.

My little angels went to Heaven on Aug 5. And I was rushed into the OR for emergency surgery and was in the ICU for 4 days.”


“Your mommy will never forget you and I loved you both with my entire heart.”

On Wednesday, January 10th, Vienna Girardi posted an update on how she’s doing:

“Today should have been a day to rejoice and celebrate life… today was my due date.”

Sometimes, something as simple as a date on a calendar can break your heart all over again. It’s tough to ignore.

“Instead I’m finding it hard to even get out of bed, hard to smile or feel anything at all.”

That is very understandable. Grief can seem to suck the life out of you and rob you of any sense of hope or joy.

She describes what sound like serious depression symptoms, and she doesn’t try to sugarcoat things.

“I feel numb as I stand outside watching my dogs; it’s wet and gloomy as if the world knows and feels my pain.”

She says that one thing has gotten easier: wearing a facade that everything’s fine and normal.

“Each day has gotten easier to for me to put a smile on and pretend everything is ok but not today.”

Coping with grief can be a fake-it-until-you-make-it process, but on some days, everybody has to drop the false smile.

“I can’t pretend today.”

Just because she can’t seem to feel happiness doesn’t mean that she’s entirely numb.

“I’m hurting, I’m sad, and I feel empty.”

And she continues:

“I still wondering why and I still get angry and today I’m mad and sad and just want it to be ok to feel this way.”

She ends her post with a broken heart emoji.

Very appropriate.

Different people respond to different situations in different ways. Just because you may know someone who “shook it off” after a miscarriage doesn’t mean that someone else’s sorrow is somehow invalid.

And, chances are that the people who “dealt with it” didn’t, actually — that they’re just better at hiding it.

It’s good that Vienna is sufficiently in touch with her emotions that she can describe exactly what she feels and what she doesn’t — what she can’t — feel at this point in her grieving process.

That will help her to heal.

That … and time. Nothing can make it better, but time can make it easier.


Monday, August 14, 2017

Vienna Girardi Suffers Miscarriage of Twin Daughters

Vienna Girardi has made a heartbreaking announcement.

The former Bachelor suitor – who earned a proposal on Season 14 from Jake Pavelka, but split from the reality star several months later – revealed on Facebook that she has suffered a miscarriage.

Girardi had been pregnant with twins and was 18 weeks along when the tragedy hit.

She broke this exciting news to fans back in early June.

“On Aug 3rd, I went in for an ultra sound bc the Perinatologist notice one of my twins had more fluids than the other which was the first sign of TTTS(Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome) this is when one twin takes more nutrients than the other,” Girardi explained, adding:

“They said that it did look like it had improved over the last week though.”

She proceeded to go into more sad detail about what happened:

“Unfortunately, that was not the case and that evening my water broke due to the amniotic sacs rupturing. I spent the next 2 days in the hospital trying everything to save them.”


Girardi wrote that physicians told her she would have to deliver the children or risk losing her own life – at just 18 weeks, though, the twins had “a very slim chance under 5%” that they would survive.

“So as any mother would do I did everything to save them but their hearts stopped beating on day two which is also when I went into septic shock with 104 fever,” she tragically continued.

“My little angels went to Heaven on Aug 5th and I was rushed into the OR for emergency surgery and was in the ICU for 4 days.”

We truly cannot imagine what this must have been like for Girardi.

We cannot imagine what she is going through right now.

Girardi lives in Orlando and is engaged to Todd Allen.

After lying in bed for days and mourning her loved ones, she made the brave choice to donate the twins to science in the hopes that scientists will one day learn more about TTTS.

“This was the hardest decision I have ever had to make in my life but I knew my little girls were in Heaven already and the pain I feel I would never want any mother to ever feel.”

She concluded as follows:

“I don’t know why this happened and I pray the Lord gives me strength to understand why he needed my little girls,” she concluded.

“RIP My Sweet Angels. Your mommy will never forget you and I loved you both with my entire heart.”

Girardi’s rep Richard Harlow told People Magazine that his client hosted a gender reveal party just four days before the tragedy took place.

She nearly died.

“Her heart is heavy,” Harlow says.

“Having cried with her, I can honestly say this is one of the worst things I’ve experienced with my close friend and client of 7 years.

“It’s a devastating experience. She wants everyone to know how much she loved her little babies.”

Please join us in sending nothing but the best wishes to Vienna Girardi.


"Bachelor" Winner Vienna Girardi Announces Miscarriage of Twins

“Bachelor” winner Vienna Girardi announced tragic news this weekend about the miscarriage of her twin daughters. Vienna — who won  Jake Pavelka’s season of “The Bachelor” in 2010 – took to Facebook Sunday to reveal she suffered a…


Thursday, June 8, 2017

Vienna Girardi: I"m Having Twins!

Bachelor “Villain” Vienna Girardi isn’t just pregnant, though that would be news enough.

She’s expecting twins.

Vienna Girardi wasn’t just a contestant on Season 14 of The Bachelor — she won Jake Pavelka’s heart in the final episode.

And then the two of them split.

But you could argue that her real claim to fame was their interview about their breakup.

She accused him of being a habitual liar and of saying truly nasty things to her after about the first month of their post-Bachelor relationship.

Jake accused her of, basically, being nuts. And of cheating on him.

And of selling their story — or her version of it —  to the tabloids while they were still basically together.

That last part, at least, is true.

Honestly, neither of them came across in a flattering light in that interview.

So it’s really for the best that they didn’t stick together.

Vienna hasn’t been especially visible over the last few years, aside from a few relationships and a dramatic stint on a relationship rehab show.

We all know that there are some reality personalities who refuse to vanish from headlines for even a moment.

Vienna’s, for the most part, given the world some space.

But she hasn’t disappeared altogether, either.

Last October, she got engaged to race car driver Todd Allen.

And now she’s pregnant — with twins, no less.

A lot of parents would be freaking out at this point, but Vienna seems to be all kinds of enthused.

“Twice the blessing, twice the fun,” is written on the picture of her ultrasound.

That’s a good attitude to have, because having twins also means more than twice the work, twice the chaos.

And let’s not even get into the diaper business.

Of course, she’ll only be adding to the legions of babies produced by the many, many contestants who’ve appeared on The Bachelor and Bachelor-related properties over the years.

She’s previously stated that she doesn’t watch reality television anymore — because she knows that it’s not especially real.

But she certainly made an impression.

What remains to be seen is how much growth she’s had since she was the whiny and emotional trainwreck we all knew and tolerated.

Sometimes the qualities that make for a good reality star are the exact opposites of what make someone a good mother.

But you know, even based solely on the fact that she hasn’t been desperately throwing herself into the spotlight, we’re feeling a little optimistic.

Plus, sometimes having kids can really change people.

Even in ways that no one expects.

One day, these kids are going to be old enough to realize who their mom is and to look up her reality TV shenanigans.

That’ll be interesting, to say the least.

In the meantime, well … twins are a handful.

Even for celebrities.
