Showing posts with label Wisdom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wisdom. Show all posts

Friday, February 2, 2018

Philadelphia Eagles Fan Gets Wisdom Teeth Removed FREAKS OUT Over Super Bowl

Well, the another Super Bowl is upon us, and because we"re still living on the darkest timeline, that means the Lombardi Trophy will almost certainly be heading back to New England, and another ring will soon be on Vladimir Putin"s finger.

But don"t tell that to Rutgers University student Haley Parks.

Haley is a diehard Philadelphia Eagles fan who recently had her wisdom teeth removed.

Those two facts may seem unrelated, but when Haley emerged from anesthesia, the Birds and the big game were the first things on her mind.

We know, we know – you"ve seen plenty of wisdom teeth videos, and the trend of parents filming their blathering, drugged up children and then putting the results on YouTube is getting old.

But this one is special.

Not only is it freaking hilarious, but Haley has some interesting predictions about Super Bowl LII.

On top of that, Haley has a message for all you fairweather fans out there:

“You now what I hate? I hate fans that are fans now that weren’t fans,” she says to her mother, who"s somehow not doubled over with laughter.

“If they were 0 and 16 I would still be their friend!”

And people say Eagles fans are a stain on the NFL!

Okay, so maybe most of them are, but you can bet everyone west of Massachusetts will be pulling for the Birds on Sunday!

Win this one for Haley, boys!

Philadelphia eagles fan gets wisdom teeth removed freaks out ove

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Man Breaks Up Fight, Imparts Wisdom, Becomes Viral Hero

We sometimes toss around the word "hero" too loosely at The Hollywood Gossip.

We"ve used it to describe the person who started a GoFundMe page to keep Betty White alive in 2016.

And we also used it to compliment a woman who went undercover to spy on her best friend"s date.

But the following video really does feature someone who can appropriately be talked about in heroic terms.

We don"t know his name.

But footage of this man walking up to two boys who are engaged in a fight in the middle of the street has gone crazy viral; it"s been viewed over 3.5 million times.

In the video below, we see the stranger do his best to talk sense into these young men, telling them they actually aren"t so young after all and it"s about time they started to act like adults.

He points to so-called friends of theirs, standing around and laughing and recording their actions, egging them on, wanting them to be enemies.

And he refuses to leave until the combatants stop their immature silliness and shake hands.

Among those who have seen and praised the video? LeBron James.

"So dope!!! #Salute the homie who stepped in and spoke real to our young generation. We all need a word or 2 to help," wrote the NBA superstar in response to the footage.

Added professional wide receiver Torrey Smith on Twitter:

"This is a REAL man right here! Y"all youngins need to watch and learn from this video about your "friends"…salute to this dude!."

And former Major League Baseball utility man Jerry Hairston, Jr. chimed in as follows:

"More MEN are needed in this world like this. #RealTalk."

Go ahead and see what all the excitement is about.

Click PLAY:

Stranger breaks up fight imparts wisdom becomes internet hero

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Girl Gets Wisdom Teeth Removed, Is SHOCKED to Find Out She"s Kylie Jenner

Post wisdom teeth-removal videos are all the rage these days, because we all know there"s nothing funnier than teenagers whacked out of their minds on drugs.

Just kidding, kids! You should only do drugs that are administered by doctors – and you should always make certain that an adult is there to record your hilarious reaction and post it all over the Internet.

In the past year we"ve seen post-oral surgery teens wonder why Beyonce never showed up after their procedure, and complain that they thought the dentist would give them breast implants while they were out.

But the delusions of those kids seem downright plausible compared to those of Emma, who"s featured in the clip below.

You see, when Emma emerged from her twilight sleep, she didn"t think she would meet a celebrity, she thought she was a celebrity.

Hilariously, Emma seems downright pissed when she discovers she"s Kylie Jenner and her parents are Kris and Caitlyn.

Fortunately for us, her mom has the good sense to play along for a bit. Moments like this don"t happen every day.

Of course, it"s ridiculous that Emma would come out of surgery all frazzled and think that she"s Kylie.

After all, we"re pretty sure going under the knife doesn"t faze Kylizzle one bit, if ya know what we mean.

Girl gets wisdom teeth removed is shocked to find out shes kylie

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Girl Gets Wisdom Teeth Removed, Wishes For Bigger Boobs

Over the years, we"ve seen some pretty amusing behavior from folks who just had their wisdom teeth removed.

There was the girl who professed her love for Ryan Gosling, the girl who thought  her post-op anesthetic haze put her in the perfect mental state for the Ice Bucket Challenge, and now we give you Wishful Thinking Boob Job Girl.

Between the heavy dose of drugs she was given and the mouth full of gauze, it can be hard to tell what WTBJG is saying, but you"ll get the gist enough to understand that she felt that if the docs were gonna yank her back row of molars, they could"ve been nice enough to hit her off with some implants, as well.

"It"s not nice that they didn"t do that too," says WTBJG upon realizing her breasts haven"t been surgically enhanced.

We"re with you, Wishful Thinking Boob Job Girl. We don"t want to live in a world where medical professionals don"t take it upon themselves to perform unplanned cosmetic procedures once we"re under the gas. Thanks, Obamacare.

Girl gets wisdom teeth removed wishes for bigger boobs

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Yeezus Speaks: 16 Pearls of Kanye West Wisdom

Kanye West has done some crazy things over the years, such as interrupting Taylor Swift at the MTV Video Music Awards and such as marrying Kim Kardashian.

But he"s also said some crazy things, on a nearly daily basis.

Below, we"ve collected a bunch of Kanye West quotes and we"ve left it to readers to decide: Is he crazy? Or is he a crazy genius?

1. We All Make Mistakes

We all make mistakes

But not everyone learns from them as well as I do.

2. I’m Not Perfect

Im not perfect

I did marry a woman known for having sex on camera, after all. But don’t diss my music!

3. I Will Change the Entire World

I will change the entire world

If I do say so myself.

4. Reading is Not Fundamental

Reading is not fundamental

Not when you’re so busy writing, people! Writing history, that is.

5. Music Trumps Slavery

Music trumps slavery

Or something to that effect. All I know is that I’m more important than Nelson Mandela.

6. Be Proud!

Be proud

And I will raise my daughter to be a proud non-reader, dammit!

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